world war i - wwapushistory

1914 - 1918
“The world must be made safe for democracy."
With which of the following do you most agree:
A. War should be avoided at all costs.
B. War should only be fought to save innocent lives.
C. War is a noble pursuit.
D. War should be used
Key Question
What caused the United States to
enter the Great War, and what
impact did the war have on the
United States as a result of their
The Underlying Causes of the Great War
• Militarism
• Glorification of armed strength; the tendency to see military might
as the best tool for the expansion of a nation’s power & prestige.
• Why did militarism make it more difficult to avoid the
outbreak of war?
• Made it more tempting to resort to violence & to use weapons
developed as the result of industrialization.
The Underlying Causes of the Great War
• What predictors of war were in place before fighting
• European countries increased the size of their armies, navies, &
weaponry. They also made alliances for mutual protection.
• Ally
• Person, nation, or group joined with another for a common
• Why did European countries form alliances?
• To protect themselves
• Strengthen their defense
• Deter other countries from attacking them
The Underlying Causes of the Great War
• Early European Alliances
• Triple Alliance – mutual defense agreement between Germany,
Austria-Hungary, & Italy (1882)
• Triple Entente – mutual defense agreement between France,
Russia, & Great Britain (1907)
The Underlying Causes of the Great War
• Imperialism
• The policy & practice of exploiting nations & peoples for the benefit
of an imperial power either directly through military occupation &
colonial rule or indirectly through economic domination of
resources & markets.
• Nationalism
• spirit or aspirations common to the whole of a nation.
• devotion and loyalty to one's own country; patriotism.
• excessive patriotism; chauvinism.
• the desire for national advancement or political independence.
• the policy or doctrine of asserting the interests of one's own nation
viewed as separate from the interests of other nations or the
common interests of all nations.
The Underlying Causes of the Great War
• How did many Europeans’ idea of nationalism change
in the late 1800s?
• The began to reject the idea of a nation with different ethnic groups
& turn toward the idea of a nation representing a single ethnic
• How did nationalism & militarism both work to push
Europe toward war?
• Nationalism heightened tensions among ethnic groups,
exacerbated territorial disputes, & increased economic competition.
• Militarism led to new weapons technology & created an arms race.
• These two factors increased rivalries among nations & aggravated
tensions that already existed.
The Underlying Causes of the Great War
The Outbreak of War
• Assassination at Sarajevo – Gavrilo Princip of the Black
Hand assassinated the heir to the Austro-Hungarian
throne Archduke Franz Ferdinand & his wife on June 28,
The Outbreak of War
• Alliances Mobilize
• Austria declares war on Serbia with German support.
• Russia came to the aid of Serbia by declaring war on AustriaHungary, while Germany declared war on Russia & France.
• Germany’s refusal to recognize Belgium’s neutrality resulted in a
declaration of war against them by Great Britain.
• A chain reaction draws all European powers into the war.
The Outbreak of War
• Italy Changes Sides
• Italy refused to support the Austro-Hungarians & Germans because
they had acted as aggressors by marching through neutral
Allied Powers
Great Britain
Central Powers
Ottoman Empire
Early Events & Battles
• Battle of the Marne
• Germany’s march through Belgium almost succeeded, but the
French were able to halt their offensive before reaching Paris.
• Naval Warfare
• Great Britian blockaded the North Sea to cut off German
shipping. Germany used unrestricted submarine warfare in
the Atlantic to stop food & munitions from reaching Britain
A New Kind of War
• Industrialization led to new weaponry that had a
profound effect on the war:
• Mass production produced machine guns & artillery field guns,
which led to trench warfare & a stalemate on the Western Front
• Why did both sides embrace trench warfare as a
strategy to win the war?
• It was a response to the change in military protection. The
trenches offered protective defenses.
• What does an army sacrifice when it commits to
trench warfare?
• Mobility
• What is a stalemate?
• A situation in which neither side can make any further worthwhile
action; a tie; a defensive struggle.
