F.No. 74/KVGB/2015-16/ Dt.01.01.2016 TENDER Sealed Tenders are invited from Professionally competent firms who possess Sales Tax/TIN/VAT registration number currently valid and Income tax assesses for the supply of Lab Equipment for Physics, Chemistry & Bio labs for KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA , Gachibowli, Hyderabad upto 1400 hrs on or before 15.01.2016. Quotations will be opened on 16.01.2016 at 3.00 p.m. EMD Rs,5000-00 to be submitted along with Tender forms. The firms/companies are requested to register themselves with the Kendriya Vidyalaya, Gachibowli by providing the information/documents as required in the Proforma supplied to them 1.Supply of Lab Equipment (P S RAJU ) PRINCIPAL Ref:.No.: F. No. 74/KV/GB/2014-15/ DT:01/01/2016 To, _______________ _______________ TENDER NOTICE FOR SUPPLY OF LAB EQUIPMENT 1 . Sealed quotations for SUPPLY OF LAB EQUIPMENT in the format in Annexure A are invited from registered firms/ manufactures/ dealers by the Principal, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Gachibowli up to 1400 hrs on 15.01.2016 in the sealed cover marked as “Quotation for the . SUPPLY OF LAB EQUIPMENT The quotations will be opened in the office of the undersigned at 1400 hrs on 16.01.2016. However, in case the date of opening is declared a Government Holiday, the tenders will be opened on following working day at scheduled time 1500 hrs. The bid submitted in the enclosed prescribed format only will be considered. 2. The quotations shall be submitted according to the terms and conditions specified in paragraphs 1 to 23 unless specified otherwise in the quotation, it shall be construed that the terms and conditions stipulated hereunder have been agreed to. 3. The rates should be F.O.R. and should include transportation cost, excise duty, freight any other rates or imposition whatever liable in respect of the supplies freight etc. VAT/ Sate Tax at specified rates must be expressly stipulated in the quotation. Only in the event of acceptance of the quotation supply order will be issued to the firm. It is the responsibility of firm/ Tenderer for mentioning correct rate list. 4. There should not be any overwriting or corrections in the quotation. If a figure is to be amended, it should be neatly scored out, the revised figure should be written above and the same should be attested with full signature by the same signatory, who signed the quotations, in the absence of the attested corrections the quotations is liable to be rejected. 5. The undersigned does not bind himself to accept the lowest quotation and reserves the right to accept the quotation in whole or in part i.e., with respect to all the articles mentioned in the attached statement or in respect of any one or more than on article specified in the attached statement 6. The person/ persons whose quotations is submitted/ accepted, herein after called the contractor, shall deposit an earnest money of Rs.5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand Only) along with the quotations. The same will be refunded in the event of rejection of quotation. The earnest money will be forfeited in the event of failures of to comply with the contract. In the event of acceptance of the quotation, the earnest money will be adjusted towards Security Deposit/ Performance Security which shall be payable @10% of the approximate total cost. The quotations without Earnest Money Deposit, whatsoever, will not be accepted in accordance with Article 180(iv) of the Accounts Code of KVS. 7. On acceptance of the quotation, it will