The Software Process

Slide 8.1
Object-Oriented and
Classical Software
Fifth Edition, WCB/McGraw-Hill, 2002
Stephen R. Schach
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2002
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Slide 8.2
Reuse concepts
Impediments to reuse
Reuse case studies
Objects and reuse
Reuse during the design and implementation
Reuse and maintenance
Techniques for achieving portability
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Slide 8.3
Reuse Concepts
Two types of reuse
– Accidental reuse
» First, product is built
» Then, parts put into part database for reuse
– Planned reuse
» First, reusable parts are constructed
» Then, products are built using these parts
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Slide 8.4
Why reuse?
Minor Reason
– It is expensive to design, implement, test, and
document software
– Only 15% of new code serves an original purpose
– Reuse of parts saves
Design costs
Implementation costs
Testing costs
Documentation costs
Major Reason
– Maintenance
Maintenance consumes two-thirds of software
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Slide 8.5
Impediments to Reuse
Not invented here (NIH) syndrome
Concerns about faults in potentially
reusable routines
Cost of reuse
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Slide 8.6
What sort of reuse rates can we expect?
Theoretical maximum is 85%
What can we get in practice?
Consider case studies (1975 through 2000)
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Slide 8.7
Raytheon Missile Systems Division
Planned reuse of
– Designs
» 6 code templates
– COBOL code
» 3200 reusable
Reuse rate 60%
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Slide 8.8
Toshiba Fuchu Works, Tokyo
Industrial process control systems
Accidental reuse of
Reuse rate (1985)
33% design
48% code
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Slide 8.9
NASA Software
Ground support system for unmanned
spacecraft control
Management permitted (but did not encourage)
accidental reuse
Accidental reuse of
– Modules
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Reuse rate (1982)
– 28% reused unchanged
– 10% reused with minor changes
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GTE Data Services
Slide 8.11
Data-processing software
Strongly encouraged by management
– Cash incentives when module was accepted for reuse
– Cash incentive when module was reused
Accidental reuse of
– Modules
Reuse rate
– (1988) 15% reused code, $1.5 million saved
– (est. 1989) 20% reused code
– (est. 1993) 50% reused code
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Implemented in many divisions of the
Software Technology Division
– Accidental reuse of resource planning software
– 4.1 faults per KLOC of new code, 0.9 for reused
– Overall fault rate decreased 51%
– Productivity increased 57%
– Cost $1 million, savings $4.1 million (1983–92)
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Slide 8.12
Hewlett-Packard (contd)
Slide 8.13
San Diego Technical Graphics (STG)
Planned reuse of firmware for printers
Cost $2.6 million, savings $5.6 million (1987–94)
24% reduction in faults
40% increase in productivity
Cost of developing reusable firmware—11% more
Cost of reusing it—19% of developing from scratch
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European Space Agency
Slide 8.14
Ariane 5 rocket blew up 37 seconds after lift-off
Cost: $500 million
Reason: attempt to convert 64-but integer into 16bit unsigned integer, without Ada exception
On-board computers crashed, so did rocket
Conversion was unnecessary
– Computations on the inertial reference system can stop
9 seconds before lift-off
– But, if there is a subsequent hold in countdown, it takes
several hours to reset the inertial reference system
– Computations therefore continue 50 seconds into flight
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European Space Agency (contd)
Slide 8.15
Cause of problem
– Ten years before, it was mathematically proven that
overflow was impossible—on the Ariane 4
– Because of performance constraints, conversions that
could not lead to overflow were left unprotected
– Software was used, unchanged and untested, on
Ariane 5
– But, the assumptions for the Ariane 4 no longer held
– Software developed in one context needs to be
retested when integrated into another context
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Size of Reused Components
Slide 8.16
– Most reused components were small
– Many large components were reused
– Many large components were reused
– A strong managerial commitment for reuse is needed
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Objects and Reuse
Claim of CS/D
– Ideal module has functional cohesion
– The data on which the module operates
We cannot reuse a module unless the
data are identical
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Slide 8.17
Objects and Reuse (contd)
Claim of CS/D:
– Next best module has informational cohesion
– This is an object (an instance of a class)
An object comprises both data and action
This promotes reuse
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Slide 8.18
Reuse During Design and Implementation
Design reuse
Library or toolkit
Design pattern
Software architecture
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Slide 8.19
Library or Toolkit
Set of reusable routines
– Scientific software
– GUI class library or toolkit
The user is responsible
for the control logic (white
in figure)
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Slide 8.20
Application Framework
Control logic of the design
“Hot spots” (white in figure)
Faster than reusing toolkit
More of design is reused
The logic is usually harder to
design than the operations
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Slide 8.21
