PS_Regnl Assmt_SF_exam

Physical Science Assessment SF
Student Name _________________________________________________________________
School Name __________________________________________________________________
Print your name and the name of your school on the lines above.
The questions on this test measure your knowledge and understanding of science. The test has two parts.
Both parts are contained in this test.
Part I consists of 30 multiple-choice questions [30 pts]. Record your answers to these questions on the
separate answer sheet or scantron form. Use only a No. 2 pencil on your answer sheet.
Part II consists of 9 constructed response questions [22 pts]. Write your answers to these questions in the
spaces provided in the test booklet.
You may use a calculator to answer the questions on the test if needed.
You will have one class period (40 min) to answer the questions on this test.
There are 30 questions on Part I of the test. Each question is followed by four choices, numbered 1
through 4. Read each question carefully. Decide which choice is the best answer. On the separate answer
sheet, mark your answer in the row of circles for each question by filing in the circle that has the same
number as the answer you have chosen.
Read the sample question below.
The correct answer is the Sun, which is choice number 2. On your answer sheet, look at the box showing
the row of answer circles for the sample question. Since choice number 2 is the correct answer for the
sample question, the circle with the number 2 has been filled in.
Answer all of the questions in Part I in the same way. Mark only one answer for each question. If you
want to change an answer, be sure to erase your first mark completely. Then mark the answer you want.
You will not need scrap paper. You may use the pages of this test booklet to work out your answers to
the question.
You may use a calculator if needed.
When you are told to start working, turn the page and begin with question 1. Work carefully and answer
all of the questions in Part I.
When you have finished Part I, go right on to Part II. Answer all of the questions in Part II.
In Part I each question is followed by four choices, numbered 1 through 4. Read each question
carefully. Decide which choice is the best answer. All questions in Part 1 are worth 1 pt.
1. Which statement about matter is TRUE?
(1) Atoms are not matter but they are contained in matter.
(2) Matter exists only when you can see it.
(3) Living things are not matter.
(4) Matter is made up of atoms.
2. The glass thermometer shown to the right has a
colored liquid inside it. The level of colored liquid
rises when the thermometer is placed in hot water.
Why does the level of liquid rise?
(1) Water molecules are pushed into the thermometer.
(2) Heat molecules push the molecules of the liquid upward.
(3) Heat causes the molecules of the liquid to get farther apart.
(4) The molecules of the liquid break down into atoms and take up more space.
3. The gravitational force between two objects depends on the distance between the
objects and each object’s
(1) mass
(2) pressure
(3) volume
(4) temperature
4. A person uses a bow to shoot an arrow at a target. In which diagram does the bow
and arrow have the greatest amount of potential energy?
5. The graph below shows the distance traveled by four cars, A, B, C, and D, over a period of
The average speed of a moving object can be determined by using the equation below.
Which car traveled at an average speed of 20 kilometers per hour?
(1) A (2)B (3)C (4)D
6. Which resource is considered nonrenewable?
(1) wind power
(2) solar energy
(3) moving water
(4) fossil fuels
7. Which form of energy are x-rays and ultraviolet light?
(1) nuclear
(2) heat
(3) electromagnetic
(4) chemical
8. Sound will not travel in a
(1) solid
(2) liquid
(3) gas
(4) vacuum
9. A student pushes against a tree with a force of 10 newtons (N). The tree does not
move. What is the amount of force exerted by the tree on the student?
(1) 0 N
(2) 5 N
(3) 10 N
(4) 20 N
10. The picture below shows a bird landing at a bird feeder outside a window.
The image of this bird in the window is the result of light being
(1) absorbed
(2) reflected
(3) transmitted
(4) refracted
11. The diagram below shows a model of a sample of gas particles at room
Which diagram best shows the results of removing heat from this sample until it
12. Which sequence of energy transformations occurs after a battery-operated
flashlight is turned on?
(1) electrical → light → chemical
(2) electrical → chemical → light
(3) chemical → light → electrical
(4) chemical → electrical → light
13. Which of the following always results from a chemical reaction?
(1) Fire
(2) Bubbles
(3) A new substance that is a solid
(4) A new substance that can be solid, liquid, or gas
14. Which of the following is an example of a chemical reaction?
(1) Water evaporating from a pot on a hot stove
(2) Sand being removed from seawater by filtration
(3) A spoonful of sugar dissolving in a glass of water
(4) A white solid forming when two clear liquids are poured together
Base your answers to questions 15 and 16 on the diagram below which represents the
Earth as it revolves around the Sun.
15. Which feature from this diagram gives us our seasons in New York State?
(1) The Earth’s tilt of 23.5 degrees
(2) The Suns tilt of 23.5 degrees
(3) The distance between the Sun and Earth
(4) The speed at which the Earth revolves around the sun
16. If Earth were at position D, how much time would it take for Earth to return to position D.
(1) One day
(2) One week
(3) One month
(4) One year
17. By examining fossils, scientists think that:
(1) all existing plants and animals have been unchanged since Earth formed.
