Problems in the World.

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Na ocenę celującą: otwórz prezentację; używając „próby
tempa” dopasuj czas wyświetlania poszczególnych
slajdów; zapisz pracę ponownie dwoma sposobami;
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Everyday life and Ecology
• Glass can be used as a
secondary raw material or
be refilled. Segregated
glass or glass being factory
wastes can be re-melted. In
that way we save energy
and recources. Energy can
be saved. We use 135 liters
of fuel for production of
each ton of glass.
What can we do?
Try not to discard glass
to litter bins – take it to
the organization
collecting bottles, which
will also adopt
unnecessary jars. Do
not discard bottles
which can be used
again or refilled. ex. Milk
• A lot of people think that car is a symbol of social status. Cars for
millions of people are an accepted and convenient mean of
transport. However, to start the engine you need a diesel, which
emit carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, unburned hydrocarbons and
nitrogen oxides. Lead in petrol causes the harm of human’s central
nervous system. These substances contribute to acid rain and
greenhouse effect. Exhaust air pollution causes diseases such as
lung cancer, bronchitis and asthma.
What can you do?
• Go for a walk, use
public transport or go
by bike more often.
• We throw away rags, paper, glass, metal, plastic, toxic substances
and kitchen waste. Rubbish does not wander so far away from our
homes. It is usually picked up at the local landfill. In some countries,
waste is sorted. There are the components potentially useful:
bottles, cans and paper which can be used as secondary raw
materials. Hazardous substances such as cadmium must be stored
safely. However, various chemicals that are often in the garbage
start to react with each other. The flammable gases, heavy metals
and other chemicals in the event of rain can be flushed out and get
into the water.
• Garbage can be burned, and the idea of energy production that
takes place during this process is attractive. However, burning a
mixture of garbage produces toxic gas. If the temperature is higher
than 900'C-plastics, pesticides and wood preservatives create
Dioxins, which are more toxic than cyanide. Garbage is also thrown
into the seas contaminating them and killing plants and animals.
Disposal of garbage produced in one environment to another is no
What can you do?
• Segregate your own trash
• Reduce the amount of
waste primarily by
reducing shopping
• Avoid unnecessary
packaging - Do not take
extra plastic bags offered
at the store
• Try not to buy disposable
Dangerous garbage
• Dangerous (toxic) waste is toxic by-products of industry
and our lifestyles. They are a mixture of different
chemicals that we need to get rid off. We produce a lot of
hazardous waste. Dangerous garbage has so far been
deposited in landfills, in oceans or deep wells. This has
led to pollution and now we will have to perform a
number of cleaning operations to re-secure the waste.
What can you do?
• Giving expired medicines - for containers in pharmacies
• Giving batteries - for containers in stores, offices,
schools, etc.
• Giving other glues, solvents, paints, pesticides, aerosols,
cleaners and wrappers these substances, and
fluorescent lamps, fluorescent lamps and batteries - to
the collection points for Dangerous garbage
• Most of the devices work on the
batteries. When they discharge we
throw them away but ingredients
used in batteries are unhealthy for
us and nature. Europe is trying to
remove the most dangerous
ingredients in batteries’ production.
In batteries there are heavy metals
like cadmium, lead and mercury.
To create a battery we need 50
times more power than battery
gives away. Now we can buy
batteries which we can use many
times. They contain nickel and
cadmium and that’s why they live 50
times longer. They are better but
still dangerous to environment. But
all the time scientists work on more
safety ingredients.
What can we do ?
• We can look for batteries without mercury and cadmium
in big shops
• Don’t buy a lot of devices working on batteries
• Buy a battery which we can use many times
• Don’t throw away batteries. Segregate them.
Disposable Products
• In present times we can buy disposable underwear,
cameras or wedding dresses. Everything starts to be
disposable and we can easily flush it in a toilet. Our
seas and rivers are more and more polluted with a lots of
trash which we produce every day. Birds and fish die.
The streets in our cities are polluted with litter. Wastes
pollute underground water.
What can we do?
• Don't buy disposable products. Check if we can find any
substitutes for example: cloth kitchen towel not a paper
towel or plastic containers instead of foil bags.
• Try not to throw out things, which you don't need. Give
them away to your friends or to any charity like Red
• Organise a garden sale. Sell them to other people
instead of throwing them out.
• Forests are important for life on our planet. They
maintain the water balance of land, protecting it from
excessive dryness and floods. Forests also hinder the
process of expansion of deserts. Forests are home to
thousands of animals, cutting trees causes their
extinction. We are destroying forests, seven times faster
than they are planted. Trees are cut to meet human
needs such as land for cultivation, breeding cattle for
meat. Paper production consumes huge amounts of
What can we do ?
• Try to reduce the consumption of paper products. We
need to stop to exploit so much the forests. One
suggested solution is the planting of forests.You can join
and support organizations that plant trees around the
world such as: Men of the Trees. You can work on
projects led by "BritishTrust for Conservation" (British
Association of Volunteers for the Environment).
• Pesticides are chemicals used to kill small pests. We use
them up since 1988. Pesticides also kill many mammals.
The remains of pesticides seep into the water and
poison drinking water. These substances can cause
cancer and other long-term effects. In many countries, its
use is prohibited. However their use in agriculture still
exists. Despite a ban growing crops is often dependent
on pesticides.
What can we do ?
• We should wash thoroughly all vegetables and fruit.
• Watch what kind of food we serve to small children.
• Buy food being grown in a natural way.
Acid rain
• Acid rain is caused by our
factories, our cars and
our power and through it
each day to the air gets
hundreds of tons of
• They are formed when gases
such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen
oxide and carbon dioxide rise
into the atmosphere. Then they
combine with water, where they
form a dilute acid. And finally, it
together with snow and rain falls
back to earth.
What can you do?
• Turn off the light when you leave the room. Turn off the
TV and other appliances when you do not use them.
• If you can, do not drive a car, walk, ride a bicycle or use
means of Public Transport
• Join the campaign of the group “Friends of the Earth”
against acid rains.
• Plastics in various forms has
become one of the most
popular substances in the
world. This relatively new and
inexpensive by-product of the
petrochemical industry has
replaced paper, wood, metal
and many other materials.
The problem that creates
plastic, is that it is not
This means that when you throw it away, it does not
decompose in the soil completely inert substance harmless
to the environment, such as for example, paper and dioxins
are formed during combustion. Some plastics can be
reused, but only for the manufacture of plastic bags for
What can you do?
• As soon as you can, use
of plastic more than once.
Plastic boxes of
margarine and yogurt is a
good way of replacing
food packaging wrap in
plastic foil. They may also
be useful as a pot for
flowers and containers to
store different things.