EGN-1002 - Introduction By Wilmer Arellano Syllabus • • • • • • • • • • • • EGN 1002 Engineering Orientation Summer 2013 Instructor: Wilmer Arellano Office: EC 3834 Office Phone: X-74905 (during office hours only) (305-348-4905) Office Hours: T, TR: 2:10 PM - 5:30 PM (by appointment) Classroom: EC 1104 Class Schedule: T, TR: 10:50 AM – 2:10 PM Course Website: Email: Department Phone: (305) 348-2807 Syllabus • Text Book: Not Required • References: • Philip Kosky, George Wise, Robert Balmer, William Keat. (2010). Elsevier. Exploring Engineering. (Second Edition) ISBN: 978-0-12-374723-5 • Kirk D. Hagen. (2009). Prentice Hall. Introduction to Engineering Analysis (Third Edition). eText ISBN-10: 0-13-208484-8 Print ISBN-10: 0-13-601772-X • William C. Oakes, Les L. Leone and Craig J. (2006). Gunn. Engineering your Future (5th Edition). Michigan: Great Lakes Press, Inc./ Sheridan Books, Inc. ISBN 978-1-881018-86-5 Syllabus • Course Objectives: • After completing this course, students are expected to have learned the following: – 1. The specialization areas and professional organizations for engineers – 2. How an engineer plans and completes a project – 3. Basic computer tools used by engineers – 4. How to write a technical report – 5. How to prepare and give an effective oral presentation – 6. How to work effectively within a team – 7. Professional Ethics – 8. Importance of Lifelong learning Syllabus Grading Policy Class Participation 25% Presentations 20% First Project 20% Notebook 10% Second Project 25% Total 100% Grading Scale A 95-100 B+ 86-89 C+ 76-79 D+ 66-69 A- 90-94 B 83-85 C 73-75 D 63-65 B- 80-82 C- 70-72 D- 60-62 F 0-59 All assignments are due at the beginning of class. The following deductions apply. Calendar days 15 Minutes to end of class After class to 1 day 2 days 3 or more days 10 % 50 % 75 % 100 % Missing Test Policy: Syllabus 1. Make-up tests will be given only with official written confirmation of reasons. 2. Inform Instructor about the problem to make special arrangements by next class. You may inform instructor about your problem by: a. Sending an email to b. Leaving a message at 305-348-4905 c. In Person d. By means of a messenger Failing to follow notification guidelines will make you non eligible for a make-up exam. All excuses must be submitted in original and include contact . 3. Make-up test will be comprehensive Homework Policy: 1. See table Exam Policy: 1. Cheating in an examination will result in "F" in the course. Departmental Incomplete Policy: To qualify for an INCOMPLETE, a student: 1. Must contact (e.g., phone, e-mail, etc.) the instructor or secretary before or during missed portion of class. 2. Must be passing the course prior to that part of the course that is not completed. 3. Must have documented circumstances beyond his/her control. 4. Must make up the incomplete work through the instructor of the course. 5. Must see the Instructor. All missed work must be finished before last two weeks of the following term. JUMP START 2013 Summer Opportunity Program June 24- August 2, 2013 What is Jump Start? Jump Start is a Summer B Enrichment Program for incoming freshman engineering students. It consists of attending courses in a cohort of other engineering students; classes are Freshman Orientation, English 1101, Engineering Orientation and Math Enrichment. There is a required non-creditMath course designed to help students evaluate and improve their math level and skills before the Fall semester. Lastly, on Fridays there will be workshops, lab tours to learn about research opportunities, and career services training for resumes, internships and future employment. STUDENTS MUST ATTEND ALL COURSES AND FUNCTIONS Who is eligible? Incoming Freshman Engineering Students Summer B, College Algebra level When? The program spans Monday through Friday finishing no later than 2:30 PM Where? Courses will be taught on the MMC Campus and at the Engineering Center JUMP START 2013 Summer Opportunity Program June 24- August 2, 2013 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9:30-11:45 AM ENC 1101 2 sections U12b-C(50624) ECS 134 Christine Gregory U19B-C( 50999) PCA 165 Manuel Duasso 9:00-10:30 AM Math Enrichment Carlos Smith EC 1107 9:30-11:45 AM ENC 1101 2 sections U12b-C(50624) ECS 134 Christine Gregory U19B-C( 50999) PCA 165 Manuel Duasso 9:00-10:30 AM Math Enrichment Carlos Smith EC 1107 9:30-11:45 AM ENC 1101 2 sections U12b-C(50624) ECS 134 Christine Gregory U19B-C( 50999) PCA 165 Manuel Duasso 10:50-2:10 PM EGN 1002 U03BC(53321) EC 1104 WilmerArellano 12:00-1:40 PM SLS 1501 U14B-C ( 55258) CBC 142 Walter Maldonado U13B-C(50369) PCA 171 Marco Gomez 10:50-2:10 PM 1:00-2:30 PM EGN 1002 Friday Workshops U03BEC 1109 C(53321) EC 1104 WilmerArellano 12:00-1:40 PM SLS 1501 U14B-C ( 55258) CBC 142 Walter Maldonado U13B-C(50369) PCA 171 Marco Gomez Math Enrichment with Professor Emeritus Carlos Smith from the University of South Florida Explore engineering through math and improve