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In addition, it is recommended to use your assigned BCPS external password. 5. In order to read and respond to the post, you click on the desired Post. 6. Read the post and leave a comment in order to participate in the post discussion. Once you submit the comment, you will notice that the comment cannot be published to the web until after the teacher’s approval. Logging Back In after your initial sign up: Login by entering the URL (your class) address. Hit “Login.” Find your name and then type in your password. DO NOT REENTER YOUR CLASS CODE. THIS WILL CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT. In order to receive credit for completing answers to the teacher’s posted question… Create a post to one of the discussion questions! Include the following in your post: 1. In the thesis paragraph, you should address how you are going to address the question. 2. Throughout the subsequent paragraphs, use and cite historical examples to support your thesis statement. 3. Remember, unless otherwise specified, you should include three examples or three supportive statements for each topic. (Of course, each topic should also relate back to the thesis statement.) 4. Be insightful & original with your response. 5. For essay questions, utilize essay format (about 5 paragraphs). In order to receive credit for completing Critiques to your colleagues’ responses. Create a minimum of two posts that address your peer responses to two different questions. 1. While utilizing the PQP (Praise, Question, and Polish) format, create a response to your peers’ essay. 2. Make sure to justify your response by using historical examples in your critique. 3. Be insightful & original with your response. 4. This post should be approximately 5-7 sentences. The following examples are used to demonstrate expectation in overall quality and essay structure. Keep in mind that the teacher views all of the posts before they are published. Posts that fail to meet such expectation (strong 2 or higher) will not be published; and therefore will receive no credit. In addition, all posts are expected to be completed by its due date. 4 (A): Your thoughts and reflections that were used to complete the assignment were well developed, clearly focused, and consistently supported by specific, relevant, and accurate information. Your analysis was in-depth and, when applicable, thoroughly confronts and discusses different points of view. 3 (B/A-): Your thoughts and reflections that were used to complete the assignment were developed, focused, and supported by relevant and accurate information. Your analysis was superficial, and, when applicable, acknowledges different points of view. 2 (C/D): Your thoughts and reflections that were used to complete the assignment were partially developed, somewhat focused and partially supported by information. Your analysis was illogical, and when applicable, refrains from acknowledging different points of view. * 1 (D/E): Your thoughts and reflections that were used to complete the assignment were poorly developed, lacking focus, and often off-topic. It includes irrelevant and/or inappropriate information. Your analysis was off-topic and/or does not exist.* EXAMPLE QUESTION FOR PART ONE ------------------------------------What was the role & importance that each of the following had on the Progressive Era? Discuss on three of the following: -Muckrakers -Theodore Roosevelt -William Taft -Woodrow Wilson Thesis Paragraph: Make sure to create brief overview of the historical era before creating a thesis sentence. Body: Write the essay. Make sure to include examples that support each of the topic sentences of each paragraph. (Make sure that the topic sentence of each paragraph is consistent with the thesis sentence). Make sure to bold or CAPITALIZE any historical event, legislation, concept, etc. that you refer to in your Essay. Conclusion: Briefly state how your Essay’s body supports the Thesis statement (Tying up loose ends!) Briefly make a connection of this time period with how it affects future US History. Example Response The progressive era was a period of social, economic and political reform in the United States that lasted from the 1890s to the 1920s. During this time period many groups of people fought for change in various parts of American society, like better working conditions, an 8 hour workday and better sanitation. Some of the most influential people that fought for reform in the progressive era were the Muckrakers, Theodore Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson. The muckrakers were journalists that wrote articles that exposed a wide range of issues like corruption in the government, poor sanitation in factories and child labor. The Muckrakers’ articles were a driving force behind much of the progressive era legislation. One of the most well-known muckrakers was Upton Sinclair. In his novel The Jungle, Sinclair documented the appalling sanitation conditions in factories. This novel led to congress passing the Meat Inspection act which declared that the preparation of meat shipped over state lines was subject to federal inspection. This law improved sanitation conditions in many U. S. factories. In his article “The Treason of The Senate” David G. Phillips exposed the corruption in the Senate. Phillips’ novel created public demand for the direct election of U. S Senators which led to congress passing the seventeenth amendment. The amendment allowed the public to directly elect senators. This prevented corporations from bribing state legislators to vote for candidates that would support their interests instead of the interests of the public. Finally, John Spargo detailed the horrors of child labor in his novel “The Bitter Cry of Children” this helped open the eyes of the public to the atrocities of child labor which led to congress passing the Keating-Owen child labor act. This law prohibited the sale of goods produced in factories that employed children under 17. This law helped reduce the amount of exploitation of children by corporations. President Theodore Roosevelt played a large role in the progressive movement primarily because he had to approve legislation passed by congress in order for it to become law. Roosevelt passed the HEPBURN ACT which further limited the power of bad trusts by expanding the power of the Interstate Commerce Commission to cover bridges, terminals, ferries, railroad sleeping cars, express companies and oil pipelines. Roosevelt also limited the power of bad trusts by approving the Elkins act which gave the Interstate Commerce Commission the power to impose fines on railroads that offered rebates, and on shippers that accepted rebates. Roosevelt also passed laws that favored conservation reform like the forest Reserve act which authorized the president to set aside public forests as national parks. President Woodrow Wilson was also a key figure in the progressive reform movement because he had to approve all bills proposed by congress before they became law. Many of the laws passed during his administration reformed factory labor. The ADAMSON ACT granted factory workers an 8 hour workday and additional pay for overtime work. Before the Adamson act was passed workers were forced to work as long as the corporations felt was necessary, and they generally did not get paid for overtime work. Many labor unions fought for a shorter workday but most were unsuccessful. Wilson also approved the Workingmen’s compensation act which provided federal civil service employees with compensation for wages lost because of job-related illnesses. Wilson also passed laws that limited the power of trusts, and restricted the powers held by industries. The Federal trade commission act allowed a presidentially appointed commission to investigate industry. In conclusion, The Muckrakers, President Roosevelt and President Wilson were all important figures in the progressive era. They each got legislation passed that placed heavier restrictions on industry, and improved working conditions in factories. Many laws that were passed as a result of the efforts of the progressive reformers still exist in some form today such as the Workingmen’s compensation act. EXAMPLE Post #2 & #3 (Critiques) due by Fri. (11:59 pm) One full paragraph: Remember to treat it as having a historical discussion. Make sure to reference historical examples (w/ elaboration) & content when having this discussion. In order to receive credit, your response should demonstrate understanding of content and/or new learning. Your response successfully cited specific examples and legislation passed during the terms help by the progressive presidents. You also did a good job of citing specific examples of muckrakers and their influence on the passing of progressive legislation aimed at social improvements. Additional examples of muckrakers you could’ve included are Ida B Wells and her attempt at exposing the lynching of AfricanAmericans, Dewey’s attempts to reform Public education, and Walter Rauschenbusch’s attempt for the Implementation of the Social Gospel among America’s upper-class citizens. As for the legislation passed by the progressive presidents, it would benefit your essay to include more diverse examples such as the Land preservation acts and the 16th through 19th amendments. The amendments gave a voice to the minority citizens who would not have a voice in politics otherwise, or attempted to reform the moral values of American society. The 17th amendment called for direct election of Senators, The 16th amendment Allow Congress to levy an income tax that could be used for infrastructure or for future social programs to improve society. The 18th amendment called for prohibition and the 19th amendment gave women the right to vote. The passage of these amendments would not have been possible without the support of the progressive era presidents.