Game 2

Chapter 9 review game
Question 1
 New jobs helped the economy and people came to
the city fro jobs that caused them to spend money.
 Examples: Lockheed, General Motors, Ford Motors,
and new office parks were built
 New postwar industry
Question 2
 It was originally Bell Aircraft.
 It produced airplanes and was Georgia’s largest
 Lockheed
Question 3
 Congress passed this bill to help war veterans
readjust to society once they returned from war.
 The soldiers got home loans and education money.
 This helped schools and the housing market to grow.
That boosted the economy.
 GI Bill
Question 4
 New technology was added, improvements were
made after WW2, farmers diversified there crops and
increased livestock.
 Postwar Agriculture
Question 5
 This idea was created by Dwight Eisenhower and was
put into affect by the National Highway Act of 1956.
 It was created to move military personnel quickly
and to evacuate citizens incase of a nuclear attack.
 It also increased growth of the city and tourist travel.
 Interstate Highways
Question 6
 He served 6 terms as mayor from 1937-1961.
 He was a leader in aviation and made Atlanta a hub.
 His nickname was “the father of aviation” and
Atlanta’s airport was named after him.
 He made Atlanta a model southern city for
 William Hartsfield
Question 7
 He supported William Hartsfield, desegregated city
offices, removed black and white signs from city hall,
and gave African-American policemen the authority
to arrest whites.
 He developed the Forward Atlanta Program and
brought many sports teams to the city.
 Ivan Allen Jr.
Question 8
 A professional baseball team from Milwaukee,
Wisconsin and moved to Atlanta in 1966.
 Atlanta Braves
Question 9
 Broke Babe Ruth’s home run record in 1974 at
Fulton County Stadium.
 Henry “Hank” Aaron
Question 10
 Georgia’s professional football team that first played
in 1966.
 Their current home is the Georgia Dome.
 Atlanta Falcons
Question 11
 They moved from St.Louis in 1968.
 They are Atlanta’s professional basketball team.
 Their current home is Phillip’s Areana.
 Atlanta Hawks
Question 12
 Atlanta’s first hockey team in 1972.
 They were named to commemorate Sherman’s
burning of Atlanta.
 Flames
Question 13
 Atlanta’s second hockey team.
 Their home is at Phillip’s Areana.
 Thrashers
Question 14
 He was elected in 1942 and was the first governor to
serve a four year term.
 He supported a number of measures designed to
help African-Americans, improved Georgia’s prison
system, and led Georgia to become the first state to
allow 18 year olds to vote.
 Ellis Arnall
Question 15
 Ellis Arnall couldn’t run for re-election and Eugene
Talmadge died before he could take office. Arnall
thought the luetinet governor should take his place.
Other people thought the person with the most
write-in votes should take his place. Eventually the
state Supreme Court stepped in and said the luetinet
governor would take the place.
 Gubernatorial Election of 1946
Question 16
 The son of Eugene Talmadge who had the most
write-in votes after his father died. He ran a race
based on white supremacy and states’ rights. He
served as governor from 1948-1955.
 Herman Talmadge
Question 17
 Is the states most controversial flag because it
offended African-Americans and progressive whites.
 The 1956 flag
Question 18
 only allowed whites to vote in state wide primaries;
cut blacks out of the political process because
whoever won the democratic primary won the
 White Primary
Question 19
 whichever candidate won the most unit votes won
the election; primary's were usually won by racist
candidates to get rural votes and won before blacks
votes counted
 County-Unit System
Question 20
Severed as dean at Howard university
Became president of more house college in 1940
Didn't believe in segregation
 Benjamin Mays
Question 21
Led pease ful boycotts
Was shoot and killed in mamphamse in 1963
Was raised in Atlanta
Famous speech I had a dream
Was given credit for starting the civil rights movement.
 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Question 22
 Political and social movement that many African
Americans belive began just after WWII
 Civil Rights Movement
Question 23
Consisted of 200,000 civil rights activists demeaning equality
for citizens
 March on Washington
Question 24
 Made it illegal for public places such as hotels,
theaters, and restaurants to segregate.
 Civil Rights Act of 1964
Question 25
Ending poll tax and made it easyer for blacks to pertipate in
 The 24th admendment
Question 26
The law gave the president permission to end littercy tests
before voting.
It made sure all citizens were equivalents when it came to
 Voting Rights Act of 1965
Question 27
This movement was supported by many blacks because it was
paving the way for the future of blacks voting
To show blacks how to register to vote
 Albany Movement
Question 28
The case that involved a young African American girl who was
not aloud to attend a all white school
The NAACP sued. And they won because white and black
facilities did not offer the opportunitys
 Brown vs. Board of Education
Question 29
Means to join together or unify.
In te south it ment to end segregation
Brought blacks and whites together in public places
 Intergration
Question 30
African American student who enrolled to uga in 1961
Made uga officially integrated
 African American student who enrolled to uga in
1962 Graduated Made uga officially integrated
 Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter
Question 31
 African American moved in. So white people moved
 White Flight
Question 32
 A groups of people who traveled to every single
district to hold meeting where they voiced there
Created a since of being
Favored the local option
The state voted to keep schools open
Helped end the democratic rule in the
 Sibley Commission
Question 33
 One of the most interesting charters in all of
Georgia's history
Became the owner if the pickrick
He refused to serve blacks
Government filed a law suit agents him. Forcing him
to be closed
Believed in segregation
After hitting blacks cars. He became known a
pickrick drum sticks
At one point was govener in 1970
 Lester Maddox
Question 34
When a city expands and land that used to be in the out skirts
becomes part if the city.
 Annexation
Question 35
It was from 1945-1980
Between the Soviet Union and the us, because each country
distrusted each other and had nuclear wepons
Never phiscally went to war
 Cold war
Question 36
African American lady
Refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man
 Rosa Parks
Question 37
 All nine judges on the court agree with this decision
 unanimous
Question 38
 All nine judges on the court agree with this decision
 Mary Frances Early
Question 39
Allouded local school districts to decided wether or not to keep
there schools open
Mayor hearts field supported
As did people who wanted to intergrate
 Local Option Plan
Question 40
The plan that closed all schools and opened only private
Whites likes it
 Privet school plan
Review Question 1
 The economic changes the occurred in Georgia after
the was are best represented by which of the
following events?
 The opening of Lockheed
Review Question 2
 Why did the general assembly from the sublet
 To address school integration
Review Question 3
 Who of the following would have most likely agreed
with the views of Lester Maddox?
 Herman Talmadge
Review Question 4
 Which of the following is credited to Ivan Allen it?
 the promotion of professional sports in the south
Review Question 5
 Who if the following would most likely agree?
 Lester Maddox
Question 6
 Which of the following would an African American
citizen most likely be supportive of?
 Integration
Question 7
 What challenge did Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne
hunter face in 1961?
 they were the first African Americans admitted to