Chapter 3 PREFIXES Prefix aabadambiananaanteantiautobi- & binbrachybradycaccatacenticircumcontradedecadidia- Definition no, not, without, lack of, apart away from toward, near to both no, not, without, lack of, apart up, apart, backward before, forward against self two, double, twice dif- & disdys- apart, free from, separate ec- & ectoend- & endoep- & epieuexexoextrahemiheterohomeo- & homohydrohyperhypoininterintramal- out, outside, outer short slow bad, poor down one hundredth around against down, away from ten two, double through, between bad, difficult, painful, abnormal within, inside, inner upon, over, above good, normal out, away from out, away from outside, beyond half different similar, same, likeness, constant water above, beyond, excessive, above normal below, under, deficient, below normal not, in, into between within, into bad, poor Example(s) a/mnesia; a/pnea ab/norm/al ad/duct/or ambi/later/al an/algesia ana/phylaxis ante/partum anti/gen; anti/bio/tic auto/troph bi/later/al bin/ocul/ar brachy/cardia brady/pnea cac/hexia cata/bol/ism centi/meter circum/cis/ion contra/cept/ion de/nat/ure deca/gram di/narco/tic dia/meter dia/gnosis dif/fus/ion dis/locat/ion dys/phagia dys/pnea ec/top/ic ecto/derm end/aur/al endo/card/itis epi/lepsy epi/gastr/ic eu/pnea ex/cis/ion exo/crine extra/corpora/al hemi/plegia hetero/sexu/al homeo/stasis homo/gen/ous hydro/therapy hyper/tens/ion; hyper/pnea hypo/tens/ion; hypo/pnea in/continence inter/cost/al intra/uterine mal/format/ion megamesometamicromillimonomultinullioligopanparaperipolypostpreprimipropseudoquadriretrosemisubsupersuprasymsyntachytriuni- large, great middle beyond, over, between, change small one thousandth one many, much none scanty, little all beside, alongside, abnormal many, much, excessive after, behind before, in front of first before, in front of false four backward half below, under, beneath upper, above above, beyond, superior together, with together, with fast three one mega/lo/mania meso/theli/oma meta/physic/al micro/cephal/us milli/liter mono/nucle/osis multi/para nulli/para oligo/meno/rrhea pan/cyto/penia para/plegia; para/meter peri/cardi/um poly/uria post/opera/tive pre/nat/al primi/uria; primi/tive pro/bio/tics pseudo/cyesis quadri/plegia retro/vers/ion semi/lun/ar sub/cost/al super/lingu/al supra/ren/al sym/physis syn/cope tachy/pnea tri/somy uni/lateral DEFINE THE EXAMPLE(S) USING THE PREFIXES, ROOTS, and SUFFIXES in the back of your textbook. a/mnesia a/pnea ab/norm/al ad/duct/or ambi/later/al an/algesia ana/phylaxis ante/partum anti/gen anti/bio/tic auto/troph bi/later/al bin/ocul/ar brachy/cardia brady/pnea cac/hexia cata/bol/ism centi/meter circum/cis/ion contra/cept/ion de/nat/ure deca/gram di/narco/tic dia/meter dia/gnosis dif/fus/ion dis/locat/ion dys/phagia dys/pnea ec/top/ic ecto/derm end/aur/al endo/card/itis epi/lepsy epi/gastr/ic eu/pnea ex/cis/ion exo/crine extra/corpora/al hemi/plegia hetero/sexu/al homeo/stasis homo/gen/ous hydro/therapy hyper/tens/ion hyper/pnea hypo/tens/ion hypo/pnea in/continence inter/cost/al intra/uterine mal/format/ion mega/lo/mania meso/theli/oma meta/physic/al micro/cephal/us milli/liter mono/nucle/osis multi/para nulli/para oligo/meno/rrhea pan/cyto/penia para/plegia para/meter peri/cardi/um poly/uria post/opera/tive pre/nat/al primi/uria primi/tive pro/bio/tics pseudo/cyesis quadri/plegia retro/vers/ion semi/lun/ar sub/cost/al super/lingu/al supra/ren/al sym/physis syn/cope tachy/pnea tri/somy uni/lateral Additional Examples: TERM afebrile anicteric arrest bifurcate binary concentration decompensation enucleate extraocular hyperactive WORD PARTS awithout febr fever -ile pertaining to anwithout icter jaundice -ic pertaining to -- bifurc -ate bin-ary concentrat -ion de- down, away from compensat to make good again -ion process eremove nucle kernel, nucleus -ate action extraocul -ar hyperact -ive hypoplasia two fork use, action twice pertaining to with, together center process hypo-plasia insomnia insomn -ia intermediary intermedi -ary outside eye pertaining to excessive, above normal act nature of, quality of under, below normal formation, development not sleep condition between toward the middle pertaining to MEANING/DEFINITION