What features (Geographical, Political,
Economic, or Political) of Ancient
Civilizations make them successful?
Warm Up:
Grab a copy of the Socratic Seminar notes sheet from the back table and complete the top 4 boxes in the “know” section on which feature affect the success of a civilization.
Early Civilizations Socratic
Class Work:
10.10.13 A
10.11.13 B
1. Warm Up – “Know Chart”
2. Review Pre-Assessment : Data Tracker
3. Review Socratic Seminar Rules and
4. Closure discussion on Socratic
Seminar/Debate Questions
1 Paragraph (5-7 COMPLETE Sentences)
What was the most interesting thing you learned about factors of a civilization today?
Write down two examples to support your claim
Page 32
Complete First Civilizations Quiz Sheet
(No- this is not an actual quiz)
Tape on page 35 of NB.
Page 33
How do characteristics such as geography, economics, politics, and societal norms impact development of a civilization?
Warm Up: You’ve been dropped off in the middle of nowhere. What physical features would be the most and least beneficial for survival? List below
Geography of Ancient Civilizations and Components of Civilizations
10.14.13 A
10.15.13 B
Class Work:
1. Warm Up
2. Check HW- First Civilizations Quiz/Questions
3. Data Tracker/Review highly missed test questions
4. Geography of Ancient Civilizations Activity
5. What makes a civilization? Notes from ppt
6. WIO
WIO: Rank importance of the 8 key components of early civilizations.
HW: CHOOSE ONE PROMPTto answer in a paragraph (5-7 sentences) on page 37 of
your notebook.
Discuss two negative (bad) and two positive (good) consequences of building a civilization. What types of issues do sophisticated societies deal with? Explain your reasoning to justify your answers.
What are the 8 basic features of a civilization? What do you think are the 2 most important features in order for a civilization to run smoothly and be successful? Explain your reasoning to justify your answers.:
How did geography encourage the rise of civilization in Mesopotamia?
Warm Up: Answer each “I am” statement.
(1) I am a group of people working together to create an organized society. ________________
(2) I am the geographic feature where early people settled. _________________
(3) I am two features of a civilization that helps to bring people together. _____________ &
Explain in 5-7 Sentences why fertile soil was critical to Ancient Mesopotamia and their success.
Mesopotamia and the Sumerian
Class Work:
10.16.13 A
10.17.13 B
• Warm Up, Check HW
• Go over HW- Features of a Civilization
• BrainPop Video Clip – Sumerians
• Mesopotamia/Sumerian Notes
• Explain HW
Complete Mesopotamia reading and answer questions 1-7. Highlight/underline the sentence you found each answer in.
Number the sentences based on the question they answer.
How did job specialization impact Ancient
Warm Up: Copy underlined words.
Explain in 2-3 sentences each.
WHY do you think that job specialization was important in ancient Mesopotamia?
What do you think life would be like TODAY if the ancient people have NEVER specialized in jobs?
Help Wanted Poster
10.18.13 A
10.21.13 B
Class Work:
• Warm Up, Check HW
• Quiz – Mesopotamia/Features of a
• Video – Trade and Transportation in
• “Help Wanted” ad project
WIO: Mesopotamian Jobs Reflection- Write 2 sentences for each.
1. What job would you most likely see yourself doing if you lived in
2. Are any of the jobs similar to what we have today? How do you think they have changed?
Page 38
• Complete front portion/rough draft of
“Help Wanted”ad. Final is due Thurs/Fri!!
• Complete test corrections if you received a
79% or less for half credit up to an 80%.
• All late/missing work is due FRIDAY!! End of the Quarter!!
How did job specialization impact Ancient
Warm Up: Answer the following in 2-3 sentences each.
1. What connections do you have to your job? What made it the job you chose?
2. What elements of your ad do you need to complete today? Write a list to prioritize these.
WIO: Mesopotamian Jobs Reflection- Write 2 sentences for each. – Turn in to Teacher at end of day (Same as last class)
1. What job would you most likely see yourself doing if you lived in
2. Are any of the jobs similar to what we have today? How do you think they have changed?
Page 40
Help Wanted Poster
Class Work:
• Warm Up, Check HW
Review “Help Wanted Ad”
10.22.13 A
10.23.13 B
“Help Wanted” ad project (Formal Grade)
• Complete front portion/rough draft of
“Help Wanted”ad. Final is due Thurs/Fri!!
Complete test corrections if you received a
79% or less for half credit up to an 80%.
• All late/missing work is due FRIDAY!! End of the Quarter!!
Page 41
How did writing help to further develop the
Mesopotamian civilization?
Warm Up: Copy underlined words. Using the
BROWN textbook do the following:
1. Turn to page 325 and read the section titled
“City-States and Empires”.
2. Write the main idea of each paragraph in a complete sentence in the “warm-up” section.
Writing in Mesopotamia and
10.24.13 A
10.25.13 B
Class Work:
WIO: Epic of Gilgamesh Comprehension
Questions on separate sheet of paper.
• Complete Mesopotamian Word Puzzle
To be collected at end of class.
• Complete test corrections if you received a
79% or less for half credit up to an 80%.
• All late/missing work is due FRIDAY/TODAY!
Page 42
How did writing help to further develop the
Mesopotamian civilization?
Warm Up:
Inventions = Innovations
What inventions have been created by Early Man, and Mesopotamians that we have studied so far?
Focus on Ancient Mesopotamia.
We will Mind Mine ideas after the Warm Up.
Writing in Mesopotamia and
Class Work:
10.28.13 A
10.29.13 B
Compare and Contrast Hammurabi's Code to
Law today. What differences are there? In 3 complete sentences Provide 2 examples of how our History impacts today's society in, not only Law, but Culture as well.
1. Hammurabi's Code Worksheet- You will need to
Highlight sentences that provided textual evidence for answers, and will write the number to the question it answers next to it.
2. Skit Preparations - make sure that you have all materials needed for your skit performance next class.
Page 44