AP US History Assignment - Blue Valley School District

Welcome to AP US History with Mr. Smajda and Mrs. Benson. The 2015-2016
school year will be a very busy one as we prepare ourselves for a rigorous
Advanced Placement examination in May of 2015. Since this is a college-level
course that requires extensive background knowledge in all aspects of US History,
it is imperative that we get off the ground running in August. . Any student who
enrolls in such a class must be committed beyond the standard class
requirements. This assignment is as much a signal of that commitment as it is of
your capabilities. Because of the volume of the material that must be covered
before the exam in early May, it is necessary for all incoming enrolled students to
complete a summer assignment. This assignment will give students the chance to
practice reading strategies and study skills that can lead to success in the
classroom. Failure to complete this assignment will result in a serious impact on
your first semester grade
1) Read and answer the questions over chapters 1-5 of the American Pageant textbook. The
chapters are online and can be accessed here: NOTE: WE ISSUE THE AMERICAN
Chapter 1 (pdf file - 1.21 MB)
Chapter 2 (pdf file - 658 KB)
Chapter 3 (pdf file - 600 KB)
Chapter 4 (pdf file - 932 KB)
Chapter 5 (pdf file - 686 KB)
The questions and directions are included on the pages that follow. The format of this is similar
to what you will be required to complete for each unit starting next Fall.
If you have any questions about these assignments, please contact us immediately.
Have a great summer and be ready to go in August!!
Ch 1
All answers must be in sentence/paragraph format except for “Identify” questions. One
point will be taken off per question if this is not followed. However, “Identify” questions
which do not have to be in sentence format must still be complete in terms of explanation.
One point per question will also be deducted if the answer has been copied directly from
the book.
This first chapter of Pageant has rarely been used in APUSH; however, the new revised AP test
had more questions than originally we thought. Therefore, it is important to establish the basic
facts of the pre-Columbian era.
1. Where do historians believe the first settlers in North America came from and how did
they get here?
2. Describe some of the earliest civilizations known to exist in the western hemisphere.
3. What can be learned from Figure 1.1, The Columbian Exchange?
4. What is the significance of the Spanish encomienda system?
5. Briefly describe the expansion of Spanish America in the 16th and 17th centuries.
CH 2
The first permanent colonial settlement was in the South at Jamestown. Because it barely
survived, many lessons can be learned about what it would take to have a successful colonial
experience. The South was settled for primarily economic (rather than religious) reasons and
evolved into a region very different from either New England or the Middle Colonies. Historians
can see the foundations of the American political and economic system by studying the South
but can also see the roots of future disunity among the regions.
l. Make a chart showing the Social/Cultural, Political and Economic characteristics of the
colonial South or Plantation Colonies. Information can refer to specific colonies or can be
general characteristics of the region as a whole. This should be on a separate piece of blank
paper and done as comprehensively as possible. Fill the page with as much information as is
2. Identify the following:
a. Joint Stock Company
b. Jamestown & “Starving Time”
c. Anglican Church
d. Maryland Act of Toleration
e. Barbados Slave Codes
f. “Soil Butchery”
g. Maryland Act of Toleration
h. Virginia House of Burgesses
i. Powhatan Confederacy/Wars
j. “Rights of Englishmen”
j. Indentured Servitude
3. How was the development of the West Indies different from that of the American South?
What was the relationship of the South, particularly South Carolina, to the West Indies?
4. Explain how the following colonies were unique from the other Southern colonies:
a. North Carolina
b. Georgia
c. Maryland
CH 3
In addition to setting the foundation of American democracy, American morals and ethics are
rooted in colonial New England. The principles of the Puritan Ethic are very much a part of
modern America. The New England story also demonstrates the evolution of religious tolerance
and separation of Church and State in America.
5. Make a chart of the Social/Cultural, Political and Economic characteristics of colonial New
England. Follow the same instructions as on previous chart.
6. Identify the following:
a. Pilgrims/Puritans
b. Mayflower Compact
c. Town Meetings
d. Puritan Ethic
e. Fundamental Orders
f. Blue Laws
g. King Phillip’s War
7. Describe the significant characteristics of the Massachusetts Bay Colony which gave it such
prominence in New England colonial history.
8. How was Rhode Island unique from the other New England colonies?
9. Explain the difference between the New England Confederation and the Dominion of New
England? Which demonstrated the first seeds of colonial unity and why? Which demonstrated
the first seeds of colonial rebellion against the English and why?
Don’t forget to read the Varying Viewpoints Sections
The Middle Colonies were the most ethnically mixed of the colonies. It was also where there
was the most religious tolerance and social mobility. Except for New York where there was a
strong aristocrat influence, these colonies had the largest middle class of English America.
10. Make a chart of the Social/Cultural, Political and Economic characteristics of colonial New
England. Follow previous instructions.
11. Identify the following:
a. Navigation Laws
Salutary Neglect
New Amsterdam
New Sweden
Duke of York
“Bread Basket” Colonies
12. Why are the Middle Colonies sometimes referred to as exemplifying the “middle way”?
13. What was unique about the colony of Pennsylvania?
14. In the Historical Viewpoints section, list the major questions historians have concentrated on
in examining this colonial period.
CH 4
Social class conflict was an issue in colonial America particularly in the South. This was not
only a struggle between red and white or black and white but between rich and poor.
15. Identify the following terms:
a. Chesapeake Region
b. Headright System
c. Slave Codes
d. Tidewater Aristocrat vs. Piedmont Poor
16. What were the causes and circumstances of Bacon’s Rebellion? How did it affect
indentured servitude? How did it affect the institution of slavery?
17. How was New England life (families, towns, way of life, etc.) different from the other
colonial regions?
CH 5
The tone of future Anglo-American relations is set by four major issues/events- social class
conflict, economic/trade patterns, religious renewal and the evolution of a unique American
political system. As you read this section consider the impact these events have on our decision
to revolt from England.
18. Describe the Scots-Irish. Who were they and what role did they play in the political
development of colonial America? What role would they play later in the Revolution?
19. Explain the Triangular Trade System.
20. What was the Great Awakening? Who were the “new light” preachers like Jonathon
Edwards? What was the lasting effect of the Great Awakening?
21. Describe and give the significance of the Peter Zenger Case.
22. What were the relationships of the various colonial legislatures and the English government
(Royal v. Proprietary v. Self-governing). How was taxation determined and by whom? What
was meant by the term “power of the purse”?