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Protozoa Worksheet: Structure, Function, and Classification

Surname ____________________
Group _________
1.The mitochondria of eukaryotes carry:
B. the nucleus
C. chloroplasts
D. respiratory enzymes
2. Division, in which two daughter cells are formed ____________
3. The way of capturing food objects in amoebae is called ____________
4. Make captions for the drawing
1 ___________________
2 ______________________ 3 _______________________
4 ___________________
5 ______________________ 6 _______________________
7 ___________________
8 ______________________
5. Of the organoids listed above, those of the euglena are present and absent in the amoeba:
А. The nucleus B. The contractile vacuole
C. The stigma
D. The chromatophores
E. The flagellum
F. Pellicle
G. axostyle
H. pore cell
6. Establish a match:
1. toxoplasma
2. Dysentery amoeba
3. trichomonads
4. Difflugia
5. Clathrulina
6 Eudorina
7. Suvoyka
A. sunfish
B. Plant flagellates
C. plant flagellates
D. Sporobacteria
E. Corms
F. Sucking infusoria
G. Ciliated infusoria
7. The movement organs of protozoa do not include:
A. Cilia
B. Parapodia
C. Pseudopodia
D. The flagella
8. The stage of the life cycle of the dysentery ameba invasive to humans is
9. Make captions for the drawing
1 ______________________ 2 _______________________
3 _____________________
4 ______________________ 5 _______________________
6 _____________________
7 ______________________
10. Green photosynthetic forms, such as Euglena, store the energy obtained with the products of
photosynthesis in the form of a unique starch-like carbohydrate called ______________
11. Define oocysts.
12. The intermediate host of malarial plasmodium is ___________________
13. The process of gamete formation in malaria plasmodium begins in the body ________________
and ends in the body ________________
14. The flagellates labeled in the figure are capable of photosynthesis:
15. Give a definition of extrusome and what function does it perform?
16. Cytostome is:
А. Cellular mouth
Б. Cellular pharynx
C. powders
D. Digestive vacuole
17. Gregarins are parasites of:
А. Humans
B. rabbits
C. invertebrates
18. Describe the function of the apical complex and what it consists of:
19. Describe the phenomenon of nuclear dimorphism in infusoria:
D. fish