Review Guide for Cumulative Exam 2015

Review Guide for Cumulative Exam 2015 Units 1,2,3abc,4,5,6,11,and14
Unit 1
Definition psychology
Nature v nurture debate
Perspectives In psychology
Fields in psychology
Unit 2
Theory and hypothesis
Ways to study psychology: case study etc.
Random sample and random assignment
Correlation coefficient
Positive and negative correlation
Blind and double blind experiments
Statistically significant
Standard deviation curve: How to read it
Ethics is research
Unit 3ABC
Parts of a neuron
Agonist and antagonist
Neurotransmitters: serotonin, dopamine, GABA, AcH
Parasympathetic, sympathetic and endocrine systems
Central nervous system
Ways to study the brain: Pet scan etc.
Glial cells
Brain stem
Lobes of the brain and major parts: broca’s area etc.
Limbic system
Split brain studies
dual processing
Adopted children and twin studies
Unit 4
Definitions: sensation and perception
Absolute threshold
Weber’s law
Subliminal messages
Blind spot
Rods and cones
The workings of the inner ear ant the parts involved
Frequency and pitch theories
Sensory interaction
Retinal disparity
Monocular cues
Phi phenomenon
Perceptual set
Unit 5
Stages of sleep and their characteristics
Sleep deprivation
Dream theories
Problems of combining drugs and alcohol
Major drugs and their side effects
Unit 6
Definition learning
Classical conditioning: all terms examples; US, UR, CS,CR, discrimination etc.
Terms for operant conditioning
Schedules of reinforcement
Observational learning
Unit 11
Definition of intelligence
Theories of intelligence: Spearman, Sternberg and Gardner
How to find IQ and mental age
Eugenics movement
Purpose of achievement tests
Reliability, validity and standardization of tests
Use of twin and adoption studies in intelligence
Flynn effect
Self-fulfilling prophecy
Unit 14
Situational and dispositional attributions
Famous studies: Stanford Prison, Asch and Milgram
Chameleon effect
Group behavior and terms: social loafing, group think etc.
Other race effect
Just world phenomenon