Bellwork – Friday, Dec. 6th, 2013 1. Which of the following statements accounts for the Spanish failure to hold a position of dominance in world trade? a. b. c. d. The Spanish withdrew voluntarily from the race for world trade dominance and established a policy of international isolation. The Catholic Church that dominated Spanish society argued against the establishment of a commercial mentality in Spain. Spain’s interests were increasingly directed toward the destruction of the Ottoman Empire. Spain’s internal economy and banking system were not sufficient to accommodate the bullion from the new world. Select what you believe to be the right answer, and write a short explanation as to why you believe that is the correct answer. Key Concept Outline – Practice! Silver Key Concept Outline – Practice! Technological Innovations (Compass, gunpowder, better ships) Key Concept Outline – Practice! Henry the Navigator Vasco da Gama Key Concept Outline – Practice! Spanish Philippines Key Concept Outline – Practice! European competition for trade Key Concept Outline – Practice! Impact of European disease Key Concept Outline – Practice! Decline of Spanish dominance Key Concept Outline – Practice! Mercantilism Key Concept Outline – Practice! Core nations vs. Dependent zones Key Concept Outline – Practice! Spanish mita system Key Concept Outline – Practice! Asian resistance to Europeans Key Concept Outline – Practice! Seven Years War Key Concept Outline – Practice! Sugar Key Concept Outline – Practice! North American Colonies Wrap-Up 1. Which of the following statements most accurately describes the impact of the development of coredependent economic zones on state formation? a. b. c. d. Forced labor and European influence tended to generate weak governments in dependent regions, while increased trade revenues tended to generate increasing government strength in core states. While the profits of global trade tended to strengthen the governments of core regions, the creation of colonies extended powerful governments to dependent zones as well. The efforts of international trade tended to enrich private commercial interests but weaken core governments who were unable to tap the wealth. Dependent zone governments, based on company organization, tended to be strong. No state government benefited from the creation of coredependent zones. Neither core regions nor colonies were able to develop strong, centralized governments.