A New Kind of War
• Other technology introduced during the Great War:
• Poison Gas
• Submarines
• Tanks & armored cars
• Airplanes
WWI Tech
Wilson’s Neutrality
• Why did some Americans not want to enter the war in
• They believed in isolationism.
• Their interests were not directly threatened.
• Believed a war would be too costly.
• Why did President Wilson fear that the war would pit
Americans against each other?
• With entry into the war, Wilson feared Americans of different
ethnic/national backgrounds would take sides & turn their anger
towards each other.
Wilson’s Neutrality
• In 1914 Wilson urged neutrality but many Americans
sympathized w/ certain nations (German & Irish
immigrants, but most allied with Great Britain)
• Strong US-British economic ties & a blockade of Central
Powers led the US to continue trade w/ Britain & shun
trade w/ Central nations- “arsenal of Allies”
• Germany began using submarine warfare in 1915 to
combat British naval domination
Preparedness vs. Pacifism
• Wilson did not intervene for either side because of
concern for his re-election chances & domestic division
that existed.
• Economic & militarily preparations were debated by
pacifists and interventionists. However, by 1916 military
armament was largely under way.
• Wilson won an extremely close 1916 election on the
slogan “He kept us out of war” & his ability to keep the US
independent, although Democrats barely held on to
Congressional majorities.
American Enters the Great War
• Sinking of the Lusitania & Sussex
• In May 1915 a German U-boat sunk the British passenger liner Lusitania
off the coast of Ireland killing 1200 including 128 Americans.
• In 1916 the French passenger ship the Sussex was sunk by Germany.
• U.S. President Woodrow Wilson warned that unrestricted submarine
warfare would bring the U.S. into the war & the Germans agreed to stop
this policy (Sussex Pledge).
America Enters the Great War
America Enters the Great War
United States enters the Great War
• Zimmerman Telegram:
• In 1917 German foreign minister Alfred
Zimmerman sent a secret telegram to
the German ambassador in Mexico that
instructed him to draw Mexico into the
war on Germany’s side with the
promise to return parts of the
Southwestern U.S. that they had lost in
the 1800s.
• The telegram was intercepted by the
British & passed to the United States
War Plans Change
• After the election, Wilson wanted the country unified and
justified it by entering the war. Felt the US should fight to
create a new progressive world order, but not for material
• In January 1917 Germany began an offensive & resumed
unrestricted submarine warfare to defeat Allies before US
Russian Revolution
• Discontent of the Russian
people forced Czar Nicholas
II to abdicate his throne on
March 15, 1917 ending the
Romanov Dynasty
• A provisional government
under Alexander Kerensky
was established but his
control was short-lived
Russian Revolution
• V.I. Lenin, leader of the
Bolsheviks or radical socialists,
overthrew the provisional
government on November 7,
• The Bolshevik Revolution under
Lenin established an adaptation
of Marxism, which we know as
Russian communism
Russian Revolution & World War I
• The communists signed peace treaties
with the Central Powers ending their
involvement in World War I.
• A Russian Civil War between the Reds
(communists) & the Whites (communist
opposition) lasted for three years.
• In 1921, despite Allied support of the
Whites, the Communists defeated the
Whites & established complete control in
America Enters the Great War
• What German actions led the United States to enter
the Great War?
• Germany on two occasions violated its promise to not sink
unarmed passenger ships.
• Germany sent the Zimmerman note to Mexico proposing a
German-Mexican alliance against the United States.
• The Russian Revolution
Isolation Ends – Pair & Share
Unrestricted Submarine
Warfare (Lusitania &
Zimmerman Telegram
Russian Revolution
America Enters the Great War
• War is declared – April 6, 1917 – In a war message to Congress,
President Woodrow Wilson calls for the U.S. to enter World War I on
the side of the allies in order to “ . . . protect the open seas and make
the world safe for democracy.”
Primary Source Analysis
Annotate, TTT Question,
& Document Analysis Worksheet
America Enters the Great War
America Enters the Great War
Pair & Share Connection Questions
Is it right for America to intervene in
foreign conflicts?
