BEYOND THE HURT YOUTH PRESENTATION Presenter Name RespectED: Violence & Abuse Prevention ENTER DATE HERE 2 CANADIAN RED CROSS MISSION To improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity in Canada and around the world Humanity ▪ Impartiality ▪ Neutrality ▪ Independence ▪ Voluntary Service ▪ Unity ▪ Universality 3 WORKSHOP TOPICS • Healthy relationships and schools • Power • Bullying • Labels and stereotypes • Harassment • Impacts of bullying and harassment • Intervention and response • Prevention and helping resources 1 4 1 HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS AND SCHOOLS 5 SEE HEAR FEEL 6 2 POWER 7 POWER The ability to make something happen; it is about making choices about who you are and what you do. 2 8 EVERYONE HAS THE POWER TO EITHER HELP OR HURT OTHERS 9 3 BULLYING 10 BULLYING Intentionally mean, cruel, hurtful behaviour. It involves using power in a negative way to hurt others. 2 11 4 TYPES OF BULLYING: VERBAL Using words to verbally attack someone : • Name-calling • Mocking • Put-downs • Hurtful teasing • Threats 2 12 4 TYPES OF BULLYING: PHYSICAL Using physical force or aggression against another person: • • • • Hitting Pushing Tripping Punching • Kicking • Spitting • Shoving 2 13 4 TYPES OF BULLYING: SOCIAL/RELATIONAL Trying to hurt someone through exclusion, rumours or ignoring. 2 14 4 TYPES OF BULLYING: ELECTRONIC/CYBER Using electronic media to threaten, embarrass, intimidate, exclude or damage someone’s reputation. 2 15 ROLES IN BULLYING Person who bullies Person who witnesses Person who is targeted 16 RULES FOR ONLINE BEHAVIOUR • Golden Rule Test • Trusted Adult Test • Front Page Test • Real World Test 17 4 LABELS AND STEREOTYPES 18 Labels are judgments we make about other people. 19 Stereotypes are labels that we put on entire groups of individuals. 20 5 HARASSMENT 21 Harassment is hurting another person through cruel, offensive, and insulting behaviours. 22 HARASSMENT Harassment is similar to bullying because someone hurts another person through cruel, offensive and insulting behaviours. Harassment is different from bullying in that it is a form of discrimination. 2 23 DISCRIMINATION Discrimination is treating someone differently or poorly based on certain characteristics or differences. 2 24 HUMAN RIGHTS LAW Age Religion Family Status Race Sex Marital Status Ethnicity Sexual Orientation Physical and Mental Disability 25 SEXUAL HARASSMENT Unwelcome behaviour of a sexual nature that offends, humiliates and hurts another person. 2 26 6 IMPACTS OF BULLYING AND HARASSMENT 27 POTENTIAL IMPACT ON THE PERSON WHO IS TARGETED Sadness Anger Loneliness Fear Low selfesteem Problems with relationships Substance abuse Eating disorders Problems with school work Cutting or self-harm Suicidal feelings 28 POTENTIAL IMPACT ON THE PERSON WHO BULLIES Problems with school Problems with relationships Guilt Legal consequences Difficulty controlling anger and aggression Difficulty experiencing & expressing positive feelings Distorted sense of self-worth 29 POTENTIAL IMPACT ON THE PERSON WHO WITNESSES Guilt Anxiety Feelings of helplessness Fear Anger 30 INTENT VS. IMPACT 31 INTENT VS. IMPACT 32 INTENT VS. IMPACT 33 7 INTERVENTION AND RESPONSE 34 HELPFUL RESOURCES 35 THE POWER TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE 57% of the time, bullying stops within 10 seconds when a peer intervenes. 2 8 PREVENTION AND HELPING RESOURCES 37 To become more involved in RED CROSS check out our website at WWW.REDCROSS.CA 38 THANK YOU COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS 39