Sample Characterization

J. Burns
Independent Book Project: The Metamorphosis (Kafka)
1. Minimum of 4 characters from text. If your text has more, then pick the 4 most important.
2. For each character include:
a. Name
b. Relationship to story or other characters
c. Role in story: 2-3 sentences
d. Antagonist, protagonist or neither
e. Major or minor character
f. Static or Dynamic
g. An example of direct or indirect characterization
Gregor Samsa
a. Gregor
b. Brother to Grete, son of the mother and father
c. Gregor works to keep his family living in the lifestyle initially presented. He has changed
into a large, grotesque insect which makes him unable to work and provide for the
family. As the story continues, the family adapts to not needing Gregor, and he
eventually dies.
d. Protagonists
e. Major
f. Dynamic
g. Direct: “Gregor became sullen, he knew that he would have to go in order for his family
to continue on.”, pg. 51.
2. Grete Samsa
a. Grete
b. Sister to Gregor, daughter to the mother and father
c. When the story begins, Grete is a student. After Gregor can no longer provide for the
family, Grete goes to work and becomes the care taker for Gregor and the parents.
d. Neither
e. Major
f. Dynamic
g. Indirect: “…his unsuspecting sister took a broom and swept up, not only his leavings,
but even the foods which Gregor had left completely untouched, as if they too were no
longer usable…” pg. 25
The Mother
a. She is not given a name
b. Mother to Grete and Gregor
c. The mother is upset that her son has been changed into the disgusting vermin and tries
her best to still love him. However, when faced with reality, she is frightened of him and
become hysterical anytime faced with accepting that her son is no longer her son.
d. Neither
e. Minor
f. Dynamic
g. Indirect: “…his mother bent low under the light, sewed delicate lingerie for a clothing
store…while mother and sister smiled wearily at each other…”pg. 40-41
The Father
a. He is not given a name.
b. Father to Grete and Gregor
c. After Gregor’s metamorphosis, the father is forced to go back to work. He is exhausted
and takes his frustration out on Gregor. He eventually takes back his role as head of
household and becomes the breadwinner once again.
d. Neither
e. Minor
f. Dynamic
g. Direct: “…dressed in a tight fitting blue uniform with gold buttons, the kind worn by
messengers at banking…under his bushy eyebrows his black eyes darted bright,
piercing….rumpled white hair…” pg. 39