Walkies for Woofies Walk, Run, Play Dog Walking Contract This dog walking contract (this *agreement) is made effective as of ……………… by and between Laura Pearce of Walkies for Woofies and ………………………….. In this agreement the party who is contracting to receive the services shall be referred to as “…………………” and the party who will be providing the services will be referred to as “Walkies for Woofies”. Whereas the owner wishes to engage the walker, and the walker agrees to undertake the services under the terms and provisions defined in this Dog Walking Contract as well as in the Owners information sheet, Pet information sheet and the Vetinary release form, which shall all become part of the contract. Any references to pets in this contract shall refer to those specified on the pet information sheet. TERMS OF AGREEMENT 1) Walkies for Woofies will collect and walk the dog for an hour/half an hour on the agreed days from the customer’s address, unless advised otherwise. 2) Walkies for Woofies reserves the right to walk other dogs at the same time, but the total number of dogs walked with one person at one time will not exceed 4. 3) The customer will either ensure that access is given to Walkies for Woofies to collect the dog from the agreed address at the agreed time or give Walkies for Woofies a key to the place where the dog is kept. Walkies for Woofies will use the key to collect and return the dog and for no other purpose and will keep it safe, not let anyone else have it, not copy it and will return it to the customer on demand. 4) Access to your property must be straight forward ie keys should open doors easily or gates should be easy to open. If I am unable to gain access into your property after making every reasonable effort you will be notified, and still charged for the walk. 5) The customer will provide suitable collars or harnesses and leads for the dog, and any muzzles, coats or other accessories the customer wishes to be used. 6) The providers charges are at the rate of £10 for an hours walk/£7 for half an hours walk. A deposit of 25% is payable to the Walker upon signing of contracts and full amount at the end of the term of service. 7) At least 48hours notice must be given, in order to cancel the walking service. Otherwise you will be charged the dog walking fee. 8) The customer will inform Walkies for Woofies fully of any characteristics of the dog which needs to be known for the handling and care of the dog. 9) Walkies for Woofies holds insurance in respect of public liability, care custody of animals and loss of keys. 10) Walkies for Woofies will inform the customer of any incident or anything which the walker notices about the dog, which as the owner the customer ought to know. 11) Walkies for Woofies will keep the dog on a lead, whenever out of the house (unless specified otherwise),will take care so far as is practicable that the dog is not a nuisance or danger to any one, or any other animals, and itself. However we cannot be held responsible for any loss, accident, injury or death caused to any animal whilst in our care. I (the customer) consent to my dog being exercised off the lead _______________________________________________ (sign and print) 12) Walkies for Woofies will supply a plastic bag and use it on all walks to remove the dog’s faeces and ensure that the dog does not foul any public or private place. 13) The customer confirms that the dog’s immunisations, flea and worm treatments are up to date. 14) The customer will provide Walkies for Woofies with contact details of its vet. In case of need Walkies for Woofies is authorised to refer the dog to the named (or in emergency any other) vet for advice or treatment at the customers expense. The customer undertakes to reimburse Walkies for Woofies all expenses incurred under this clause.