Club handbook 2014-2015


Club handbook

SHIELD Volleyball Club

Version 2.3

Created 30 September 2012

Edited 5 November 2014

Policies subject to change and subject to club director discretion

Highlighted areas subject to finalizations

Lee J Hinkle, Club Director

Giovani Corona, Head Coach

Club Contact info

Lee J Hinkle 831.444.5710

Giovani Corona 801.687.7934

SHIELD Volleyball Club c/o Lee J Hinkle

2043 Belmont Drive

Saratoga Springs, UT 84045


Intro to SHIELD

SHIELD VBC provides young athletes a junior club association to continue their journeys as youth and as volleyball players. SHIELD VBC competes in select

Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) tournaments and select out-of-state tournaments. In addition to providing skilled and successful coaching, SHIELD VBC focuses on providing a forum where players learn not only successful volleyball techniques, but also techniques that will help them transition to adulthood.


Club overview

SHIELD Volleyball Club, LLC provides a whole volleyball experience. Volleyball is a means to learn life lessons. SHIELD is an acronym and stands for Sacrifice, Honor,

Integrity, Effort, Loyalty, and Dependability—traits SHIELD staff will focus on cultivating in athletes. SHIELD VBC focuses on providing an enjoyable and successful volleyball experience, teaching correct technique using the most current and effective methods, and teaching how lessons learned while playing sport prepare athletes to become healthy, adjusted adults.

SHIELD VBC understands it is part of a larger community: a community of athletes and non-athletes alike who all play a role in the development of athletes chosen to represent SHIELD as well as SHIELD staff. As part of that community, the club chooses to give back, to make those around it aware of its existence and its focus on positively impacting lives.

SHIELD staff and athletes will provide service as part of a season-long outreach program, and the club hopes athletes will choose to give some time after the season has ended to support and put on clinics for youth who were not able to compete for the club during the season.

Club goals

SHIELD VBC has three goals:


Provide a positive volleyball experience for all its players through excellent personal interaction


Be a positive experience for all club members, both in preparation for future volleyball experiences, as well as for life


Influence players so positively they want to be involved with volleyball for their entire lives

1 If you have any questions while reading this document, please call Lee J Hinkle at 831.444.5710. He will be ready to provide answers for you.



The values for which SHIELD VBC stands are values that benefit the lives of the player and those around them. They are values that, if followed, will benefit the world, but will surely benefit the person working to embody them.

Each SHIELD player should be familiar with these values and should want them in her life. SHIELD activities and coaching staff will emphasize these values.


No player comes to SHIELD without making a sacrifice and acknowledging the sacrifices made on the player’s behalf.

At SHIELD, players recognize these two types of sacrifices. Players understand they must make sacrifices to be part of the club, and they must sacrifice for the good of their team. SHIELD teams have dreams, they have goals. J.M. Barrie wrote in Peter

Pan: “Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it.” SHIELD players know they are part of a team and they must sacrifice their personal desires for the team’s benefit.

Similarly, SHIELD players grow to understand the sacrifices the adults in their lives make on their behalf. They are grateful to those individuals and express that gratitude frequently. The sacrifices made on the players’ behalves are examples of the great love others have for them and the trust they put in the players’ futures.

They understand “Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it. You're just passing it on to someone else.” (Mitch Albom, The Five

People You Meet in Heaven.)

Service and sacrifice go hand in hand. SHIELD provides monthly opportunities for players to serve in the local community—gives them opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate than them. The sacrifice of their time teaches players how fortunate they are and encourages them to have even greater thankfulness for the sacrifices of others.


Honor focuses on the esteem, respect, and reverence a player has for him- / herself, the coaches, the team, the officials, the opposition, and all others involved in the player’s life. When SHIELD players display honor, they show respect for all these varied people. SHIELD players understand that no trash talk is worth dishonoring an opponent; in so doing players reflect badly on themselves, on the club, on their families.

By focusing on playing with honor, players rejoice in the achievements of their teammates. They herald great news from coaches; they accepts compliments


graciously. And they expresses gratitude to opponents, officials, and other adults.

Players honor their team, their club, and their families with positive play and positive actions.


SHIELD players understand that “integrity is the very core of their being. It is who they really are. When all the scaffolding is removed, it is their integrity that both defines and identifies them. Players of integrity are like the Rock of Gibraltar— steadfast and immovable. Players without it are like the shifting sands on the

Sahara Desert—tossed to and fro by every variant wind of life: a dime a dozen.”

(Adapted from Tad R. Callister, Becoming men and women of integrity.)

