Plan 28 Sep-2Oct

Physical Science Daily Lesson Plan
Day & Date:
Monday, September 28, 2015
SPS1. Students will investigate our current understanding of the atom.
a. Examine the structure of the atom in terms of
proton, electron, and neutron locations.
atomic mass and atomic number.
atoms with different numbers of neutrons (isotopes).
explain the relationship of the proton number to the element’s identity.
Learning Goal:
Students will identify the locations of protons, neutrons and electrons in the atom. Students will
identify an element by the number of protons present.
Kickoff/ Activating Strategy: KO: Revisit top 3 missed questions on test (my classes - suspension, Charles’ Law, endothermic)–
students attempt to answer similar question again.
(5 min.)
Teaching Strategies:
Return Unit 2 tests
Procedures/Technology/Perfo WC- Deconstruct the standards for Unit 3
Students download Atoms HD free app
rmance Tasks: (35 min.)
Direct instruction – basic atomic structure (protons, neutrons and electrons – location, relative
mass, charges, etc.)
Differentiation: Students may work with seat partners to check their work/thinking
Summarizing Strategy:
TPW: Students will demonstrate their learning by completing “On the inside” from the OLC
(10 min.)
Kickoff, On the inside work, Summarizer
Materials Needed:
iPad, internet access with wifi, OLC, MetaMoji Note, Atoms HD free
Physical Science Daily Lesson Plan
Day & Date:
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
SPS1. Students will investigate our current understanding of the atom.
a. Examine the structure of the atom in terms of
proton, electron, and neutron locations.
atomic mass and atomic number.
atoms with different numbers of neutrons (isotopes).
explain the relationship of the proton number to the element’s identity.
Learning Goal:
Students will construct (draw or do digitally) Bohr models for basic elements on the periodic table
due to the number of protons/electrons in the element.
KO: Identify the location in the atom where protons are found, neutrons are found, and
electrons are found
Teaching Strategies:
Direct instruction: Atomic Number, Mass Number, Bohr Models and electron energy levels.
Procedures/Technology/Perfo Modeling: Teacher demonstrates how to correctly construct a Bohr Model
Students will practice constructing Bohr models for selected elements.
rmance Tasks:
(35 min.)
Differentiation: Students may work with seat partners
Summarizing Strategy:
(10 min.)
Paired Practice: Student partners will work together to construct Bohr models in the Atoms HD
Kickoff, On the inside work, Summarizer
Materials Needed:
iPad, internet access with wifi, OLC, MetaMoji Note, Atoms HD free
Physical Science Daily Lesson Plan
Day & Date:
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
SPS1. Students will investigate our current understanding of the atom.
a. Examine the structure of the atom in terms of
proton, electron, and neutron locations.
atomic mass and atomic number.
atoms with different numbers of neutrons (isotopes).
explain the relationship of the proton number to the element’s identity.
Learning Goal:
Kickoff/Activating Strategy:
(5 min.)
Teaching Strategies:
Performance Tasks:
(35 min.)
Summarizing Strategy:
(10 min.)
Materials Needed:
Physical Science Daily Lesson Plan
Day & Date:
Thursday, October 1, 2015
SPS1. Students will investigate our current understanding of the atom.
a. Examine the structure of the atom in terms of
proton, electron, and neutron locations.
atomic mass and atomic number.
atoms with different numbers of neutrons (isotopes).
explain the relationship of the proton number to the element’s identity.
Learning Goal:
Kickoff/Activating Strategy:
(5 min.)
Teaching Strategies:
Performance Tasks:
(40 min.)
Differentiation: Students’ testing accommodations will be followed based on their IEP’s.
Summarizing Strategy:
(5 min.)
Materials Needed:
Day & Date:
Friday, October 2, 2015
Physical Science Daily Lesson Plan
SPS1. Students will investigate our current understanding of the atom.
a. Examine the structure of the atom in terms of
proton, electron, and neutron locations.
atomic mass and atomic number.
atoms with different numbers of neutrons (isotopes).
explain the relationship of the proton number to the element’s identity.
Learning Goal:
Kickoff/Activating Strategy:
Teaching Strategies:
rmance Tasks:
(40 min.)
Summarizing Strategy:
Materials Needed: