LeNora Gray SMU 331 Technology Outline February 24, 2014

LeNora Gray
SMU 331
Technology Outline
February 24, 2014
Alfred’s Essentials of Music Theory
Student rates ($59.99), teacher rates ($249.99), Network packages ($599.99 for 5
users, +$40 for each extra user – $1,119 for 25 seats)
“The complete line of Alfred's EMT includes Student Books, Teacher's Answer Key,
Ear-Training CDs, Double Bingo games, Flash Cards, Reproducible Teacher's
Activity Kits, and interactive software for students and teachers in private study,
studio, and network settings, including the newest web version.”
Monitors student progress through grade report, recordings, and minimum grade
Offers 75 lessons ranging from dynamic markings to 12 bar blues chords
Lessons can be customized to fit the class OR the student's progress.
Music Theory and Practice by Musicopoulos
iPad or iPhone app
Great for music theory on any level
Contains frequently updated theory lessons
Different instrument settings for aural training
Drilling exercises for theory practice
Music Tutor
$0.99 or Free (advertisements)
Great app for quizzing note names in different clefs (treble, bass, treble/bass)
Trains sightreading ability
Timed quizzes with percentage accuracy
Rhythm Sight Reading Trainer
iPad or iPhone
Offers thousands of levels - varying difficulties
Over 200 exercises
Tracks accuracy and produces progress reports (with email option)
Rhythms included: 2/2, 4/2, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 7/4, 6/8, 7/8, 9/8
Trains rhythmic accuracy as well as left and right hand independence.
Ars Nova Software
Practica Musica program for theory practice and training
Numerous concepts presented in simplistic styles
Students can repeat activities as often as they please
Updated frequently
30 seat license for $850
Can be used by any grade
Effective aural training tool
Track student progress – scores, percentages, times, attempts, etc.
Criswell, C. (2014, February). Software in the Spotlight. Teaching Music, 21(5), 33-39.
Kassner, K. (2010). Using Music Technology in the Classroom. Retrieved from Harmonic
Vision website: http://education.fcps.org/trt/sites/default/files/karen/musictech.pdf