DISA SEMINARI ROCK SEMINAR KNOWLEDGE REUSE ACROSS OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS dott. Stefan Haefliger University of St. Gallen Mercoledì 28 gennaio 2004, ore 11.30 Sala riunioni DISA Previous research examines the issue of software reuse. Its focus lies primarily on in-house development. This research examines knowledge reuse across free and open source software projects in an inductive and empirical manner. Source code modification logs of two open source projects are analyzed and categorized. Our findings are complemented by interviews with core developers. The goal is to find out whether and to what extent knowledge reuse happens across these projects and what project-related factors impact on the type of knowledge which is being reused. Searching behavior of developers for project-external knowledge is examined qualitatively. We conclude that reuse behavior in open source software development can improve the firm's understanding of black-box component markets. Implications for researchers and project managers are discussed and issues for future research named. Referente: prof. Marco Zamarian (tel. 0461/882154 email: Marco.Zamarian@economia.unitn.it)