Chapter Questions for the Book

Chapter Questions for The Metamorphosis
Chapter 1:
What does Gregor discover when he wakes up in the morning?
How does Gregor feel about his job?
What are Gregor’s complaints about his job?
If he hates his job so much, why doesn’t he quit?
What is Gregor’s role in his family?
How does Gregor manage to open the door?
What happens to Gregor when he leaves his room to meet the office manager? What does this
episode reveal about Gregor’s father?
8. How does his mother react?
9. From Gregor’s point of view what might be some positive aspects of the metamorphosis into an
10. What circumstances in Gregor’s life might have caused him to feel dehumanized even before
the metamorphosis took place?
ANALYZE STYLE: Russian author Nabokov once commented that the straightforward style of The
Metamorphosis is in “striking contract” to the nightmare of the tale”. Review your answer to
your first journal write, “dreams”. Then in a few paragraphs describe the style of the novel and
explain how the style enhances the nightmarish quality of the work.
Chapter 2:
1. What food does Grete first bring to Gregor, which, to his surprise, he does not like?
2. While Grete seems concerned for Gregor’s health, what do Mr. & Mrs. Samsa seem most
concerned about?
3. What does Gregor’s father reveal about the family’s financial status? What is Gregor’s reaction
when he learns the truth about their finances?
4. What does Gregor do to prevent Grete from seeing him?
5. What is Gregor’s response when Grete decides to remove the furniture from his room? What
does this response tell you about him?
6. In what way do Grete and Mrs. Samsa disagree about the arrangement of Gregor’s room?
7. How is Gregor wounded? What symbolic significance might the object that wounds him have?
8. Why do we know his sister’s first name?
9. A person changed into an animal, or vice versa, is a common theme of fairy tales. In what ways
is The Metamorphosis similar to fairy tales you know? In what ways is it different?
10. What words would you use to describe Kafka’s style? Does his writing remind you of other
books you have read, music you have heard, or films you have seen?
ANALYZE CHARACTER: In this part of The Metamorphosis we learn much about Gregor’s sense of
guilt. Review your answer to the journal write, “punishment”. Then in a few paragraphs analyze
the causes and effects of Gregor’s guilt. If you wish, organize your analysis around the following
questions: Why does Gregor feel guilt? What events caused the guilt and how does it affect his
relationships with other family members? Be sure to present details from the novella to support
your evaluation.
Chapter 3:
1. Why do you think has Grete’s attitude toward Gregor changed? You may want to consider some
of the issues you addressed in your journal write, “Caring for the elderly”.
2. What jobs have the Samsas taken to replace Gregor’s pay?
3. Who comes to live with the Samsas? What might the significance of these new characters” Why
did Kafka not give them names or other individual characteristics?
4. How does Gregor respond to his sister’s violin playing? What might Kafka be implying about
Gregor by describing this reaction? What do you think the violin symbolizes?
5. Why does Gregor feel “blind rage” toward his family?
6. Why does the family put unwanted items and trash in Gregor’s room?
7. What prompts Gregor to leave his room and make the tenants threaten to move out?
8. Who finally admits that the family can no longer live with Gregor and says he “must be sent
9. The narrator strongly implies that Gregor starves himself to death. What forces might have led
to Gregor’s death?
10. What effect does Gregor’s metamorphosis ultimately have on his family? What does this effect
suggest about his relationship with his family?
ANALYZE MEANING: the word as vermin in the first sentence of The Metamorphosis is
ungeziefer in the original German. As Kafka probably knew, ungeziefer, derives from a Middle
High German words meaning, “an unclean animal not suited for sacrifice.” What meaning do
you think this word conveys about he nature of Gregor’s metamorphosis? Do you think that his
death can be seen as a sacrifice in any sense? In a few paragraphs explain why or why not.