When American lives are threatened,
how should the government respond?
Should America go to war to make the
world “safe for democracy”?
Impact of U.S. Entry
• Immediately w/ US entrance the Allied navy was able to
dramatically reduce sinking’s in troop + supply convoys.
• In 1917, the withdrawal of Russian forces after Bolshevik
Revolution (Lenin) led Germans to put resources on
Western Front, Allies needed US ground troops.
• The American Expeditionary Force
• The US army was too small to supply needed troops. In April
1917, Wilson urged the passage of Selective Service Act to
draft soldiers.
• The AEF was diverse-- women served as auxiliaries in noncombat roles; African-American soldiers served in
segregated units or had menial roles
Military Struggle
• The US ground forces were insignificant until the spring
1918; the AEF under Gen John Pershing maintained a
command structure independent from other Allies.
• The US force tipped the stalemate & balance of power to
the Allies.
• Beginning in September, the US forced fighting in
Argonne Forest ; pushed Germans back & cut off supply
• At the 11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Monthe
(11/11/1918) the Great War ended w/ Allies on the
German border.
Organizing the American Economy
• The US appropriated $32 billion for the war- to raise money the US
government sold “Liberty Bonds” to the public & put new graduated
taxes on income & inheritance.
• To organize the economy Wilson created Council of National
Defense; but emphasis was placed on the Civilian Advisory
Commission tasked w/ mobilizing at local level.
• CND members urged “scientific management” & centralization; they
proposed dividing the economy based on function and not geography
w/ “war boards” coordinating efforts in each sector.
• The War Industries Board oversaw the purchase of military supplies,
under Bernard Baruch. It organized factories, set prices, and
distributed needed materials. Instead of restricting profits, the US
government entered an alliance w/ the private sector.
Labor & the War
• National War Labor Board pressured industry for
concessions to workers (8-hour day, living standards,
collective bargaining), but workers were forced to forgo
strikes. Right before war the Ludlow Massacre occurred
when striking miners were killed.
Social Impact of the War
• The economic boom created by the war resulted in
industrial production expanding that created opportunities
for female & minorities because of men at war.
• The war years saw a “Great Migration” of hundreds of
thousands of African- Americans from the rural South to
northern industrial cities. Southern poverty & racism led to
an appeal of Northern factory jobs. Growing black
communities near white neighborhoods sometimes
resulted in race riots.
• Women took higher-paying industrial jobs that were
unavailable in peace time.
Pair & Share
Worked in jobs that had been
traditionally held by men; joined the
Navy; served as Army Nurses
Moved to Northern cities for more
opportunities; served in the military
Migrated to industrial cities for
work opportunities
The Search for Social Unity
• Public sentiment was divided over US involvement in
war—the peace movement was supported by German
Americans, Irish who opposed Great Britain, as well as
religious pacifists, intellectuals and leftist groups.
• Peaces support also came from women’s movement-
maternal pacifism.
Selling the War
• Once America intervened most of country became
patriotic and supportive of troops.
• The Government was concerned about the minority in
opposition to the war. They believed victory was possible
only through united public opinion.
• The Committee on Public Information under George Creel
distributed pro-war propaganda—portrayals of savage
Contributions on the Homefront Activity
• Follow this link to complete the activity:
WWI Propaganda
Web Activity
"Wartime Propaganda" Web Activity
Complete Questions #1-4
Primary Source Analysis
Annotate, TTT Question,
& Document Analysis Worksheet
Preventing Dissent
• The Espionage Act of 1917 gave government the power to
punish spies and obstructers of the war effort & respond to
reports of disloyalty. The Sabotage Act and Sedition Act of
1918 made any public expression of opposition illegal
specifically targeted socialist groups.
• Local governments and private citizen groups worked to
repress opposition through “vigilante mob” discipline. Also the
American Protective League had thousands of members who
spied on neighbors to ensure unity of opinion in communities.
• Repressive efforts targeted socialists and labor leaders, but
also largely immigrants (Germans, Irish, Jews). “Loyalist”
Americans called for “100 Percent Americanism”. German
Americans faced fierce discrimination.