become a contract and the contractor shall be bound by the terms and conditions of the quotation. If the contractor fails to supply the article/ provide services within the time stipulated in the letter of acceptance by the undersigned, the undersigned shall be at liberty to purchase the article from the market or get the rest of the contract completed by any other person(s) or firm and the difference of price, if any shall be deducted from the e4arnest money/ security deposit and in case any amount in excess of the security deposit is paid by the undersigned, the contractor shall be liable to pay this amount. 8. The quantity of articles indicated in the attached statement may be increased or decreased at the discretion of the undersigned without assigning any reason. 9. Prior to the acceptance of the quotation, the undersigned reserves the right to call for samples or demonstrations, and the contractor shall be liable to supply the samples or give the demonstration free of cost. The bidders are at liberty to either quote for single brand or both of the brands. The rates quoted for common brands shall be compared within themselves as Brand-A and products of different/ various brands will be clubbed together and compared as a separate Brand-B. . However, the supply order will be issued for either of the shortlisted category of products only after confirming the quality, rates and other related aspects to the satisfaction of the purchase committee of the RSCB. The undersigned reserves all the rights in this regard. 10. In the event of acceptance of the quotation and placing of the order for purchase, the articles would be subjected to an inspection by the undersigned or his representatives and are liable to be rejected if the articles supplied are not according to the approved samples or do not confirm to the specification prescribed. 11. The rates quoted by the contractor shall hold good up to One Year. No amendment in the rate except increase in the rates of Sales Tax/ VAT during the period of execution of the contract will be accepted. PRINCIPAL,KV,GACHIBOWLI LIST OF CONSUMABLE ARTICLES REQUIRED IN BIOLOGY LAB S NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 NAME OF THE ARTICLE Formalin Formaldehyde Acetocarmine stain Safranine Methylene Blue Leishman’s stain Haemotaxylin stain Iodine stain Hydrolchloric acid Glacial acetic acid Nitric acid Benedict’s reagent Fehling solution no1,2 Biuret solution Millon’s reagent Sucrose Boric acid Potassium nitrate Magnesium sulphate Glycerine Soluble starch Sodium chloride Distilled water pH tablets /paper Neutral Litmus solution Universal Indicator Vaseline Diphenylamine solution Ammonium chloride Ammonium hydroxide Methanol Carbon tetrachloride Acetone Petroleum ether Ethanol Calcium carbonate Agar Yeast Sodium bicarbonate Eosine Phenolphthalein Benzene Urea SPECIFICATIONS SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH 44 45 46 Robert’s Solution Sulphosalycylic acid Sudan III SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH SRL/MERCK/BDH NON-CONSUMABLES-REQUIREMENTS OF PHYSICS LABORATORY SL.NO NAME OF THE ITEM 1 A horizontal plane with a glass top fitted with a frictionless pulley at one end 2 Sonameter With two wooden Bridges and two wires 3 Hanger with half kilogram weights (5) 3 GALVANOMETER(good quality, 30-0-30 type and 0-60 type) 4 ONE WAY KEY 5 Battery eliminator 6 Rheostats of different sizes 7 SLIDE WIRE BRIDGE (METER BRIDGE)(large and heavy copper strip of (SWG No. 18) mounted on a heavy 3/4” thick laminated base of size 45” x 4” x 3/4”. Nine heavy Brass terminals lock type are provided to reduce the resistance to a minimum. The ends gaps are closed by removable Copper Binding pieces which are held in position by the terminals. The 24 SWG constantan wire is stretched along the top of wooden meter scale and securely clamped to the Brass end strips so that end errors are negligible. complete with pencil jockey along with lead for connections. Overall dimensions: 1.12m × 100mm × 50mm, including terminals.) 