Retreat PPgoals2.21.14F


Progress on Goals


Completed/In Place

SDICCCA policy role, Leadership

Team, WDC, Sector Task Force – working well

Voting Process, Regional Response to Grants Process – approved

SB 1070 Career Pathways supported

Subcontracts/mini-grants processes revised

Baseline of consortium contacts from industry completed

Industry preferred messaging channels survey completed

In Progress

Strengthening K-12 partnerships

Marketing plan/industry awareness – included with website development/redesign

College Engagement/Curriculum Alignment


Not Started

Evaluate marketing plan

New Objective Needed for 2014-15?

Integrate DSNs/COE/Career Pathways more fully into WDC

Increase outreach to business and industry

Completed/In Place

Website/Marketing Task Force convened

Other regional consortium websites evaluated

SDIC Consortium website evaluated

Key website requirements/branding concepts developed

RFQ developed & responded to

Vendor: Business on Market Street contracted for website development

In progress

Website design

“Looking for a Career” being updated

New Objective Needed for 2014-15?

Build “Looking for a Career” sortable by sector, program, college on website

Implement web-based marketing plan

Evaluate use of website

Completed/In Place

Reconfirmed sectors through 2014-15

In Process

Reviewing & amending sector selection process if needed – scheduled for March WDC meeting

New Objective Needed for 2014-15?

Conduct sector selection process to select/confirm sectors for 2015-16

Completed/In Place

Industry Sector Advisory Committee schedule in place – completed in June 2014

Research Plan for LMI demand & supply gap analyses on target

Partnership with SDWP on LMI research going exceptionally well

Sector Advisory Committee(s) composition regional in scope

In Progress

Assessing sectors for opportunities to leverage community college efforts

Creation of specialized list serves for sectors

(website contract)

Need for technical resources & referral hubs

(website contract)

Creation of inventory of curriculum, industry partnerships, program articulations by sector

(“Looking for a Career,” SB 1070)

Not Started

Collaborative Communities for the five sectors & Agriculture

Enrollment/completion information for special pops by five sectors

Review by WDC of special pops student success rates

Provide professional development on enhancing special pops success rates

WDC identify regional strategies to improve success rates of special pops in five sectors

New Objective Needed for 2014-15?

Respond to gap analyses/recommendations from regional sector advisory committees

Complete additional LMI research as needed

Create sector collaborative communities

Monitor student success of special populations and provide staff development

Completed/In Place

WDC agenda – knowledge of Launchboard discussed

Launchboard workshop held for region by CalPassPlus

In Process

Participating in regional, statewide, & national efforts to leverage student success rates

Review data collection options for course offerings not now captured by CCCCO

(available through self-reporting on


Not Started

Develop plan to analyze impact of regional data utilizing Launchboard and suggest action plans

New Objective Needed for 2014-15?

Coordinate regional workshop on use of

Launchboard as needed

Support 2 regional members as Launchboard trainers, assisting local colleges

Codify local inputting of data into

Launchboard to insure uniformity and scalability

Present regional data regarding student success to WDC on a regular basis

Regional Structure

Collective “WE”


Sector Advisory Committees/Gap Analyses

Partnership with SDWP and others

Grants Collaboration

Career Pathways Work

Interest/support – use of Data


Broad Goals for 2014-15