Fourteen Points of Peace
• U.S President Woodrow Wilson introduced his 14 points in a speech
to Congress in January of 1918 to “. . . End the causes of modern
• Wilson’s Fourteen Points addressed three areas: self-determination
and new boundaries; new international governance laws including
freedom of the seas, end to secret treaties, free trade, determination
of colonial claims; league of nations to implement points and resolve
future disagreements
• The Fourteen Points also was an effort to combat Bolshevik (Lenin)
aspiration to lead new postwar world order. The US established itself
through the points.
• The peace plan presented by Wilson raised morale of the Allied
troops as they entered the final stage of the Great War
League of Nations
• 14th & most important point
• President Wilson’s fourteen points were considered by the victorious
Allies, but were by no means adopted & put into practice
• Wilson realized that separate treaties made with each Central power
had not established a “peace of justice”, but he hoped the creation of
a League of Nations would be able to remedy problems created by
these treaties
League of Nations
• The League of Nations had two
main goals:
• To promote international
• To maintain peace by settling
disputes peacefully & by
reducing armaments
• The United States never
became a member of the
League of Nations, which many
believe was the reason for its
eventual downfall
Obstacles to Wilson’s Peace
• Wilson hoped popular support would help garner Allied
support for Points,
• However, most Allies were so decimated by the war and
so bitter against Germany that they focused only on
punishing the defeated Central Powers.
• British Prime Minister David Lloyd George and French
Premier Georges Clemenceau were determined to gain
• At home Wilson & the Democrats lost control of Congress
to Republican majorities in the 1918 election. Domestic
economic issues & Republican opposition weakened his
Paris Peace Conference
• The Big Four nations to negotiate a peace treaty were GB, France, Italy,
& the US.
• Wilson’s idealism was met by an effort by other nations to improve their
own lot. Concerns existed about eastern Europe and communism (US
did not recognize Bolshevik govt until 1933). His economic & strategic
demands suffered from conflict w/ cultural nationalism.
• Wilson initially rejected reparations demands from the Central Powers,
but the Allies forced him to accept the idea in order to keep Germany
weak & unable to threaten Europe.
• Wilson was successful in placing some colonies under a League of
Nations “mandate” system, that created Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia
• The Allies accepted “covenant” of League of Nations-- to meet to resolve
disputes & protect peace, Wilson believed problems w/ treaty could be
fixed by the League.
Treaty of Versailles
• Separate treaties were made
with the five Central Power
nations. The Versailles
Treaty was made with
Germany – terms:
• Germany agreed to pay heavy
• Germany agreed to not fortify
the Rhineland & the restored
nation of Poland received a
large area of German land
• Germany had to abolish
conscription & could not
maintain a reserve army or
manufacture war materials
Compare & Contrast
In pairs read, annotate, & identify arguments for & against
the League of Nations.
The Ratification Battle
• Americans used to isolation questioned the international
commitment they League of Nations required. Wilson
refused to compromise or modify the League.
• Opposition was lead by Republican “irreconcilables” who
wanted isolation, but also by personal hatred of Wilson by
Senator Henry Cabot Lodge. He wanted to delay so
public approval would subside & make the treaty an issue
in the 1920 election.
Wilson’s Ordeal
• Wilson began traveling the country to gain public support
for the treaty. The traveling and speaking tour
exacerbated his already bad health and he suffered a
stroke that rendered him incapable for weeks.
• His condition made his views of world in moral terms and
loathing for compromise stronger. When the treaty was
sent to the Senate for approval w/ “reservations”
(amendments) attached, Wilson urged Dems to vote
against it. Both the amended treaty and the original failed
to reach 2/3 majority to be ratified.
Other Results of World War I
• Austria is recognized as an
independent Republic
• Czechoslovakia &
Yugoslavia are created
• Ottoman Empire becomes
• Palestine, Trans-Jordan,
Syria, & Iraq were created
Veterans Day
Connection Question
Why do some experts say that today
the United States is the world’s sole