CTD-The Swipe Generation-Poss

Teaching the Swipe
Beth Poss
On Twitter @possbeth
Today’s Outcomes
By the end of this training session, participants will be able to:
1. Cite examples of current research on the use of technology for
children birth to 8 years
2. Differentiate the implications of Assistive Technology for young
children with disabilities versus the use of technology as an
early learning tools
3. Identify developmentally appropriate apps and other
technology resources that support the growth of language,
play, literacy and early math skills, including assistive
technology tools for access and communication
4. Consider how to include developmentally appropriate
technology in IFSPs and IEPS
What are your thoughts?
● Children under the age of 5 should have minimal screen
● Children 2 and under should have no screen time
● Some screen time is ok, even for infants and toddlers
● It does not matter how much screen time young children
Policy Statements to Guide Use
● National Association for the Education of
Young Children
● American Academy of Pediatrics
● Zero to Three
● Rand
American Academy of Pediatrics
Narrow definition of media use:
“For the purposes of this policy statement, the
term “media” refers to television programs,
prerecorded videos, Web-based programming,
and DVDs viewed on either traditional or new
screen technologies.”
NAEYC Policy Statement
“The distinction among the devices, the content,
and the user experience has been blurred by
multi-touch screens and movement-activated
technologies that detect and respond to the child’s
movements. With guidance, these various
technology tools can be harnessed for learning
and development; without guidance, usage can be
inappropriate and/or interfere with learning and
NAEYC Policy Statement
● Guidance for early childhood educators about the use of technology and
interactive media in ways that can optimize opportunities for young
children’s cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and linguistic
● Interactive vs. non-interactive/solitary
● What is screen time?
● Technology for technology’s sake vs. a means to an end
● Assistive Technology
● Ensure that any use of technology and media serves as a way to
strengthen adult-child relationships
● Effective uses of technology and media are active,hands-on, engaging,
and empowering
NAEYC Policy Statement 0 to 2 years
“There may be appropriate uses of technology for infants and toddlers in
some contexts (for example, viewing digital photos, participating in Skype
interactions with loved ones, co-viewing e-books, and engaging with some
interactive apps)... educators should limit the amount of screen time and, as
with all other experiences and activities with infants and toddlers, ensure that
any use of technology and media serves as a way to strengthen adult-child
Play is central to children’s development
and learning.
Children’s interactions with
technology and media mirror their
interactions with other play
materials and include sensorimotor
or practice play, make-believe play,
and games with rules. Therefore,
young children need opportunities
to explore technology and
interactive media in playful and
creative ways.
Moving Beyond Screen Time--Rand
Six Considerations in Redefining Technology Use
● Is it purposefully integrated to support learning?
● Is the use solitary or taking place with others?
● Is the activity sedentary or mobile?
● What are the content and features of the media?
● Are the device's features age-appropriate?
● What is the total screen time involved?
Zero to Three Research:2D to 3D-The Transfer Deficit
● Easier for young children to comprehend information from real-life
experiences with people and objects compared with information delivered
via a screen
● Transfer Deficit
o children less than 2 years old do not have the symbolic thinking skills
necessary to understand that what they see on the screen is a standin, or symbol, for the real thing.
● Repetition of 2-D experiences reduces the transfer deficit
o to use information they take in from the 2-D world and transfer it to
real-world situations.
Zero to Three Recommendations for Parents
● Participate in the screen experience and
make it a language rich, interactive activity
● Create transference from 2D to 3D--make
the connection between what she sees on a
screen and the real world.
o Play games with her afterward using
objects similar to what she has seen on
the device, such as blocks or a ball.
o Point out and label objects in real life
that she has seen on TV or on
touchscreens, such as animals and
Assistive Technology
Misconceptions create limited recommendations for AT or
AAC in young children
● provider perspective that children with disabilities
must possess an understanding of cause and effect
or other cognitive skills before they can effectively use
AT devices ( Sullivan and Lewis, 2000; Cress &
Marvin, 2003)
● providers believe that using AT means giving up on a
child being able to learn to perform a particular skill
independently (Mistreet, 2004)
Assistive Technology for Young
Incorporating Technology into the IFSP
● How does the family view
technology as a part of their
● Priorities, needs, and concerns?
● How is the technology going to be
● Built into the outcome?
● A service or a strategy?
Common Sense Media--resource for app and other media reviews
What Makes an Effective Early Childhood App?
● Open ended to support play and problem solving
● Promotes literacy, language and vocabulary
development without drill and kill
● Include rich, engaging activities that invite a high degree
of interactivity and control by the user
● Encourages movement--fine and gross motor
● Enhances and encourages interactions with adults or
peers, rather than promoting solitary exploration
● Culturally diverse/free of stereotypes
● Meets a developmental need
Apps that promote open-ended play
and problem solving
My PlayHome Series
Toca Boca
Wood Blocks for Kids
Sesame Street Family Play
Apps for Communication (AT)
● Go Talk Now
● TouchChat
● LAMP Words for Life
Key features to consider
● Core vocabulary
● Beyond wants and needs
● images
● text
● choice of layouts
● video
● audio
● choice boards
● print
● share
Apps that promote literacy and language
David Wiesner’s Spot
Go Talk Now (not just for communication!)
This is My Story
First Phrases HD
Digital StoryTime App Reviews
Movement--Fine and Gross
Dexteria Jr
Drawing Pad
Moves Like Me
Yogaverse--I am Love
What are your thoughts now?
● Mobile technology and the apps that are a part of this
can be used in meaningful ways, even with the
youngest learners.
● While screentime and media should not dominate a
young child’s play, it can be used effectively to promote
language development, play, interactions with peers
and adults, and the development of critical preschool
● What do you think? Type in the chat window and let me
Resources Available from:
Diigo “Swipe Generation” Articles, websites,
Pinterest Pre-K Apps page
Thanks for joining us!
We want to hear your feedback, please visit
to fill out our brief survey.
If you would like a Certificate of Participation,
please enter your email at the end of the survey.