SHIELD players ensure the Truth is known. In playing situations, players often know to which team the point belongs better than does the referee. SHIELD players ensure the right call is made. SHIELD coaches encourage this behavior.

SHIELD players know no price is worth their integrity—not a point, not a victory, not a tournament championship, not a university scholarship. No price is worth sacrificing the player’s integrity.


SHIELD teams are scrappy—they give 100% effort on every point. Players understand that a ball that hits the floor is a point lost. They also understand other teams will make tremendous effort to beat them. Thus they must give more to win and to win well. But effort is not given in matches alone.

The most important effort is that shown every week in practice. The effort and time given by players to improve their skills will benefit the team when only skills will win the point. If necessary, SHIELD players ask coaches to come early or stay late at practice to help them improve. Coaches and players recognize this effort and congratulate it.

SHIELD players understand that every point requires 100% effort. Regardless of whether the score is 24-2 in their favor or 10-24 against, SHIELD players give their full effort on every play. Holding back dishonors their team and disrespects their opponent.



A player’s loyalty to her team is paramount among SHIELD values. Loyalty is shown in maintaining positive thoughts, comments, and actions with respect to coaches and other SHIELD players.

Players may have disagreements with other players or with coaches, but this does not cause them to speak negatively about them. Players address these concerns in respectful, adult ways and work to reach an equitable solution.

SHIELD players stand up for other players when situations require. They separate heated debate when necessary. Loyalty extends to other adults at the club, to club staff, and to anyone else who is unable to adequately stand for themselves.

SHIELD players understand “Loyalty and devotion lead to bravery. Bravery leads to the spirit of self-sacrifice. The spirit of self-sacrifice creates trust in the power of love.” (Morehei Ueshiba)


The trait of dependability means the team knows it can rely on a player to sacrifice for the team. Dependability may be attending all practices, regardless of other obligations. It may be a willingness to sacrifice playing time for the benefit of the team. It may mean a player coming early to practice or going out of her way to improve her skills or physical abilities. Dependability may also mean swallowing her fears and going for broke on with the game on the line.

Whatever the sacrifice required, SHIELD players are dependable. They know they must sacrifice for their teammates, the club, and their families; they must honor themselves and others in all they do. Players understand their integrity is not to be bought at any price, and their entire effort is to be given on every play. They can be depended on by other players, family members, coaches, and others to be loyal and stand for those they care about.


SHIELD VBC is run by Giovani Corona and Lee J Hinkle. Gio is the Club’s Head Coach and is in charge of player development and coach training. Lee J runs the business side of the club, ensuring positive interactions with the AAU, SHIELD VBC families, and other clubs.



SHIELD VBC will practice at St. Thomas More Catholic Church on Creek Road. The location and times of practices are posted on the club website,

. Practices will be on weeknights between 4-9 p.m..

SHIELD Teams, Tryouts, Registrations


All players must also register with the AAU before tryouts.

2 SHIELD VBC expects that each of its teams will participate in at least one tournament for each organization.

AAU registration can be completed here:

, choose “Athlete membership with extended coverage (AB)”. This will ensure all athletes are covered anywhere they play (whether the event is AAU sponsored or not).


SHIELD VBC attracts many players across north Utah and south Salt Lake counties.

Because of this and the club’s limited staff, it cannot guarantee a placement on a team to every player who wants to play. Tryouts will be held at St. Thomas More on

10 & 12 November 2014 from 6:30-8:30.


Within a week after the second tryout date, players will be assigned to teams and will be notified by telephone. Players are expected to commit to the club by 18

November 2014.

A mandatory parents’ meeting will be held on 18 November 2014. The down payment (50% of club cost) is due that night as well.

Movement between teams

Movement between teams will be limited because teams will be assigned by age.

However, in the case that an older team chooses to travel and one or more players cannot go, a player from a younger team may be asked to travel with the older team.

2 SHIELD VBC suggests in the interest of saving money initially that all players who expect to play only at the club level register for AAU and wait until the coach indicates they should register for

USAV. Club teams may end up playing in AAU tournaments only this season.


Tournament / travel policy

Players (and their parents / guardians) are responsible for their own transportation to local tournaments. Players are encouraged to bring blankets to claim team areas at the tournament venue. Players are expected to remain inside the building unless their coach indicates they may leave. Food purchased outside of the venue is generally not allowed inside the venue 3 so outside foods must be consumed without the venue confines. Coaches are instructed to allow players to leave for this purpose. This rule about food consumption is also true for parents and fans.

