Unit 1 Packet

Unit 1: Ecology (Chapters 50-55)
Big ideas: 1, 2, 3, 4
Essential Questions:
How do organisms use free energy to maintain organization, growth, and reproduction?
How do changes in free energy available to organisms result in changes in population size and
disruptions to an ecosystem?
How are biological systems from cells to organisms to populations, communities, and ecosystems
affected by complex biotic and abiotic interactions involving exchange of matter and free energy?
In what ways do communities interact within their environments that result in the movement of matter
and energy?
In what ways do interactions between and within populations influence patterns of species distribution
and amount of local and global ecosystem changes over time?
How does the diversity of a species within an ecosystem influence the stability of the ecosystem?
Connected to enduring understandings:
1.A Change in the genetic makeup of a population over time is evolution.
1.C Life continues to evolve within a changing environment.
2.A Growth, reproduction and maintenance of the organization of living systems require free energy and
2.C Organisms use feedback mechanisms to regulate growth, reproduction and dynamic homeostasis.
2.D Growth and dynamic homeostasis of a biological system are influenced by changes in the system’s
2.E Many biological processes involved in growth, reproduction and dynamic homeostasis include temporal
regulation and coordination.
3.E Transmission of information results in changes within and between biological systems.
4.A Interactions within biological systems lead to complex properties.
4.B Competition and cooperation are important aspects of biological systems.
4.C Naturally occurring diversity among and between components within biological systems affects
interactions with the environment.
Lecture Material:
Chapter 50 and 55:An Introduction to Ecology/ Conservation Biology
Chapter 51 Animal Behavior
Chapter 52 Population Ecology
Chapter 53 Community Ecology
Chapter 54 Ecosystem Cycles
*** See Renweb for a link to all the Chapter Objectives. You can even print them out if you wish!
1. Class Warm Ups Sheets (Dated!!!!) (If absent, include a blank page that says ABSENT)
2. All Lecture Notes (Labeled & Ordered)
3. Worksheets
a. Biomes
b. Behavioral Ecology
c. Communities
d. Ecosystems
e. Biogeochemical Chemical Cycles
4. Chapter 50-55 Guided Reading
5. Practice FRQ activity (in class)
6. Take Home FRQ (revisions allowed)
7. Ecology Lab 11: Animal Behavior
8. Ecology Lab 12: Dissolved Oxygen Virtual Lab
9. Random Sampling Lab Activity
10. Biome Concept Map Poster
(http://www.biologycorner.com/worksheets/biomes_conceptmap.html )
Assignments will be graded for content when turned in on the final Portfolio Due Date. Until
then, they will show up as an X for completed or a 0 for incomplete. This should help you (and
your parents) keep track of your progress on Renweb.
Lecture: An Introduction to Ecology& Conservation Biology
Student Work Time
Lecture: Animal Biology
Student Work Time
FRQ: Learning how to write AP Biology Essays
Assign take home FRQ (Due when portfolios are due)
Animal behavior Pre-Lab
Animal Behavior Lab
Lecture: Population Ecology
Student Work Time
Lecture: Community Ecology
Random Sampling Activity
Lecture: Ecosystem Cycles
Student Work Time
Review for Exam
Study Guide Available
AP Biology Unit 1 Exam!!!
Portfolio Grading Rubric:
__ / 5 Binder
__/ 5 Binder Cover Page
__/ 5 Binder Big 4 Ideas on Back
__/ 5 Binder Spine Labeled
__/ 5 Syllabus
__/ 5 LHS AP Bio Guide to Success
__/ 5 Unit 1 Label or Divider
__/ 5 Unit 1 Cover Sheet
__/ 5 Unit 1 Table of Contents
__/ 5 Unit 1 Warm Ups
__/ 10 Lecture Notes
__/ 40 Guided Reading Chapter 50-55
__/ 20 Worksheets
__/ 20 Essay
__/ 20 Random Sampling Activity
__/ 40 Biome Poster
Final Grade: ___________/ 200
Biomes - Concept Map
Your task is to create an image (concept) map on a particular biome. The concept map should include terms and
concepts related to the biome. Each group will have a different biome and must present the information to the
class. Image can be created using concept mapping software or hand drawn. Images must be included, either digital
or cut from magazines (or printed).
Coniferous Forest
Temperate Deciduous Forest
Tropical Rain Forest
Grasslands (temperate, savanna)
Freshwater Ecosystems
Saltwater Ecosystems
1. Place your biome (choose 1 from the above list) as a center concept on your map. Your map will be created on a
sheet of legal sized paper provided by the teacher.
2. Make four branches from the center point for each of the following categories: animals, plants, climate, and
interesting facts.
3. Research your biome to include terms and ideas for each of those main categories and link them on your map.
Include photos or other images where appropriate.
Grading Rubric
Poor (1pt)
Satisfactory (2pts)
Good (3pts)
Excellent (4 pts)
Serious errors in
organization, difficult to
Some lapses in organization
that effect coherence and
Organization shows relations of
terms, few lapses in organization but
overall it is easy to read and
Well organized and logical in all areas, map is
organized in such a way that concepts and links are
easy to follow and understand
Ideas are minimal,
inappropriate or random
Ideas are somewhat random,
minimal, or repetitious
shows well developed ideas (terms
and concepts), enough to establish
purpose of concept map
ideas are pertinent, extensive, establish purpose and
show all elements of the topic
Concept map is mostly
linear, with very few
multiple connections to
relate terms
concept map is mostly
linear, but has some
connections that link
multiple ideas
concept map is presented as a web,
terms are linked to multiple other
terms and concepts are linked in web form, showing
multiple relationships between concepts and ideas
concept map shows very
little overall knowledge of
ecology and related terms
concept map shows some
knowledge of ecology and
related terms, gaps are
concept map shows a solid
knowledge of ecology, and related
terms, some minor gaps in
knowledge, missing or misconnected
concept map shows extensive knowledge of Ecology links show an excellent and comprehensive
understanding of ecosystems and the interrelatedness
of organisms and environment
less than 10 concepts shown
10-14 items shown
15-19 items shown
20 or more items on concept map
Total _______ out of 20