Night Test Review

Test Review
During his first night at Birkenau,
Witnessed an airplane crash
Watched a man escape from a prison
Saw a boy who hung himself
Saw children burning in flames
The job Elie was assigned in Buna
Washing clothes in the camp laundry
Working in an electrical warehouse
Serving food in the cafeteria
Cutting wood for the camp lumberyard
At Gliewitz, the SS officers laughed
at the men eating snow because….
The officers knew where there was a water well
There was real food available in the bunks
The men were eating off each other’s backs
The snow contained several types of poison
Moshe the Beadle returned to the
town of Sighet…
To find his hidden treasures
To retrieve his family
To find a good job
To warn the townspeople
What advice did Stein give Elie and
his father at Auschwitz?
He advised them not to eat the soup
He told them to eat all that they could
He suggested giving half their food to the guards
He asked them to plan a secret escape route
When Elie and his father arrived at
Birkenau, an SS officer….
Shot all the children
Killed all the women
Separated the men from the women
Put the families together in clay huts.
After he saw Elie praying, Moshe
the Beadle…
Taught him the mysteries of the cabbala
Showed him how to hunt for deer
Asked him how to sing Jewish songs
Discussed mathematics and history with him
At Birkenau, an officer
_________________ to run the furnaces.
Selected Elie’s uncle
Selected Elie’s father
Did not need anyone
Chose strong men
Why didn’t Elie’s father agree to move
to Palestine with the housekeeper?
Elie did not want to move
He said he was too old to run away
He hated the climate
His worst enemy lived there
The dentist who is eventually hanged
does not pull Elie’s gold tooth because
Punches him in the nose
Gives it to the foreman before the dentist has a chance to pull it
Pulls it himself
Pretends to be sick
After the Hungarian police came to
Sighet, Elie’s father…..
Gathered a supply of weapons
Hid Eliezer’s dog in a shed
Buried the family’s valuables
Destroyed his book of secret plans
When the American planes bombed
Elie tried to escape
Elie’s father was injured
Elie was delighted
Elie felt upset
In Sighet, the Jews were forced…
To wear yellow stars
To clean the street gutters
To build new houses for Hungarian police
To farm for the German officers
Eliezer went to the hospital
He had a horrible rash
He was stabbed by a guard
He had pneumonia
His foot was swollen
What did the prisoners do as soon
as they were free?
They traveled to America
They killed an SS officer
They ate bread
They looked for their families
In the railroad car, Madame
Worried about the train crashing
Screamed about a terrible fire
Accused a man of stealing her jewelry
Thought her baby was sick.
When his number was selected,
Elie’s father…
Told Elie to try to save him
Gave Elie some gold coins
Told Elie to contact his uncle
Gave Elie a knife and spoon
When arriving at Birkenau, when Dr.
Mengele asked Elie his age and
He lied about his age
He started to sob
He told the truth about his job
He could not speak
The dentist at Buna…
Helped some prisoners escape
Looked for gold teeth
Was not really a dentist
Gave secret information to the Jews
When the train stopped at
Birkenau, the Jews…
Discovered an American tank
Saw a tall chimney
Looked for a church steeple
Ran to a small airport
Elie was beaten with a whip after…
He tried to protect his father from being beaten
He attempted to steal food from the cafeteria
He was caught sneaking out of the barracks
He walked in on Idek and a young Polish girl
The only time Elie weeps during a
hanging is when the victim is….
A woman
A rabbi from Elie’s village
A young boy
Elie’s younger sister
Elie’s father and Meir Katz save
Elie from being…
Shot by a guard
Beaten by a Kapo
Thrown from the train
Strangled by a prisoner
When the German officer struck Elie’s
father for asking where the bathrooms
are, Elie
Attacked him
Did nothing
Began to vomit
Screamed at him
After Moshe the Beadle escapes from the
Germans, most people ignore his warnings.
Soup always tastes good to Elie, even after
the Oberkapo’s pipel is hanged.
Elie’s decision not to remain in the
hospital while the camp is being evacuated
is a wise one.
When entering a concentration camp, the
prisoners must take showers.
Elie lies when he tells Stein that he
recently has seen Stein’s family .
The evacuation plans for Buna include
those in the hospital.
Through the selection and the evacuation,
Elie’s principal goal is not to be separated
from his father.
Dr. Mengele conducts the selection.
Elie’s father is chosen in the selection.
In the hospital, Elie has his foot
Match each vocabulary word on the left
with its definition on the right
Completely lacking
sentenced to a punishment
Stun or paralyze with terror
Soothe, comfort
Having no interest or concern
Container for cooking at
high heat
Abnormal thinness caused
by starvation or disease
Restoration of confidence
To handcuff
Behaving like an animal
Dry, shrunken, wrinkled
A section of the city where
Jews were forced to live
Making known or
communicating a divine
Waiting line
How old is Elie at the beginning of the
book? At the end?
Describe Elie’s reaction to the hanging of
the pipel. How did they differ from the
reaction to the hanging of the adult
When the prisoners celebrate Yom Kippur,
what does Elie choose not to do? Why does
he make this decision?
How does Elie’s father die?
How long did the train ride to Buchenwald
How have Elie’s feelings about God
changed since his captivity began?