Qualitative research methods


Qualitative research methods

A second major branch of empirical social research

 A number of scholars question the idea of

‘reality’ as something entirely external to the mind, existing independent of our understanding of it and unchanged by our study of it

Qualitative research

 Qualitative researchers often see reality as created rather than discovered

The interaction between our beliefs and some physical external world creates our ‘reality’

We can never know the world ‘as it is’ because our understanding shapes the world

In addition, our study of some physical, external world changes that world, so we may be chasing our tail

Qualitative researchers seek to understand the “reality” individuals and groups experience

They conclude that there are multiple realities, all of which can be seen as valid

Features of qualitative research

“all qualitative research exhibits seven basic characteristics. The most important are (1) thick description, or rich and relevant descriptions of the social, cultural, linguistic, and material contexts in which people live; (2) the presentation of the perspective of the people being studied (the emic, or natives', point of view); and (3) the use of relatively small and purposefully selected (rather than large and randomly selected) samples. reserved.

 Qualitative inquiry also involves (4) the inductive development of explanation, concepts, and theory;

(5) reliance on observational and interview data; (6) the use of textual data involving content and thematic analysis (rather than numerical data and statistical analysis); and (7) techniques of verification that assess the trustworthiness of data, replication, and saturation.”

 Qualitative Research from Encyclopedia of Science,

Technology, and Ethics

. Copyright © 2001-2006 by

Macmillan Reference USA, an imprint of the Gale


How does this affect their work and their methods?

 Qualitative researchers normally attempt to gain a great deal of information about a small number of subjects

Maintain rich context

Come to know a group or situation intimately

“Immerse” themselves in a situation

 Qualitative researchers seek guidance from research subjects as to the meanings of their behavior/beliefs

 Qualitative researchers recognize that they are not truly ‘objective’ in their approach to the subject under study

They prefer to recognize and discuss their point of view in studying the topic

They challenge the claims of objectivity made by quantitative researchers

Flexible methods/Adjustment and spontaneity

 Qualitative researchers often adjust their methods as they go along, based on early findings

Gradually come to understand the topic of study

Quantitative researchers would be concerned that early results are incomparable to later results

Inductive approach rather than deductive

Researcher must develop the ability over time to address the scene/issues

Researcher is informed by theory, but tries to be as open as possible to the meanings available in the scene

Parallel quantitative and qualitative methods

Quantitative Qualitative

Experiment Field experiment

Ethnography/Participant observation

Survey (closed-ended) Survey (Open-ended)

Depth interviews, focus groups/Projective techniques

Content analysis Discourse analysis

Audience measurement Fan culture studies




Hypothesis testing/Identify laws of behavior [Breadth]

Generalizable findings/

Universal laws


Hypothesis generating/

Develop understanding


Non-generalizable findings/

Local rules

Large random samples Small targeted samples Samples

Measures Standardized, fixed

Measurement context Unnatural

Non-standardized, fluid


Researcher role

Subject role

Objective measurer

Respond to questions/ stimulus [object]

Subjective observer

Construct meaning/ Behave naturally [subject]

Reliability and validity

 Qualitative researchers argue that there is no point in trying to establish "validity" in any external or objective sense because there is no ‘objective’ external reality to compare our research findings to.

Evaluating the quality of qualitative research





 From: Measuring occupational performance: Supporting Best

Practice in Occupational Therapy , by Mary Law, Carolyn

Manville Baum, and Winnie Dunn. Published by SLACK

Incorporated, 2005 ISBN 1556426836, 9781556426834


 Credibility involves establishing that the results of qualitative research are credible or believable from the perspective of the participant in the research.

 Participants are often consulted regarding the researcher’s conclusions


Transferability refers to the degree to which the results of qualitative research can be generalized or transferred to other contexts or settings.

Those who wish to "transfer" the results to a different context are responsible for making the judgment of how sensible the transfer is.

 The qualitative researcher can enhance transferability by doing a thorough job of describing the research context and the assumptions that were central to the research.


The idea of dependability emphasizes the need for the researcher to account for the ever-changing context within which research occurs.

The researcher is responsible for describing the changes that occur in the setting and how these changes affected the way she approached the study.


 Qualitative research tends to assume that each researcher brings a unique perspective to the study. Confirmability refers to the degree to which the results could be confirmed or corroborated by others.

Strategies for enhancing confirmability

Document the procedures for checking and rechecking the data throughout the study.

 Allows other researchers to evaluate the study

Another researcher can take a "devil's advocate" role with respect to the results, and this process can be documented.

Actively search for and describe and negative instances that contradict prior observations.

Conduct a data audit that examines the data collection and analysis procedures and makes judgments about the potential for bias or distortion.
