Night Chapter 6: 81 to 92

Night Chapter 6:
1) What is the mood of this chapter? Find three words or phrases that best express this mood.
2) What phrase does Eli repeat to himself? Why?
3) Who is Zalman? What happens to him?
4) Where do they stop? Why doesn’t Elie’s father want him to go to sleep in the snow? Where does he want
him to go?
5) How do Elie and his father keep each other alive?
6) Who is Rabbi Eliahou? Who is he looking for? What does Elie realize about the situation?
7) When they get into Gleiwitz, where do they go? What does Juliek do at night? What does Elie realize has
happened to him in the morning?
8) There is another selection after they leave Gleiwitz. How is Elie able to stay with his father after they are
9) Pick one of the following themes and explain what it has to do with this chapter in one paragraph (4-6
sentences). Use specific examples. You may want to use quotes from the book to support your ideas
(make sure to include page numbers).
A) Elie’s Struggle to Maintain Faith in a Benevolent God
C) Inhumanity Toward Other Humans
D) The Importance of Father-Son Bonds
E) Fear
F) Evil