
Rodrigo Brücher
Brian Romero
Period 5
Beowulf Plot Summary
There was once a great kingdom ruled by Hrothgar who inherent the kingdom though a
heroic blood, this kingdom existed in a peaceful slumber who has long forgotten the sensation
of pandemonium. After a night just like any other, flashy, deafening, and plenty of booze had
ended, a newcomer had entered soundlessly though the door to execute unsightly deeds. The
stench of blood and death was profoundly rooted into the floorboards, pools of blood surround
the corpses of thanes and their blood splatted onto walls, limbs partially consumed or even
missing was the result of the monster the named Grendel. This event was only the beginning of
the future slaughters. Hrothgar prayed to the all the gods who he knew of but nothing, his
citizens continued to dwindle, sacrifices to the god and even devil were made but the madness
would not stop. Word of this pandemic spread to bordering countries yet no one answered to
the call. That is until it reached a young prodigy who survived countless battle with the blood of
his enemy’s covering his entire body. This young prodigy was named Beowulf, decedent of
noble blood of a Geats family had requested his fourteen fearless warriors to accompany him to
claim the honor and glory that was to be had from slaying such a mighty beast. With the good
guiding him he arrives onto the lands of the Danes who lost faith and were cowering in fear and
in disbelief of a savior coming to their rescue. Beowulf met with Hrothgar and arrange a deal of
trust, with this the citizens basked in delight of the thought of salvation. With these a
celebration was held to welcome the challengers, once again the mead hall was reunited with
celebration and enjoyment. As the sun fell so did the people, swept with joy and exhaustion
everyone began to dream. Irritated by their gratification Grendel began his final move, quieter
Rodrigo Brücher
Brian Romero
Period 5
Beowulf Plot Summary
than a feather, Grendel began his rain of tyranny, laceration the jugular vein and began to feast
in time he reached Beowulf, unlike the former victims were he would attack without a moment
hesitation, he slay the strong willed Beowulf fast asleep. Against his better judgement he
stretched his arm to execute Beowulf but, with a reaction second to none Beowulf grabbed
Grendel’s arm with a powerful grip that could shatter steel the two began to fight it out. The
men accompanying Beowulf grabbed their weapons and began to strike but with no luck.
Grendel had a spell that mad any shape edge that was attacking him as dull as a butter knife.
The fight ended with Beowulf ripping Grendel’s hand off while he attempted to retreat. The
defeated Grendel skin quickly lost warmth as the blood could no long supply oxygen and heat.
Soon after Grendel fell dead due to blood loss in a swamp where his retched foul corpses was
never to be seen again. Beowulf stood in front of the people with the arm of Grendel as a
trophy. The citizen began to exasperate out of sheer joy and disbelief! The festivals began with
the amiable Beowulf as its center the kingdom finally though the say the light at the end of the
tunnel. Or so they thought! The Enraged and illogical mother was emotionally devastated at the
loss of her son to the point where she went out of her lair to kill one of the kings closes friends!
The undependable king Hrothgar asked once again Beowulf for his aid once again in order to
truly save the kingdom. Beowulf accepted and marched into the wilderness in search of the
mother’s lair. Armed with a heroic sword that was said to never fail Beowulf ventured into the
hearth of the operation to vanquish the remaining evil and to purge the evil for good. As
Beowulf swam for what seemed like an eternity until he was faced with Grendel’s Mother who
Rodrigo Brücher
Brian Romero
Period 5
Beowulf Plot Summary
was ferocious, as the two began to duke it out Beowulf slowly began to lose ground. Fighting on
her home territory is far from cunning, the quick witted Beowulf had eyes on a mysterious
weapon that was forged for a giant with uncomprehend able strength, and with little choice he
made a break for it. With all his might Beowulf took hold of this and swung the unique weapon.
A powerful blow was all that was needed in the slaying of Grendel’s mother. The men awaiting
for Beowulf’s return began to mourn at the potential loss of their leader. Within moments later
bubbles began to surface, the men jumped and stood on guard if the worst became true. At last
Beowulf surfaced with the heads that belong to Grendel’s mother. Once he returned to the
kingdom he was rewarded with a throne room and riches fit for his deeds. Once again peace
returned with Beowulf by its side for 50 years! But as with everything that has a start it also has
an end, The peace came to an end when a prudent thief stole from Beowulf, he stormed out
the castle with the wind at his back he could no long see the men chasing him, but as he looked
back he stumbled onto something and felling into and ancient cavern where a guardian
slumbered. The thief unable to resisted the temptation he took ahold of a solid gold alum and
awoke the dragon that guarded the cavern. The dragon quickly ran rampant on Beowulf cities.
The decrepit Beowulf picked up his sword and announced that he shall silence the beast that
runs rampant in my land. He marched among his men to confront the beast. With all his might
he began to fight such a creature. He quickly began to lose ground and his men lost heart. All
but one fled, he stood and fought with Beowulf, with the ages of Beowulf slowing him down he
was unable to block an attack that proved to be fatal, but none the less Beowulf Accepted that
Rodrigo Brücher
Brian Romero
Period 5
Beowulf Plot Summary
he will die, but he will not die alone. The intense battle concludes the death of both beloved
Beowulf and the rampaging dragon. So ends the tale of the warrior Beowulf.