pertaining to without fever pertaining to without jaundice (yellowish discoloration of the skin, whites of the eyes, mucous membranes and body fluids) to stop, inhibit, restrain. A condition of being stopped, such as occurs in cardiac arrest when cardiac output and effective circulation stop. having two forks or two branches or two divisions; forked pertaining to separating into two branches or composed of two elements in psychology = the process of being able to bring to the center one thought and focus on it, while excluding other thoughts; in chemistry = the density of solutes in comparison to the solvent centered within a given area Failure of a system. In cardiology = failure of the heart to maintain adequate circulation; in psychology = failure of the defense mechanism system that may occur during a relapsing of a mental condition. Literally means to remove the kernel of. It is used to describe to removal of the eyeball surgically or to remove a cataract surgically. It also means to remove a part or a mass in its entirety. It also refers to the process of removing the nucleus of a body cell in preparation for somatic cell nuclear transfer, which is a key step in the cloning process. pertaining to outside the eye, as used in describing the extraocular eye muscles. These are the muscles that control eye movement and eye coordination. nature or quality of excessive activity; this can refer to the entire organism or to a particular entity such as the thyroid, heart, or muscles. It may also describe an individual who exhibits constant overactivity. underdevelopment of a tissue, organ, or body condition of not being able to sleep. People with insomnia can have difficulty falling asleep, wake up often during the night and have trouble going back to sleep, wake up too early in the morning, or experience unrefreshing sleep pertaining to situated between two bodies or occurring between two periods of time TERM latent lumen WORD PARTS --- multifocal multifoc -al -parastern occlusion parasternal patent pericardial polydactyly premenstrual react regurgitation sign -al -pericardi -al polydactyl -y premenstru -al re-act regurgitat -ion -- many focus pertaining to beside sternum, breastbone pertaining to around heart pertaining to many finger or toe pertaining to before to discharge the menses pertaining to again to act backward to flood process subacote subacute below sharp superinfection superinfect -ion upper, above infect process symptom -- unconscious unconsci -ous not aware pertaining too MEANING/DEFINITION lying hidden; quiet, not active space within an artery, vein, intestine, or tube. It is also the hollow core of a hypodermic needle, which forms an ovalshaped opening when exposed at the beveled (flat, slanted surface) point Pertaining to or arising from many locations Process of closing or state of being closed of a possession Pertaining to beside the sternum (breastbone) Wide open; freely open Pertaining to the pericardium (sac surrounding the heart) Pertaining to having more than the normal number of fingers and toes Pertaining to the time before the discharge of the menses Literally means to act again; responds to a stimulus; to participate in a chemical reaction Process of a backward flow of solids or foods from the stomach to the mouth or the backflow of blood through a defective heart valve Any objective evidence of an illness or disordered function of the body. A sign can be seen, heard, measured, or felt by the examiner Literally means below sharp; it describes a state between acute and chronic with some acute features. It is used to describe the course of a disease process or the healing process following a tissue energy. New infection caused by a different organism from one that caused the initial infection. It can occur from a harmful effect of antibiotic, when there is an overgrowth of a resistant strain of bacteria, fruit, or yeast Any perceptible change in the function of the body that indicates disease; can be classified as objective (signs); subjective (symptoms described by the patient), and cardinal (vital signs, temperature, pulse, respiration , blood) Pertaining to not being aware; lacking in awareness of one’s environment