8 Ammeter 0-1 A, 0-3 A, 0-100mA 9 Voltmeter 0-1V, 0-3 V, 0-100mV 10 Prism 11 Pn junction diode apparatus 12 Zenor diode apparatus PHYSICS CHARTS Each 12 x 18 Inch chart is laminated and double-sided: good quality Side 1 features a graphic overview of the topic Side 2 provides "write-on/wipe-off" activities SL.NO. NAME OF THE CHART 1 Newton’s laws of motion 2 Balances-Mass Measurements 3 Length Measurements 4 Applications of Surface Tension, capillary rise 5 Applications of Viscosity 6 Properties of Waves 7 Charge-Properties of charge 8 Van-degraff generator 9 Wheatstone Bridge-Meter Bridge, Potentiometer with applications 10 Carbon resistors & measurements 11 Moving coil Galvanometer 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Solenoid, Toroid Cyclotron Properties of Magnet Magnetic field lines Geomagnetism Electricity bulletin board chart Electromagnetism-Faraday’s experiments AC and DC generators Electric Motor Electromagnetic spectrum Refraction Reflection Interference Diffraction Polarisation Total Internal Reflection Prism-Dispersion, Rain bow Telescopes Microscopes Photoelectric effect Davission and Germer experiment Binding energy curve Atomic Models-Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr Hydrogen Spectrum Pn junction diodes Semiconductors-n & p-type, intrinsic Types of diodes-LED, Zenor Diode, Photo diode, Solar cell Transistor-Characteristics Transistor as amplifier , oscillator Logic gates Action of transistor Forces & Motion Compound Microscope Refracting telescopes Light Magnetism Sound Optical instruments Geomagnetism KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA GACHIBOWLI HYDERABAD-32. CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT LAB REQUIREMENTS Non-Consumables: S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of the Article TEST TUBES BOILING TUBES LABORATORY THERMOMETER -110ᴼ LABORATORY THERMOMETER -300ᴼ MEASURING CYLINDER- 100ml MEASURING CYLINDER -20ml Make BOROSIL BOROSIL BOROSIL BOROSIL Quantity Required 200 no’s 40 6 6 6 6 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. MEASURING CYLINDER -10ml MEASURING CYLINDER- 5ml BOROSIL BOROSIL BURETTE -50ml CONICAL FLASK-250ml BURETTE STANDS IRON STANDS DIGITAL BALANCE WIRE GAUZE GLASS TROUGHS TONGS TEST TUBE HOLDERS RUBBER CORKS CHARCOAL BLOCKS BLOW PIPES REAGENT BOTTLES-250 ml (narrow mouth) GLASS TUBING GLASS RODS DROPPING BOTTLES-100 ml (plastic) TEST TUBE BRUSH PLASTIC TUBING for distillation apparatus ATOMIC MODEL SET SEPARATING FUNNEL FILTERATION STANDS KIPPS APPARATUS PLASTIC BOROSIL BOROSIL 31 PIPETTES-20ml -BOROSIL BOROSIL 32 33 34 COPPPER- WATERBATHS BUNSEN BURNERs-HEAVY BASE BURETTE STANDS 10 10 10 35 PLATINUM LOOPS 20 36 VOLUMETRIC FLASKS-1000 ml BOROSIL 37 MORTAR-PESTLE -12” & 6” dia. BOROSIL 6 6 12 20 10 10 2 30 4 30 30 50 50 10 200 1kg 1kg 24 20 20 metre 2 2 20 2 20 BOROSIL 6 4 CONSUMABLES: S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Name of the Chemical GLACIAL ACETIC ACID LIQUID AMMONIA-2.5 Lt & 500 ml AMMONIUM CHLORIDE AMMONIUM CARBONATE ACETONE BARIM CHLORIDE BENZENE BROMO BENZENE Make QUALIGEN-LR QUALIGEN-LR QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN Quantity Required 2x 500 4 x 2.5 lt //10 x500ml 6 x500 6 x500 2 x500 2x500 1 x500 1x 500 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. S.No 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. COPPER CHLORIDE COPPER TURNINGS COPPER SULPHATE CHARCOAL DISTILLED WATER ETHANOL(ACETONE-E) FERROUS SULPHIDE IODINE CRYSTALS MANGANESE CHLORIDE METHYL ORANGE liquid POTASSIUM DICHROMATE PHOSPHORUS WHITE LUMP SILVER NITRATE SODIUM CARBONATE(ANHYDROUS) SODIUM CARBONATE(HYDROUS) SODUM HYDROGEN CARBONATE SODIUM HYDROXIDE PELLETS SODIUM HYDROXIDE FLAKES CONCENTRATED SULPHURIC ACID -2.5 Lt UREA THIOUREA ZINC GRANULES ZINC SULPHATE FERRO SULPHATE ALUMINIUM SULPHATE CONCENTRATED HYDROCHORIC ACID-2.5 Lt LITMUS PAPERS-BLUE & RED OXALIC ACID POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE POTASSIUM CHLORATE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE WHATMANN NO.1 ,2 ,42. Name of the Chemical LEAD NITRATE METHANOL AMMONIUM SULPHATE CONCENTRATED NITRIC ACID-2.5 Lt. PHENOLPHTHALEIN indicator-100 ml LITMUS LIQUID-BLUE& RED SODIUM ACETATE POTASSIUM FERROCYANIDE POTASSIUM FERRICYANIDE CARBON DISULPHIDE QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN Make QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN 2 x500 1 kg 2x 500 40 no. 20 x 5lit 4 x500 2 x500 2x100g 1 x500 5 x 100ml 1 x500g 500g 4x 25g 2 x500 4x 500 2x 500 4x500 4x500 2x2.5 lt 1 x500g 1 x500g 1 x 500g 2 x500 2 x500 2 x500 2 x2.5 lt 6 boxes each 2 x500g 2 x500g 1 x500g 1 x 1000ml 2 pkts each Quantity Required 4 x250g 2x500g 4 x500g 2 x 2.5lt 4 x100ml 2x 100ml 1 x500g 1 x500g 1 x500g 1 x500ml 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. POTASSIUM CARBONATE POTASSIUM THIOCYANATE POTASSIUM DIHYDROGEN PHOSPHATE SODIUM NITROPRUSSIDE SODIUM METAL SODIUM HYDROGEN SULPHITE(BISULPHITE) UNIVERSAL PH PAPER 0-14 TOLLENREAGENT FEHLING-A FEHLING-B MOLISH REAGENT SCHIFF’S REAGENT PICRIC ACID ACETALDEHYDE BENZALDEHYDE ACETYL CHLORIDE AMMONIUM OXALATE BETA(2-)NAPHTHOL MILLION’S REAGENT AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE BENZENE SULPHONYL CHLORIDE DIMETHYL AMINE STANNOUS CHLORIDE NINHYDRIN CERIC AMMONIUM NITRATE COBALT NITRATE BENEDICT’S REAGENT BARIUM CARBONATE NICKEL CHLORIDE CADMIUM CHLORIDE S.No 81. 82. 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Name of theChemicl CADMIUM NITRATE CADMIUM SULPHATE CADMIUM CARBONATE ALUMINIUM ACETATE COPPER NITRATE STRONTIUM NITRATE CADMIUM CARBONATE LEAD PEROXIDE CHARTS –CHEMISTRY RELATED STARCH PAPER STARCH IODIDE PAPER QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN Make QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN ALL CATEGORIES QUALIGEN QUALIGEN 1 x500g 1 x500g 1 x500g 2 x100g 1 x250g 1 x500g 10 boxes 4 x100ml 1 x500ml 1 x500ml 4 x100ml 4 x100ml 1x500g 1 x500ml 1 x500ml 1 x500ml 1 x500g 1 x500g 4 x100ml 1 x500g 1 x500ml 1 x500ml 2 x250g 4 x100ml 2x100g 2 x100g 1 x500ml 2x500g 2 x500g 2 x100g Quantity Required 2 x250g 2 x250g 2 X250G 1 x500g 1 x500g 1 x500g 2 x250g 1 x500g 1 CHART EACH 10 BOXES 10 BOXES 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. NESSLER’S REAGENT ANILINE SODIUM PHOSPHATE ETHYL AMINE DIETHYL AMINE TRIMETHYL AMINE POTASSIUM CHROMATE POTASSIUM DICHROMATE POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE MANGANESE CHLORIDE YELLOW AMMONIUM SULPHIDE SODIUM OXALATE POTASSIUM OXALATE BROMINE WATER QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN QUALIGEN 10 X100ml 1 x500ml 1 x500g 1 x500ml 1 x500ml 1 x500ml 2 x500g 1 x500g 1 x500g 1 x500g 6 x500ml 1 x500g 1 x500g 2 x500ml