A few of my favorites - Paulding County Schools

Welcome to…
Hello Everyone and welcome to 5th grade here at Dallas Elementary School!
I am excited to get the year started in Math and Social Studies with you!
Before we kick of this exciting year, let me tell you a little about me.
I am a home grown Georgia girl who attended the Paulding County
school district and graduated from Hiram High School. I have very fond
memories being apart of the Christmas Parades that took place right in
front of this very school! I graduated from the University of West Georgia
Of West Georgia with my Bachelors in Education. I have a duel certification
in General Education as well as ESOL (Teaching English as a Second
Language). I have taught in several different grade levels and I am excited to
be teaching 5th grade this year!
I am so excited to announce that I will be marrying my best friend on
September 20th of this year so don’t be surprise when my name changes! I
am known for thinking outside the box and my personality so get ready to
learn materials in a new and exciting way. Please let me know what I can do
to help you find success in my classroom and I look forward to the year
A few of my favorites:
Anything Disney or
Gone with the Wind
Flower: Tulips
Season: Spring
Snack: Pretzels
Drink: Sweet Tea
Candy: Anything “fruity”!
Sport: Football
Ms. Price (soon To be Mrs. Hardin)
What you should know
about 5th grade….
“You get to do lots of science experiments and learn things about cells, erosion, and chemical and physical reactions. You
also get to read good books, and learn harder math, but you also get to do fun math things.” -Alyssa
“Listen to the teachers AND YOUR’E GOOD” – Latrisha
“All of the teachers expect a lot from all students. Always have good behavior, turn in your homework, and be respectful
to all teachers.”- Maureen
“If you are having a hard time with fractions, work on it, because there are a lot of standards with fractions. You will love
all the teachers. Be ready to work. There is a lot of homework but they are just trying to get us ready for Middle School.”
– Emma
“Sharpen your pencils only in the morning. Don’t get in trouble and always do your best to show respect and
responsibility. Don’t bully other people.”- Avery
“Work extra hard, bring extra supplies, always trust your teachers, make friends with everyone, and DON’T BE A BULLY.
There is class Dojo, and there is something new for you called 4-H.” – Elijah
“Expect: WORK! A lot of spelling homework, testing, fractions, projects, school, kids looking up to you, and following you
around, 4-H, and DARE. Do Not Expect: me being here, Kindergarten stuff, slacking off (no way Jose). Therefore, 5 th
grade is just like 4th grade but a more advanced version.”- Mason B.
“You need to be responsible. Be prepared to do a lot of work. Have a lot of respect for your teachers. You will have 4-H
once a month and tests on Fridays.- Makayla
“Don’t be scared to ask questions in class. It’s not a good idea to sit next to a best friend. Just sit in a good spot that won’t
make you talk to the person next to you. DO YOUR HOMEWORK. It’s not that hard, trust me. Be friends with all of your
classmates, it will help (A LOT).” – Irelynn
“Homework is very important, it can and will take your grades down. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT be off task! If you are off
task, you will have LOTS of work to catch up on.” – Chase
“Protect recess (Be very good!) Don’t be disruptive! Pay attention.” –Levi
“Be respectful. Do your homework at all times. Do not talk in line or in class. Be ready to learn and have all of your stuff.
Say nice to things to the teacher or make them something nice.” – Jeniah
“Follow EvErY SiNgLe direction. Only follow directions from teachers.” –Emilio
“Write your projects and your homework in an agenda. Stay organized. Stay calm. You get to take graduation pictures.” Bryn
“Be ready to learn. Have high expectations. Do your best, be a leader. Give respect and earn it back. Ask for help (you
can’t do everything by yourself.) Grow up. Have each other’s back.”- Romarrus
“There is lots of writing, like writing 5 paragraphs with editing and stuff in under 2 hours. The teachers expect
responsibility and respect.” –Evan
“You have to earn your recess. You’re the leader of the school. You can do experiments and you take fun field trips.”Riley
“Be respectful, kind, and gentle. Don’t be lazy and don’t whine. Don’t be sleepy. Have good handwriting. Come prepared
with supplies. But the most important thing is to have fun and be yourself! ” – Sara
“Don’t chew gum. Be able to multiply fractions. Don’t forget homework (lots of homework…) Pencils, lots of them. More
pencils. Big box o’ pencils. Be respectful, be mature. Do. What. The. Teacher. Says. The ability to complete assignments is
important.” – Austin
“The teachers always push us to do our best. Be respectful, responsible, and turn in homework on time. Come every day.
No chewing gum. Be good, don’t talk back. Be prepared.” – Kayla C.
“No chewing gum, no YouTube. Always have your homework.”-Adrian
“Your behavior needs to be top notch. You have to listen to everything the teacher says.” – Jordan
“Don’t be off-task. Expect hard work. No talking back to the teacher. Turn in homework. Do not talk over the teacher.”Keyshaun