MP2 Project: Periodic Table

Periodic Table Review Worksheet
Periodic Table Families:
Group 1: Alkali Metals- 1+ Charge
Group 2: Alkaline Earth Metals- 2+ Charge
Groups 3-12: Transition Metals
Groups 13-16: Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen Families- 3+, 4+, 3-, 2- Charge
Group 17: Halogens- 1- Charge
Group 18: Noble Gases- Unreactive, No Charge
Valence Electron Configuration:
Valence Electrons- outermost electrons in an atom responsible for bonding
S Sublevel: 2 electrons, Group 1 and 2
P Sublevel: 6 electrons, Groups 13-18
D Sublevel: 10 electrons, Transition Metals- N-1
F Sublevel: 14 electrons, only used after rows 6-7- N-2
Group 1: ns1
Group 2 ns2
Group 13: ns2np1
Group 16: ns2np3
Group 18: ns2np6
*Exceptions: Cr, Mo: 4s1, 3d5; 5s1, 4d5
Cu, Ag, Au: 4s1, 3d10...
isoelectronic: an ion with the same electron configuration (Ex: O 2-,F-, Na+, Mg 2+ w/ Ne)
Electron Configurations of Transition Metals: When forming an cation, take the electrons out of
the S Sublevel First, Before removing electrons from the D Sublevel.
Ex: Ni- [Ar] 4s2 3d8 Ni2+- [Ar] 4s0 3d8
1. Atomic Radius:Size of the Radius of an Atom: INCREASES Down a Group
DECREASES Across a Row
● If an element is on a lower row than another element, its always larger!
● If both elements are on the same row, the one more to the right is smaller.
2. Ionization Energy- Energy Required to Remove an Electron: DECREASES Down a
INCREASES Across a Row
● Elements who Have Near Filled Octets will Not Want to Give Up an Electron!
3. Electronegativity- Tendency For Atoms to Attract Electrons: DECREASES Down a Group
INCREASES Across a Row
● The smaller the element, the easier the element can take in electrons!
4. Electron Affinity- Energy Released When An Electron is Accepted:
DECREASES Down a Group
INCREASES Across a Row
5. Metal Reactivity- (Explosion Video): INCREASES Down a Group
6. Non Metal Reactivity(Explosion Video): DECREASES Down a Group
Fill in the Blank
1. As you go down the periodic table, the atomic radius_____(increases/decreases), while as
you go across the periodic table, the atomic radius_____(increases/decreases).
2. Ionization Energy needed to remove an electron_____(increases/decreases) as you move
down the periodic table, while Ionization Energy needed to remove an electron____
(increases/decreases) as you move up the periodic table.
3. As you move down the periodic table, the elements become____(more/less) electronegative,
while as you move across the periodic table, the elements become____ (more/less)
Practice Problems
1. Which element has a larger atomic radius?
A. Rb or As B. Mg or Sr C. Si or Cl D. Sn or Cu
2. Which element has a higher electronegativity?
A. Cl or Fe B. Al or F C. P or Sb D. Br or Ge
3. Which element has a lower ionization energy?
A. Ba or Na B. Li or Ca C. K or Be D. Na or Mg
4. Which metal is more reactive?
A. Na or Cs B. Li or Rb C. Br or F D. Cl or I
5. Arrange the ions from smallest to largest ionic radius: Sr2+, Br 1-, Rb 1-, Se 2-
6. Name 4 ions that are isoelectronic with Ar.
7.What is the noble gas configuration for__?
A. Sn B. Cs C. Cu D. Ag
8. What is the difference between electron affinity and ionization energy?
9. Why do elements in the same family generally have similar properties?
10. Which of these elements has the least attraction for
electrons in a chemical bond?
(A) oxygen (C) nitrogen
(B) fluorine (D) chlorine
11. An element with a partially filled d sublevel in the
ground state is classified as
(A) a halogen (C) an alkali metal
(B) a transition metal (D) an alkaline earth metal
Which particle has the larger radius in each atom/ion pair?
a) Na, Na+
b) S, S2c) I, I-
d) Al, Al3+
Answer Key to Practice Problems
Fill in the Blank
1. increases, decreases
2. decreases, increases
3. decreases, increases
Practice Problems
1. A) Rb B) Sr C) Si D) Sn
2. A) Cl B) F C) P D) Br
3. A) Ba B) Ca C) K D) Na
4. A) Cs B) Rb C) F D) Cl
5.Sr2+, Rb 1+, Br 1-, Se 26. S 2-, Cl-, K+, Ca 2+
7. A) [Kr] 5s2 5p2 B) [Xe] 6s1 C) [Ar] 4s1 3d10 D) [Kr] 5s1 4d10
8.Electron affinity is a measure of the energy change that occurs when an atom obtains
an electron. Ionization energy is a measure of how much energy it takes to remove
electrons off of an element. Both values are for atoms in the gas phase.
9. Because they have similar electron configurations and the same number of valence
electrons. Because valence electrons are responsible for most of the chemistry we
observe, this similarity causes the properties of the elements to also be similar.
10. C) Nitrogen
11. B) A transition metal
12. a)Na b)S2- c)I- d) Al