g9Learning objectives Unit 2 Reproduction

Learning objectives Unit 2 Reproduction
1. define traits
2. define heredity
3. the role of the nucleus and its contents in determining traits and controlling cell
4. define gene
5. define DNA
6. define chromosome
7. describe genes as being composed of DNA
8. describe chromosomes as being composed of numerous genes
9. define gene mutation
10. define mutagen
11. give examples of mutations caused by:
human activity
12. illustrate and describe the basic processes of cell division, including what happens
to the cell membrane and the contents of the nucleus
define cell cycle
list the stages of the cell cycle
define mitosis
define cytokinesis
13. state and briefly describe the four phases of mitosis followed by cytokinesis.
14. distinguish between sexual and asexual reproduction in representative organisms
15. define asexual reproduction
- explain methods of asexual reproduction using an example. Include:
binary fission
vegetative reproduction
spore formation
16. define sexual reproduction
17. define gamete, fertilization, zygote, embryo
describe the role of meiosis in sexual reproduction
state and briefly describe the eight phases of meiosis
define diploid
define haploid
describe interkinesis
Meiosis I
- Prophase I: homologues chromosomes pair up
- Metaphase I: homologus chromosomes pair up at the equator
- Anaphase I: homologuous chromosomes separate and are pulled to
opposite poles
- Telophase I: homologuous pairs have moved to opposite ends of
the cell and cell begins to divide
Meiosis II
- Prophase II: nucleus contains only 1 chromosome from the
homologous pair in each cell
- Metaphase II: chromosomes line up at the equator
- Anaphase II: half of the chromosomes are pulled to opposite poles
- Telophase II: a nuclear membrane forms around each set of
chromosomes and the cell begins to divide to produce four haploid
18. compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis. Include:
types of cells
number of daughter cells produced
amount of genetic material in each daughter cell
19. Interkenisis: the cell grows and makes various proteins
20. distinguish between sexual and asexual reproduction in representative organisms
21. explain how various organisms reproduce sexually. Include:
flowering plant
22. incomplete metamorphosis
23. complete metamorphosis
24. compare and contrast complete and incomplete metamorphosis
25. compare and contrast external and internal fertilization
26. compare sexual and asexual reproduction in terms of their advantages and
meiosis and mitosis
amount of energy required
parental care
genetic variety in offspring
27. provide examples of genetic conditions that cannot be cured using scientific and
technological knowledge at the present time. Include:
Down syndrome
Cystic Fibrosis
Allderdice Syndrome
28. identify major shifts in scientific understanding of genetics. Include:
Mendel’s experiments
Watson and Crick’s double helix model of DNA
Human Genome Project
genetic engineering
29. provide examples of how the knowledge of cellular functions has resulted in the
development of technologies
30. provide examples of Canadian contributions to science and technology related to
heredity and genetic engineering
31. evaluate information and evidence gathered on the topic of genetics and genetic