your math skills JUMP START 2013 Summer Opportunity Program June 24- August 2, 2013 Why? Jump Start is for incoming students to meet other engineering students to start building a network, familiarize themselves with college resources and opportunities, expand their horizons and improve academically FRIDAY WORJKSHOPS June 28- Tour Motorola Nano Fabrication Center July 12- Career Services, Resumes, Jobs, Internships, Interviewing Skills, Dress for Success July 19- TBA July 26- Pizza Party with Engineering Program Questions? Contact: Stephanie Strange Advising Questions? Contact Walter Maldonado Attrition • A factor, normally expressed as a percentage, reflecting the degree of losses of personnel or material due to various causes within a specified period of time. Attrition • The typical engineering major today spends 18.5 hours per week studying. The typical social sciences major, by contrast, spends about 14.6 hours. Attrition • STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) have also had less grade inflation than the humanities and social sciences have in the last several decades. Attrition • Roughly fifty percent of the students who begin in engineering leave the field before receiving their engineering degree. • Typically half of this attrition occurs during the first year. • Its causes may vary widely from student to student e.g. – disinterest in the field of engineering, – lack of fundamental preparation, – lack of confidence to succeed. Engineering Attrition: Student Characteristics and Educational Initiatives Larry J. Shuman, Cheryl Delaney, Harvey Wolfe, and Alejandro Scalise University of Pittsburgh Mary Besterfield-Sacre University of Texas – El Paso Attrition • A recent study of 113 undergraduates who left engineering in 2004, 2007, and 2008 points to three key reasons: – poor teaching and advising; – the difficulty of the engineering curriculum; – and a lack of “belonging” within engineering. ABET Defines Engineering as: • The profession in which knowledge of the – mathematical and – natural sciences, • gained by – study, – experience, and – practice, • is applied with judgment to develop ways to use, economically, the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind. Engineering at FIU • • • • • • • • • School of Computing and Information Sciences Biomedical Engineering Civil Engineering Environmental Engineering Construction Management Electrical Engineering Computer Engineering Mechanical Engineering Materials Engineering Keeping a Notebook Why is it important to keep a notebook? • Some times instructors follow many different books and finding all the sources the instructor used may be difficult • It is useful as a guideline for studying • As you are using your handwriting and listening simultaneously memory improves • It helps to keep you awake • My exams are open notebook, the notebook is the only document you can use in the tests How strict is the Notebook evaluation? • I will check that you keep the Notebook orderly • I will check the notebooks during the second exam – No late reviews will be allowed • You need to keep it regularly • Notebooks have to be hand written, no photocopies or printed material will be allowed • Do not bring photocopies or printed material to the test you will get an “F” in the test. Table of Contents • Get a numbered notebook or number the pages by hand • Use the first or second page as a table of contents • Table of contents entries must include date, topic and page # General Analysis Procedure and Calculator Policy Calculator Policy General Analysis Procedure • The following procedure is recommended for exams and homework General Analysis Procedure • The general analysis procedure consists of the following seven steps. 1. Problem Statement The problem statement is a written description of the analytical problem to be solved. It should be written clearly, concisely. and logically. 2. Diagram The diagram is a sketch. drawing. or schematic of the system being analyzed. Typically. it is a simplified pictorial representation of the actual system, showing only those aspects of the system that are necessary to perform the analysis. General Analysis Procedure 3. Assumptions Engineering analysis almost always involves some assumptions. Assumptions are special assertions about the physical characteristics of the problem that simplify or refine the analysis. 4. Governing Equation. All physical systems may be described by mathematical relations. Governing equations are those mathematical relations that specifically pertain to the physical system being analyzed. General Analysis Procedure 5. Calculations In this step. the solution is generated • First, the solution is developed algebraically as far as possible. • Then numerical values of known physical quantities are substituted for the corresponding algebraic variables. 