Travel tournament policies

In the case where a team chooses to compete at an out-of-state tournament, players are expected to abide the following rules:

 At no time will they act in a manner inconsistent with SHIELD principles

 Athletes will remain with the team or team chaperone at all times

 Athletes must lodge with their team—if a parent / guardian chooses to stay at the same hotel, the athlete may stay with their parent / guardian, but no non-family athlete may join them

 Athletes are responsible for own luggage and items and may be asked to carry team gear if necessary

 SHIELD curfew at away tournaments is 11 p.m., earlier bedtimes are strongly encouraged due to busy and intense competition schedules at these tournaments

 Athletes are strongly encouraged to wear comfortable, appropriate clothes consistent with SHIELD principles while traveling and at the hotel

SHIELD VBC will arrange transportation for athletes to out-of-state tournaments.

This may involve renting cars or purchasing airline tickets. In either case the fee associated with playing in the tournament must be paid at least one month prior to the tournament start date.


SHIELD VBC will provide food for athletes during tournament times (8-5 p.m.) and will choose hotels that offer breakfast services. Athletes / their parents are responsible for providing money sufficient to purchase a good, filling dinner

(typically $12-20) after play ends for the day. Coaches will indicate to players how many meals will be purchased during travel to / from and at the tournament in this manner. If players require any additional snacks, these are the responsibility of the player.

3 SHIELD believes this is inappropriately monopolistic in nature, but must abide these rules due to fines assess in excess of $1,000 for disobedience of these rules.

4 An invoice will be sent to parents of athletes who chose to play in these tournaments. Because these tournaments are not included in the base club fee, parents may opt out and places will be offered other (younger) players to replace players who choose not to attend.


Officiating policies

During tournaments, players will be required to act as down referees (second referees) and scorekeepers. Coaches will assign these duties to players at each tournament.


SHIELD invites parents / guardians who want to travel and act as chaperones to contact their child’s / ward’s coach or the club directors at the beginning of the season.

SHIELD Policies

Staff conduct

SHIELD staff are expected to treat SHIELD players, opposing players, opposing coaches, officials, parents, and anyone else with respect and act in a sporting manner. Staff members are expected to personify the values for which SHIELD stands: Sacrifice, Honor, Integrity, Effort, Loyalty, and Dependability. Staff members who violate this trust are subject to discipline by the club as well as dismissal from their positions.

Athlete Conduct

Athletes chosen to play for SHIELD VBC make a commitment to improve themselves as volleyball players and as individuals. They are expected to learn and exhibit the traits of SHIELD: Sacrifice, Honor, Integrity, Effort, Loyalty, and Dependability. Any unsporting behavior toward SHIELD coaches, opponents, officials, or anyone while officially representing SHIELD or while affiliated with SHIELD may be cause for discipline, potentially ending with dismissal from the club.

Practice requirement

Athletes are expected to be at all practices on time. A commitment to SHIELD VBC is also a commitment to a player’s teammates and part of the Loyalty and

Dependability for which SHIELD stands. With a team that has fewer than two players per position (12), 5 each player is critical to ensuring practices are effective and beneficial to all. Additionally, players are expected to be at every tournament.

5 Which we hope will be all teams. Our goal is 10 players per team.


Playing time

Playing time is not guaranteed for players at SHIELD. Playing time will be handled by each team’s coach, at his / her discretion. Coaches of teams competing at the club level have been instructed to be egalitarian in their distribution of playing time, but coaches of power level teams have so similar instruction.

In order to best balance the issues of playing time, teams are limited to 12 players.


Most teams will yield seven frequent starters, and coaches are encouraged to substitute their players frequently, but no equal opportunities will be enforced by the club on coaches.

Uniform policy

Players are expected to wear the SHIELD uniforms when representing SHIELD VBC at tournaments. In the case that a uniform is lost or damaged, a new uniform will be ordered for the player and the cost of the uniform plus a $20 replacement fee will be assessed. Payment is due on delivery of the replacement uniform piece.

Parent Conduct

Parents are expected to abide SHIELD principles when in attendance of tournaments and practices.

Per club policy, parents / guardians are not allowed in the gym while their child / ward practices. This is to encourage impartial decisions by coaches regarding playing time as well as to allow players the opportunity to make mistakes without overbearing parents berating them at practice as well as at matches. Individual coaches may choose whether to enforce this policy.

Additionally, coaching decisions (playing time, substitutions, etc.) are not subject to parental interference or questioning. Coaches occasionally make decisions that are not supported by anything more than a “feeling.” SHIELD encourages coaches to use data to make decisions, but does not require every decision to be so supported.