(2) plants have changed over time, but animals have not.
(3) animals have changed over time, but plants have not.
(4) many changes have occurred to plants and animals.
18. Which force keeps our planets in orbit around the sun?
(1) Frictional
(2) Magnetic
(3) Gravitational
(4) Electrical
The diagram above represents the Earth’s coordinate system. Which of the following answers
below are the correct coordinates of point B?
(1) 60° North Latitude, 120° West Longitude
(2) 60° South Latitude, 120° East Longitude
(3) 60° North Longitude, 120° East Latitude
(4) 60° South Longitude, 120° West Latitude
20. Which of the following is direct evidence that the Earth’s landmasses were once part of a
single landmass called Pangea.
(1) Fossil correlations and the continents seem to fit together like a puzzle
(2) Similar climatic conditions on each landmass
(3) Rock correlations and relative age dating
(4) The rotation and revolution of the earth around the Sun
21. What do events such as the seasons, phases of the moon, eclipses, tides, and comets
have in common?
(1) They all occur randomly and without warning.
(2) They are cyclic and create patterns.
(3) They occur on every planet in our solar system.
(4) Some are predictable while others are unpredictable.
22. Earth’s weather is primarily caused by the
(1) drifting of Earth’s crustal plates
(2) gravitational attraction of the Moon
(3) uneven heating of Earth’s surface
(4) changing distance between the Earth and the Sun
From the diagram above, what is occurring in process A?
(1) Condensation
(2) Precipitation
(3) Runoff
(4) Evaporation
The shaded portions of the diagram above represent
(1) Areas of high and low pressure
(2) Areas of volcanic and seismic activity
(3) Areas of crustal subsidence
(4) Areas of large forest fires
25. The diagram to the right shows a transform plate boundary.
The movement of these crustal plates can cause a
(1) Volcano
(2) Tornado
(3) Hurricane
(4) Earthquake
26. What will happen to a hockey puck that is sliding along the ice if friction is acting?
(1) The puck will move slower and slower the entire time.
(2) The puck will move at a constant speed the entire time.
(3) The puck will move at constant speed for a while and then slow down.
(4) The puck will slow down for a while and then move at a slower constant speed.
28. The illustration to the right shows a student
approaching the door to a building.
Which two simple machines are being used to enable the student to reach the door?
(1) inclined plane and pulley
(2) lever and wheel-and-axle
(3) pulley and lever
(4) wheel-and-axle and inclined plane
Base your answers to questions 29 and 30 on the map below and on your knowledge of
science. The map shows the origin of a maritime tropical air mass. The arrow shows the
general track of this air mass. New York State is labeled NY.
29. Which temperature and moisture conditions are associated with this air mass?
(1) cold and dry
(2) warm and humid
(3) cold and humid
(4) warm and dry
30. Which factor has the greatest influence on the direction of the air-mass track?
(1) upper air currents
(2) ocean currents
(3) sea breezes
(4) mountain barriers
Record your answers in the space provided below each question. Point value for each
question is labeled in brackets [n] to the side of each question in Part 2.
31. Using the diagram above, Explain how a sedimentary rock is formed? [1]
Use the following diagram when filling in your responses to question 32 below:
The diagram below uses letters A, B, C, and D to represent processes occurring in a water cycle.
32. In the chart below, identify the process that is occurring at each letter in the Water Cycle
diagram. Select the process from the list below. [4]
Process That Is Occurring
Base your answers to questions 33 and 34 on the information and diagram below.
33. What physical property of the liquids causes them to separate into different layers when
poured into the test tubes? [1]
34. When equal amounts of liquids A, B, C, and D were placed into test tube 5, the liquids
separated into four layers. A diagram of test 5 appears below. On the blank lines next to each
layer, list the final order of the liquids as they would appear in test tube 5. [4]
Base your answers to questions 35 through 37 on the data table below, which shows the
maximum mass of ammonium chloride that can be dissolved in 100 grams of water at
various temperatures.
35. Construct a line graph on the grid below. Use an X to plot the maximum mass of
ammonium chloride that can be dissolved in 100 grams of water at each temperature shown in
the data table. Connect the Xs with a line. [7]
36. What is the maximum mass of ammonium chloride that can be dissolved in 100 grams of
water at a temperature of 70°C? [1]
_____________________ grams
37. State the relationship between water temperature and the maximum mass of ammonium
chloride that can be dissolved in 100 grams of water? [1]
Base your answers to questions 38 and 39 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of
science. The diagram shows a controlled experiment designed to test how much time it takes
for seeds to germinate under four different conditions. Four bean seeds were placed in each of
four pots. Each pot contained 100 cubic centimeters (cm3) of soil. All four pots were placed on
the same sunny windowsill. A different amount of water was placed in each pot.
38. Identify the independent (manipulated) variable in this experiment. [1]
39. Identify two conditions shown in the diagram that are held constant in all four pots. [2]
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(2) ___________________________________________________