6. Solution Check This step is crucial. Immediately after obtaining the result, examine it carefully. Using established knowledge of similar analytical solutions and common sense, try to ascertain whether the result is reasonable. General Analysis Procedure 7. Discussion After the solution has been thoroughly checked and corrected, discuss the result. • The discussion may include an assessment of the assumptions Introduce Yourself Outline • Relevant information about your recent pre-college achievements, activities, and experiences. • Statements of your character supported by details of your achievements. • The employer will be looking for what reasons motivated you to become an engineer. • Your position about the greatest engineering challenges in the near future. Support • Claims about your character must be supported by details of your achievements, activities and experiences as a high school and time as engineering student. Motivations • The employer will be looking for what reasons motivated you to become an engineer • Family related, • Designing objects always interested you, • You know an engineer who motivated you Awareness • The employer will be looking for your position about the greatest challenges that the engineering disciplines must face in the near future. • Select one topic and present your position. You could use as a reference the links bellow. This section should be at least half of the essay. – px Body Language Kinesics Kinesics: The study of nonlinguistic bodily movements, such as gestures and facial expressions, as a systematic mode of communication. The non verbal aspects of communication have been broadly studied only since 1960. The principle of serviceable associated Habits The principle of Antithesis Gesture Clusters • The verbal channel conveys information. • The non verbal channel is used for negotiating interpersonal attitudes. • The non verbal channel can be up to 5 times greater • When the verbal and non-verbal channels are incongruent; the verbal channel may be disregarded. The Zones The Zones Elevators Rule • You are not permitted to speak to anyone, including a person you know. • You must avoid eye contact with others at all times. • You are to maintain a ‘poker face’, no emotion is permitted to be displayed. • If you have a book or newspaper, you must appear to be deeply engrossed in it. • The bigger the crowd, the less the body movement you are permitted to make. • In elevators, you are compelled to watch the floor numbers above your head. The Basics and the Origins Some gestures can be traced to our primitive animal past. As in the case of hostile gesture of baring the teeth. Most of the basic communications gestures are the same all over the world the as the shoulder shrug to show that a person does not know or does not understand what you are talking about The Basics and the Origins As verbal language differs from culture to culture, so the non verbal language may also some differences. Some Positive & Negative Expressions Some Positive & Negative Expression • • • • • Body Posture Eyes Arms, Hands and Legs Hand to Face Gestures Other Positive Signs Body Posture Relaxed posture and breathing, no visible signs of stiffness or abrupt movements. Salesmanship. "Do not turn your upper body away from the prospect. It doesn't make you look casual; it makes you look afraid, uninterested, or even unfriendly“ Eyes Gazing at another's eyes arouses strong emotions. Thus, eye contact rarely lasts longer than three seconds. Looking to all parts of the audience and not staring at just one particular person. Not looking back at your visual aid when talking about it. Or reading too much from your notes. Palms Whenever cavemen met, their palms exposed to show that no weapons were held or concealed. When someone begins to open up or be truthful, he/she will expose all or part of his/her palms. Most people find it difficult to lie with their palms exposed. Positive Sign. Negative sign. Palms Arms, Hands and Legs Positive Language Uncrossed arms, hands and legs, palms up or otherwise visible to the other person. This is a sign of openness. Negative Language Arms folded in the front or hands on your hips. This can indicate dominance of the speaker over the audience, which can hinder the audience from listening to you. Arms, Hands and Legs Positive Language Negative Language Negative Language Negative Language Negative Language Other Positive Signs Negative Language Positive Language Talking in a monotonous tone Smiling to the audience and/or and with a lack of facial adding humor to your speech. expression. Reducing the distance between you and your audience Staying as far away as possible from the audience. indicates an interest in your audience. Not using your hands is a sign Talking with your hands, and of stiffness, which can create particularly with palms open boundaries in show sincerity. communication. Hand to Face Gestures In general, during your presentation, avoid touching your face, head and neck. It can be interpreted as a negative sign or as a lie indicator. Speak no Evil See no Evil Hear no Evil