UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM AND DEGREE COMMITTEE Thirteenth Meeting, 2014-2015 Academic Year April 1, 2015 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm IAVS Building (Room 2004) Present: M. Sollenberger, I. Miteza, E. Logan, G. Eschrich, K. Varde, J. Fink, M. Rathouz (Skyped), J. Beatty, J. Lewis-Boyd, C. Kocher, G. Lulika, B. Marmarelli AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ADOPTION OF AGENDA: The meeting was called to order at 2:00pm. 2. CORRECTION AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of March 18, 2015 were approved. A motion was made to modify the agenda to table item 7.5; the motion was approved to adopt the agenda as amended. 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS 3.1 Last UCDC meeting is April 15th (Submissions are due April 9th): the April 15 meeting is the last meeting of the academic year. The committee is shutting down until early fall. 3.2 Change in meeting day (Thursdays) for AY 15-16: the UCDC meetings and Grad Sub meetings are moving to Thursdays from 2pm – 4pm to resolve the time conflict with CASL’s standing meetings. There was not a day that worked best for the entire group. The change from Wednesdays to Thursdays might require changes in membership. An email message will go out to both committees once the day/time/location have been confirmed. 3.3 HLC Syllabus Collection Report (Campus Assessment Coordinator Pam Pennock): the report is not a formal report; it’s a report generated by Pam to collect syllabi for the purposes of reporting to HLC. The request for syllabi collection went out to the department chairs. The collection of syllabi was managed by the departments’ administrative assistants. The combined overall collection rate for the four colleges was approximately 84%. The syllabi still need to be reviewed for completeness, but the reporting has improved by leaps and bounds. Mitch stated that if any of the UCDC committee members have any feedback on reporting, they can direct it to Pam Pennock. • • • • 4. Checked CASL's 6 departments, and COB, only for submission compliance. This is because last terms we checked CASL and COB for inclusion of program/course goals. Checked CECS & CEHHS for submission compliance and for inclusion of program/course goals (because last term we did not conduct the close check of those units' syllabi). We issued detailed reports to those units' deans and chairs. Checked CASL Wide programs (AAAS, CRJ, and WGST only) and Honors Program syllabi for inclusion of program/course goals. We issued detailed reports to those programs' directors. Syllabi collection rates for each college: gX6ScnawZOzcVcNUJjFmSTfe999vOc/edit?usp=sharing SUBCOMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS 4.1 Graduate Subcommittee: Ilir reported that at the last Grad Sub meeting, the committee approved: course changes, graduate certificates, and changes in the Business Analytics program. 4.2 Online Subcommittee: Ilir reported that the committee does not have another meeting scheduled, but stated that they will do an online vote on pending Canvas issues. 4.3 Assessment Subcommittee: nothing to report 4.4 General Education Implementation Subcommittee: Mitch reported that April 10, 2015 is the last day to submit courses for the Dearborn Discovery Core (DDC) until fall. The committee will meet twice per semester and will continue with basically the same structure, but with new members. The selection process will happen via email. Pam Pennock will be chairing the committee. Sometime in the fall the DDC will be closing down some of the categories, but will be looking to add courses in the capstone category. Mitch and Laura presented on assessment at the HLC conference in March. Mitch reported that there were great some good ideas discussed on pedagogy and assessment. He also stated that Schoolcraft College was very supportive of our campus’ efforts regarding Gen ED and that they liked the idea of closing out categories. 5. CONSENT CALENDAR 6. Item Number Originating College/Dept. /Discipline or Program Course Name Nature of Change: teaching method, prerequisite, and/or title change 5.1 CASL/SSCI/POL Revolution (POL Prerequisite; 450) UNFINISHED BUSINESS None 7. NEW COURSE BUSINESS Item Number Originating College/Dept. /Discipline or Program Course Name 7.1 CASL/SSCI/ECON Behavioral Economics and Deactivation Economic Psychology (ECON 336): this is a course approval to deactivate ECON 336. The college will offer an upper-level ECON course instead. There is already a course proposal for ECON 436/536 that will be submitted to UCDC hopefully at the April 15 meeting. A motion was made to approve the deactivation of ECON 336; the motion was unanimously approved. F 2015 7.2 CASL/BSCI/ANTH Immigrant Cultures and Gender (ANTH/WGST/CRJ 455): this is a change in course type from lecture to seminar and a reduction in the enrollment cap from 40 to 20 with a substantial F 2015 New/Topics/ Change/ Deactivation Change Effective Term for Course increase in the writing requirement. Jan needs course approvals for the crosslisted courses. A motion was made to approve the change pending the course approvals for the crosslisted courses; the motion was approved. 7.3 CASL/BSCI/ANTH Engaged Urban Anthropology (ANTH 390): this course was taught for the first time last fall as a topics course and it went very well. Fall 2015 would be the second offering as a topics course. A motion was made to approve the course pending corrections in the course description; the motion was approved. Topics 7.4 CASL/CADM/CRJ Forensic Science Evidence in New Criminal Cases (CRJ 487): this is a new course to be taught by a new faculty member. The CRJ program is going through revisions to refocus and to make more rigorous. Since CIS uses some of the CRJ courses Gabriella will have Don Shelton contact Bill Grosky to discuss the changes in CRJ. Also the course description got cut off of the course approval form. Gabriella will send Jan and Mitch the complete description. A motion was F 2015 F 2015 made to approve the course; the motion was unanimously approved. 7.5 CASL/CADM/CRJ Criminal Procedure and Constitutional Law (CRJ 488): This item was tabled. 8. NEW PROGRAM BUSINESS New F 2015 Item Number Originating College/Dept. Program Name and Type (major, New/Change/ /Discipline or Program minor, concentration, or Deactivation certificate) Effective Term for Program 8.1 CECS/ECE F 2015 9. 10. BSE-Electrical Engineering Change (major): this change is to remove two engineering courses from the “third physics course” list. A motion was made to approve the program change; the motion was approved. NEW POLICY AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS 9.1 Gen Ed subcommittee motion: This is an existing committee. The motion is to rename and reconfigure the committee. The committee will be retitled the Dearborn Discovery Core Subcommittee (DDC). The objective will stay the same which is to review courses and approve them for DDC. The membership will be selected as follows, three members from CASL and one member from each of the other colleges. Section IV, the term length and selection has changed–it will now be a two year term limit. The committee will meet twice in the fall semester and twice in the winter semester. A motion was made to rename and reconfigure the committee; the motion was approved. ADJOURNMENT: the meeting was adjourned at 2:48pm.