Digestive, Circulatory, and Respiratory Test Digestive: What is the

Digestive, Circulatory, and Respiratory Test
1. What is the function of the digestive system? To allowed food to be absorbed by breaking
large molecules of nutrient into small molecules.
2. Enzymes in the mouth break down food into what? starch
3. What force moves food through the digestive system? Peristalsis (muscle contractions)
4. What is the function of the mouth, esophagus, and stomach?
mouth- chew and break down food with enzymes
esophagus- muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach
stomach- organ that churns and mixes the food with acid
5. Name the organs where nutrients are broken down. mouth, stomach, small intestine, and
large intestine
Respiratory and Circulatory:
1. What are the 3 functions of the circulatory system?
a. attack disease-causing microorganisms (WBC)
b. carry oxygen, glucose, and needed materials to cells
c. carry wasted from cells
2. What is the function of the atriums? to receive blood that comes into the heart
3. What is the function of the ventricles? to pump blood out of the heart
4. Why does a person's heart rate increase during exercise? oxygen needs
5. What are the three blood vessels? What are their functions?
1. veins- carry blood to the heart
2. arteries- carry blood away from the heart
3. capillaries- carry needed material to and from the cells
6. Which chambers of the heart have deoxygenated blood? Oxygenated?
right atrium- deoxygenated to right ventricle- deoxygenated to the lungs
from lungs left atrium- oxygenated to the left ventricle- oxygenated to the body
7. How is your pulse rate related to your heart beat? if the pulse rate increases your heart beats
faster and vice versa
8. Name the four components of blood and describe their functions.
plasma- clear liquid of the blood
platelets- helps blood to clot
red blood cells - carries needed materials to the cells such as oxygen and glucose
white blood cells- attacks disease-causing microorganisms
9. What is the function of the respiratory system? to bring oxygen into the body
10. What is the name of the flap of tissue that covers the trachea when you shallow food/liquid?
11. Which structures in the respiratory system are divided into smaller and smaller tubes and
resemble tree branches? bronchial tubes
12. Where specifically does blood gas exchange occur in the respiratory system? alveoli
13. What effect does pneumonia have on the lungs and respiratory system? it decreases the
efficiency of the blood gas exchange because fluid is covering the lungs
14. Which type of blood vessel surrounds the alveoli? capillaries
15. How does the heart and lungs work together to provide oxygen to the cells?
The lungs supply oxygen to the blood and the heart delivers the blood to the body
16. Name the structures of the respiratory system.
nasal cavity, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchial tubes, alveoli, lungs
17. What mineral in the blood attracts oxygen molecules and gives the blood the bright red
color? iron
18. Be able to label all the chambers of the heart and the aorta when given a diagram.