American Government Syllabus

AP American Government 2014-2015
Mr. Totaro
You will need: 3-ring binder filled with loose-leaf, writing utensils
Class Rules: Violation of these rules will result in detentions and/or phone calls to parents.
1. Bring all necessary materials with you to class
2. Be in your desk and prepared for class when the bell rings—this includes having homework out ready
for me to check
3. You must show respect to yourself, your classmates, and the teacher at all times. This includes
listening and taking turns as well as contributing.
4. Cell phones will be taken away if seen or heard. .
5. All school rules apply and are enforced (See handbook).
Homework will be checked the day after it is assigned.
When you are given time at the end of class to work on homework you will work on AP US/Comp
Government only. HOMEWORK is also an important part of your grade.
Absences and Make-Up Tests:
When you are absent you are expected to complete the assignments. Homework must be turned in
the day you return to class. You may check my wiki, email me, or call a classmate to get the assignment.
If you miss class the day before a quiz or test, you must be prepared to take that quiz or test with the
class when you return the following day.
If you are absent on a test day, make-up tests must be taken the day you return. I reserve the
right to create a make-up test different from the original test. Make-up work not completed in this time
frame automatically becomes a zero. For longer absences, see me to make a schedule for catching up.
When you are absent it is your responsibility to see what you have missed. Check with me when you are
absent to see what you missed. You can also look at your grades and if you see any MISSING that means
you have that quiz or test to make up. All quizzes and tests must be made up the day you return. If not
they become a ZERO which is extremely difficult to pull up. Therefore try your hardest to be here for
every quiz and test or get your make up work done as soon as you get back. Do not wait.
Grading: The JPPSS grading scale will be used: 93-100 = A
85 - 92 = B
75 - 84 = C
64 - 74 = D
Under 64 = F
Testing Procedures:
~Sit in your seat and face forward with both feet on the floor.
~Desk will be cleared except for instructed items
~All books will be off your desk
~No talking during a test. Be respectful and remain quiet until everyone is finished.
~No communication or exchange of instructed test taking items during the test
~Keep work covered at all times
All students will follow all rules for the entire test taking period- begins when the first test is handed out
and ends when the last test is handed in. Students that do not abide by the test taking procedure will lose
points or be given a grade of an “F.”
American Government
The class will focus on the Constitution: philosophy, history, development, contemporary issues, court
cases, the Bill of Rights, etc …
It is important to keep up with current news going on in government. You will be responsible for
watching the news and be ready to discuss stories that interest you (no fluff stories).
Advanced Placement
Since this is an AP class, it is strongly suggested that you take the AP exam at the end of the year. The
AP Exam will give you the opportunity to earn college credit for taking the class, depending on your test
score. This class will prepare you for the test.
You will need to purchase the book 5 Steps to a 5; AP US Government and Politics (2014-2015) by
Pamela Lamb. Please have this book before the end of the week of Labor Day.
We the People
A program sponsored by the Center for Civic Education in which members of the class will compete
against classes from other schools from around the state in a mock senatorial hearing.
The winners from each state earn the opportunity to compete against classes from other schools from
other states in the Washington DC area at James Madison University. Once students land in Washington
DC they will compete in at least two mock senatorial hearings and tour the national monuments and
museums during the 5 day 4 night trip.
The $1500 per student required for the trip covers air fare, hotel, meals and admission into special
attractions. While it would be nice to raise funds for the trip and we will attempt to raise as much as
possible; you will probably have to pay for half or more of the trip. If parents have connections as
parents had last year to corporate sponsorship of your trip to defray your cost, by all means this is
Of course the first job is to earn the right to go to Washington as Haynes Academy has the last three
years representing Louisiana.
In the two sections of AP Government I will be teaching this school year, I have over 50 students.
Students will tryout during the next couple of weeks to make a team of not more than 24 members.
All students will be responsible for learning the same material whether on the team or not.
I may be contacted by phone at the school number 837-8300 or by email at
We have read the syllabus for AP American / Comparative Government and we understand and will
abide with all rules and regulations. Please complete as much of the following as possible.
STUDENT NAME______________________________________________________
PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE_______________________________________
HOME PHONE_________________________________________________________
NAME (MOM) ________________________(DAD)____________________________
CELL (MOM)_________________________(DAD)____________________________
WORK (MOM)________________________(DAD)____________________________
EMAIL (MOM)_________________________________________________________