
accessible quantum statistical
approach to molecular
thermodynamics for first-year
college chemistry students
Bob Hanson and Susan Green
St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN
BCCE 18, July 21, 2004
Goals of this Presentation
• VERY briefly describe the context of
first-year chemistry at St. Olaf.
• Describe the challenge of introducing
thermodynamics at the first-year level.
• Make a case for a molecular, probabilistic
approach to introducing thermodynamics.
• Quickly run through the sequence.
• Share student feedback.
First-Year Chemistry At St. Olaf
gas laws
Chemistry 121
Structure and
Chemistry 123
gas laws
Molecular Structure
Chemistry 126
Chemistry 125
…for about 8 weeks we study thermo…
Chemistry 126
The Challenge: Alphabet Soup
heat capacity, C
internal energy, U
work, w
heat, q
entropy, S
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
reaction quotient, Q
free energy, G
equilibrium constant, K
Textbook X, chap. 6, p. 220
heat capacity, C
internal energy, U
work, w
heat, q
entropy, S
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
reaction quotient, Q
free energy, G
equilibrium constant, K
ΔU = q + w
Textbook X, chap. 6, p. 221
heat capacity, C
internal energy, U
work, w
heat, q
entropy, S
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
reaction quotient, Q
free energy, G
equilibrium constant, K
q = CΔT
Textbook X, chap. 6, p. 232
heat capacity, C
internal energy, U
work, w
heat, q
entropy, S
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
reaction quotient, Q
free energy, G
equilibrium constant, K
ΔH = q
Textbook X chap. 14, p. 689
heat capacity, C
internal energy, U
work, w
heat, q
entropy, S
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
reaction quotient, Q
free energy, G
equilibrium constant, K
Textbook X chap. 18, p. 861
heat capacity, C
internal energy, U
work, w
heat, q
entropy, S
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
reaction quotient, Q
free energy, G
equilibrium constant, K
ΔS = q/T
Textbook X chap. 18, p. 873
heat capacity, C
internal energy, U
work, w
heat, q
entropy, S
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
reaction quotient, Q
free energy, G
equilibrium constant, K
Textbook X chap. 18, p. 878
heat capacity, C
internal energy, U
work, w
heat, q
entropy, S
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
reaction quotient, Q
free energy, G
equilibrium constant, K
ΔG = ΔGo + RT ln Q
Textbook X chap. 18, p. 879
heat capacity, C
internal energy, U
work, w
heat, q
entropy, S
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
reaction quotient, Q
free energy, G
equilibrium constant, K
0 = ΔGo + RT ln K
It’s simple, really!
heat capacity, C
internal energy, U
work, w
heat, q
entropy, S
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
reaction quotient, Q
free energy, G
equilibrium constant, K
A simplified concept map:
internal energy, U
work, w
entropy, S
heat, q
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
free energy, G
reaction quotient, Q
equilibrium constant, K
Problems with the standard approach:
This is not a particularly molecular
approach to thermodynamics.
internal energy, U
The standard approach fails
work, w
to make the connection
between entropy and
reaction quotient.
entropy, S
This approach largely
ignores the probabilistic
nature of chemical reactions.
heat, q
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
free energy, G
This approach completely
ignores modern quantum reaction quotient, Q
equilibrium constant, K
The IMT approach:
1. We describe internal
energy, work, heat,
entropy, enthalpy, and
work, w
temperature in terms of
molecular systems
with discrete quantum
entropy, S
energy levels.
internal energy, U
heat, q
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
free energy, G
reaction quotient, Q
equilibrium constant, K
The IMT approach:
internal energy, U
work, w
2. We use probability
as a foundation for
discussions of
chemical reactions,
equilibrium, entropy,
temperature, and
entropy, S
heat, q
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
free energy, G
reaction quotient, Q
equilibrium constant, K
The IMT approach:
internal energy, U
3. The connecting
points are entropy,
temperature, and
enthalpy, which are
discussed in terms
of system and
work, w
heat, q
entropy, S
enthalpy, H
temperature, T
free energy, G
reaction quotient, Q
equilibrium constant, K
The IMT approach:
internal energy, U
work, w
4. We make strong
connections between
entropy and reaction
entropy, S
quotient and between
temperature and
equilibrium constants.
heat, q
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
free energy, G
reaction quotient, Q
equilibrium constant, K
Why this approach?
-- four arguments come to
The argument: molecular…
1. Chemistry is a
modern molecular
internal energy, U
work, w
entropy, S
heat, q
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
free energy, G
reaction quotient, Q
equilibrium constant, K
The argument: …quantization…
2. Discussing
without quantized
energy ignores about
100 years of modern
physics and chemistry.
internal energy, U
work, w
entropy, S
heat, q
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
free energy, G
reaction quotient, Q
equilibrium constant, K
The argument: …involving
3. Simple ideas of
probability are intellectually accessible and
intriguing for entry-level
college students.
internal energy, U
work, w
entropy, S
heat, q
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
free energy, G
reaction quotient, Q
equilibrium constant, K
The argument: …and it’s fun.