The correct method for addressing these issues is by non-threateningly inquiring why a particular decision was made and passively accepting whatever explanation is given. If a coach’s explanation is unsatisfactory or his / her behavior is detrimental to a player and / or to the team, parents may submit written requests to investigate to the Club Director who will confer and investigate the issue with the Head Coach.

6 An ideal number is 10, as noted on the previous page.


Communication process

In the case where a player or parent has issue with a coach or coach’s decision, the offended party must wait at least 24 hours before starting the process to address it.

Steps to address the problem are as follows:


Player and coach meet to discuss the problem a.

Player and coach create plan for resolution b.

Date for resolution set and additional review to be had c.

Resolution plan and date submitted to Club Director (CD) and Head

Coach (HC)


If resolution not met on date of review, CD and HC notified and parent, player, and coach meet a.

Plan created for resolution b.

Date for resolution and review to be had c.

Resolution plan and date submitted to CD and HC


If resolution still not achieved, CD, HC, coach, player, and parent meet a.

CD and HC render final judgment

Club fees and payment policy

The signor of the Financial Contract will be sent an invoice for fees owed the club and dates the fees are owed.

Club fees and payment schedules are as follows:


Girls competitive team fee: $1,350

Girls club fee: $850

Payment schedule


Parent’s meeting, November 15

January 1

February 1

March 1

Total 8

% due


10% 7




7 SHIELD understands parents have other children and parents want to provide Christmas for them, so it has eliminated the typical December payment and reduced the amount owed in January to accommodate this.

8 SHIELD VBC offers the following discounts to encourage prompt payment:


Discount policy

SHIELD VBC offers the following benefits for payment ahead of schedule. If all club fees are paid by 31 December 2014, the payee will receive a 10% discount.

Payment receipt policy

We accept cash, check, and credit cards as forms of payment.

Please make out checks to SHIELD Volleyball Club and included your child’s / ward’s name as the memo on the check. Mailed payments are not considered paid until receipt of the payment.

Additionally, payments must be given to the Club Director (Lee J Hinkle) or to the

Head Coach (Giovani Corona) or mailed to the club address:

SHIELD Volleyball Club c/o Lee J Hinkle

2043 Belmont Drive

Saratoga Springs, UT 84045

Other staff members (e.g. coaches, assistants) cannot accept payment.

If you have questions, please contact the Club Director at 831.444.5710.

10% off total if entire balance is paid by 31 December.


What fees include

Fees for the season include covering costs of the following (although they are not limited to these things):

 Facility rental fees

 Coaches’ salaries

 Coaches’ registration and certification with AAU

 Club registration fees with AAU

 AAU Tournament entry fees

 Uniform and apparel costs

 Junior official training and certification

 Team equipment

 Medical supplies

 Administrative expenses

Travel tournaments

Teams will also have the option to travel to out-of-state tournaments to increase exposure of players to different levels of play, improve their skills, increase opportunities for recruitment, and spread the SHIELD brand. These additional tournaments are not included in the base club fee. It is expected the fee to attend these tournaments will be approximately $650 per player.

This will include

 Tournament entry fee

 Travel expenses

 Hotel lodging

 Food for the team while at the tournament

 Coaching / administration expenses

Payment responsibilities in case of player abandonment, etc.

Should a player choose to abandon the club midseason, the player’s parent / guardian remains liable for the remainder of the fees owed the club (at discretion of the Club Director) and all fees paid to that point are forfeit.

The Financial Contract is between the parent / guardian and the club and is not the responsibility of the player. The player is considered a third party donee beneficiary under contract law, and is not responsible for any liability incurred by the parent guardian on his / her behalf. Any arrangement between the parent / guardian and the player is strictly between them and SHIELD VBC has no privity or standing in such a contract.


Insurance coverage

By signing the Parent Contract, you release SHIELD Volleyball Club, SHIELD

Volleyball Club owners, employees, and staff members of liability for any damages arising from personal injuries sustained by players an / or guests on or about the practice and playing facilities or by any involvement in SHIELD Volleyball Club

Additionally, each player is expected to have insurance coverage provided by the parents / guardians. As noted, we require registration with AAU and USAV. Both of these organizations provide additional coverage for injury and other specific losses that might occur during the course of the season. Please investigate the coverages provided by each organization.

Harassment policy

In line with its goals, SHIELD VBC has a zero tolerance policy regarding harassment of any kind. All claims will investigated and judgment will be rendered together by the Head Coach and Club Director.