Design Pattern
A solution to a
general design
In the form of a set
of interacting
The classes need
to be customized
(white in figure)
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Slide 8.22
Widget Generator
Tool that uses the set
of classes created by
the widget generator
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Slide 8.23
Abstract Factory Pattern
Abstract classes
and abstract
(virtual) methods
The interfaces
between client and
program and
generator are
The application
program is
uncoupled from the
specific operating
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Slide 8.24
Software Architecture
Encompasses a wide variety of design
issues, including:
– Organization in terms of components
– How those components interact
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Reuse of Software Architecture
Slide 8.26
Architecture reuse can lead to large-scale reuse
One mechanism:
– Software product lines
Case study:
– Hewlett-Packard printers (1995 to 1998)
» Person-hours to develop firmware decreased by a factor of 4
» Time to develop firmware decreased by factor of 3
» Reuse has increased to over 70% of components
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Reuse and Maintenance
Reuse impacts maintenance more than development
– 30% of entire product reused unchanged
– 10% reused changed
Slide 8.27
Savings during maintenance are nearly 18%
Savings during development are about 9.3%
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Objects and productivity
Reuse achieved
– Not via modules with functional cohesion,
– but via objects (informational cohesion)
In general
– Software costs have decreased
– Overall quality has improved
– Large products are essentially collection of
smaller products
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Difficulties and Problems
Slide 8.29
Learning curve
– Particularly noticeable with GUI
Problems with inheritance
– New subclass does not affect its superclass
– But, any change to a superclass affects all its
– Subclasses low in the inheritance tree can be huge
(inherited attributes)
Polymorphism and dynamic binding
– Maintenance problems were already discussed
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Difficulties and Problems (contd)
Slide 8.30
Advantages far outweigh the problems
– Numerous refereed (e.g., [Capper et al., 1994]) and
informal (OOPSLA Addendum) reports
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Slide 8.31
Product P: Machine M1 Op. Sys. O1 Compiler C1
Need P': Machine M2 Op. Sys. O2 Compiler C2
P is portable if it is cheaper to port P than to write
P' from scratch
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Hardware (disk, tape, characters, parity)
Operating system (JCL, virtual memory)
Numerical software (word size, Ada)
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Slide 8.32
Why Portability?
Difficulties hampering
One-off software
Hardware incompatibility
Lifetimes of software, hardware
Multiple copy software
Portability saves money!
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Slide 8.33
Portability strategies
Portable system software
– Isolate implementation-dependent
» UNIX kernel, device-drivers
– Levels of abstraction
» Graphics
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Slide 8.34
Portability Strategies (contd)
Portable application software
Use popular language
Use popular operating system
Adhere to language standards
Avoid numerical incompatibilities
Excellent documentation
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Slide 8.35
Portability Strategies (contd)
Portable data
– COBOL, Pascal versus ASCII files
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Slide 8.36
The mutual cooperation of object code
– From different vendors
– Written in different languages
– Running on different machines
– Nation-wide network of ATMs
Server runs database software
Clients (ATMs) run C++
Communications software
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Slide 8.37
Common Microsoft mechanism for all
component services
– Within the same process
» Invocation
– Different processes on the same machine
» Interprocess communication
– Between different machines
» Remote process call (RPC)
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Slide 8.38
How COM Is Implemented
Each piece is implemented as a COM
component (“object”)
Each component has one or more interfaces
Each interface supports one or more functions
The client calls the COM library and specifies
– The class of the component
– The specific interface
Slide 8.39
The COM library instantiates the COM
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COM uses object-oriented terminology
– Class
– Object
– Method
However, COM is currently only objectbased, not object-oriented
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Slide 8.40
International standard architecture for objectoriented systems
Object request broker (ORB) allows client to
invoke a method of any object in the system
“The mother of all client/server middleware”
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Slide 8.41
Comparing COM and CORBA
Slide 8.42
CORBA is an international standard
– Implemented on a wide variety of platforms
COM is a Microsoft product
– Hard to use with non-Microsoft products
Integration of COTS software is easier with COM
– Most COTS software is supplied by Microsoft
CORBA is much simpler than COM
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Future Trends in Interoperability
Slide 8.43
COM and CORBA are currently the “big two”
Other interoperability products may succeed,
such as JavaBeans
Web-based applications need to be integrated
into client–server products
XML (Extensible Markup Language) will probably
play a major role
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