4. Besides, it’s great fun
teaching thermodynamics this way!
internal energy, U
work, w
entropy, S
heat, q
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
free energy, G
High school students at
Eastview HS playing the
Boltzmann game.
reaction quotient, Q
equilibrium constant, K
www.stolaf.edu/depts/chemistry/imt “concept index”
...we start with cards and dice, quickly finding
that K derives strictly from probability…
internal energy, U
work, w
entropy, S
heat, q
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
free energy, G
reaction quotient, Q
equilibrium constant, K
…we bring in the distribution of “quanta” of
energy and its relation to temperature…
internal energy, U
work, w
entropy, S
heat, q
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
free energy, G
reaction quotient, Q
equilibrium constant, K
…we discuss how energy can be “stored” in real
chemical systems…
internal energy, U
work, w
entropy, S
heat, q
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
free energy, G
reaction quotient, Q
equilibrium constant, K
…we provide a “microscopic” perspective for
discussing work and heat…
internal energy, U
work, w
entropy, S
heat, q
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
free energy, G
reaction quotient, Q
equilibrium constant, K
…we talk about bond dissociation energies in
relation to internal energy…
internal energy, U
work, w
entropy, S
heat, q
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
free energy, G
reaction quotient, Q
equilibrium constant, K
...we discuss the effect of temperature in terms
of population of energy levels…
internal energy, U
work, w
entropy, S
heat, q
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
free energy, G
reaction quotient, Q
equilibrium constant, K
…we bring in entropy as k ln W and show that
for a Boltzmann distribution ΔS = q/T…
internal energy, U
work, w
entropy, S
heat, q
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
free energy, G
reaction quotient, Q
equilibrium constant, K
…we discover the basis of reaction quotients
and consider system and surroundings…
internal energy, U
work, w
heat, q
entropy, S
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
free energy, G
reaction quotient, Q
equilibrium constant, K
…enthalpy is seen as a measure of the entropy
change of the surroundings…
internal energy, U
work, w
heat, q
entropy, S
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
free energy, G
reaction quotient, Q
equilibrium constant, K
…now we are ready for free energy…
internal energy, U
work, w
entropy, S
heat, q
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
free energy, G
reaction quotient, Q
equilibrium constant, K
…and we can see how free energy ties it all
internal energy, U
work, w
entropy, S
heat, q
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
free energy, G
reaction quotient, Q
equilibrium constant, K
…lots of fun demos and applications…
internal energy, U
work, w
entropy, S
heat, q
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
free energy, G
reaction quotient, Q
equilibrium constant, K
…later, we come back for a brief discussion of
free energy in relation to electrochemistry.
internal energy, U
work, w
entropy, S
heat, q
temperature, T
enthalpy, H
free energy, G
reaction quotient, Q
equilibrium constant, K
…for about 8 weeks we study thermo…
…now for what the students say…
Chemistry 126
Feedback from students:
• Chemistry 126 is probably the most challenging and rewarding
course I took this past year. I don't think about the world the same
• I enjoyed it and learned way more about the WORLD than I thought
I would.
• it was fun, i learned a lot, and look forward and feel prepared for
orgo next year.
• i learned a lot and am glad i took the course. i had to work very hard
but it was worth it
Feedback from students:
• I enjoyed this class very much and I feel that I learned a lot. It was a
completely different view of chemistry from what I got in high school,
especially relating to the emphasis on probability.
• i absolutely loved this course! it has answered a lot of questions that
i've had for years... thanks for a great course.
• Chem 126 was at times the most frustrating, challenging, and
exciting class that I have ever had. Even if I end up not being a
science major, I will never consider this class a waste of time.
Overall, I think that this class was very valuable to my college
experience thus far.
• I liked it, and I'm glad I've survived.
• Probability can provide an accessible entry point into
thermodynamics even at the first-year level.
• Students at the first-year level are ready to think about the basics of
energy quantization and its consequences.
• Introducing probability and quantization takes time, but it’s fun, and
it’s worth it.
• The IMT approach is based on earlier approaches by Leonard Nash,
William Davies, and Richard Dickerson.
• We wish to thank all of our fine colleagues over the past five years
who have ventured forth with us so courageously.
• We appreciate all the feedback we have gotten from St. Olaf College
and Macalester College students.
Thank you!
feedback appreciated
Bob Hanson and Susan Green
St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN
BCCE 18, July 19, 2004