US Constitution Quiz

US Constitution Quiz
Constitution, Constitution!
Who’s got the power in the Union!
Question 1
What were the Articles of
A. Part of the government that makes laws constitutional.
B. Part of the government that makes laws.
C. An early plan for the new American Government.
D. A groovy way of reading your SS textbook?
Question 2
When was the Constitution ratified or
A. 1777
B. 1787
C. 1797
D. 1997
Question 3
The Articles of Confederation can be
described as?
A. A plan for government that didn’t have a lot of power.
B. A plan for government that had a lot of power.
C. A plan for government that created 3 branches of
D. A plan that had two branches of Congress.
Question 4
How many branches of Government did
the Articles of Confederation create?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Question 5
What did the delegates want to create
with the Articles of Confederation?
A. Freedom from the British.
B. Freedom from the French.
C. Freedom to rule themselves.
D. Freedom to eat chocolate chip cookies.
Question 6
What is true about the Articles of
A. It created a weak central government.
B. The states were “joined in a league of friendship.”
C. The central government only had a legislative branch
– called Congress.
D. All of the above.
Question 7
What was a weakness of the Articles of
A. No delegates liked it.
B. Congress couldn’t collect taxes and pass laws.
C. Congress could collect taxes and pass laws.
D. All of the above.
Question 8
What was the Constitutional Convention?
A. A large tent in the middle of a field.
B. A league of friendship.
C. The meeting where delegates came up with the
D. All of the above.
Question 9
Why did the delegates go to the
Constitutional Convention?
A. To revise the Articles of Confederation.
B. To revise the US Constitution.
C. To keep Benjamin Franklin from falling asleep.
D. To see their friends.
Question 10
What’s the right order?
A. Revolution, Articles of Confederation, US Constitution,
Constitutional Convention.
B. Revolution, US Constitution, Constitutional
Convention, Articles of Confederation.
C. Revolution, Articles of Confederation, Constitutional
Convention, US Constitution.
D. Revolution, Ferb, Perry, Phineas.
Question 11
How many delegates were at the
Constitutional Convention?
A. 53
B. 54
C. 55
D. 56
Question 12
What were the names of the two plans the
delegates debated at the Constitutional
A. The Virginia Plan and the New York Plan.
B. The New Jersey Plan and the West Virginia Plan
C. The New Jersey Plan and the Virginia Plan.
D. None of the above.
Question 13
What was the Great Compromise?
A. A plan that created only one Congress.
B. A plan that split Congress into the House of
Representatives and the Senate.
C. A plan that didn’t help create the US Constitution.
D. A plan for Westward Expansion.
Question 14
What “does checks and balances” mean?
A. A system that helps with science experiments.
B. A system that created the three branches of
C. A system that helps parents balance their
D. A system where no branch of government becomes
too powerful.
Question 15
What was a Federalist?
A. A person that believed states should have lots of
B. A person that believed in a strong, centralized
C. A person who wrote lots of letters.
D. A rare coin.
Question 16
What was an Antifederalist?
A. A person who believed in a strong, centralized
B. A person who didn’t like Federalists.
C. A person who believed in government power for the
D. A person who liked Ben Franklin.
Question 17
What is an Amendment?
A. A change to the US Constitution.
B. A change to the Star Spangled Banner.
C. A change to the Articles of Confederation.
D. A change in the number of the 55 delegates.
Question 18
What are the Bill of Rights?
A. The first 10 Amendments to the Constitution.
B. A way of protecting our rights and liberties.
C. A way of protecting the rights of the accused (due
D. All of the above.
Question 19
How many Articles are there in the US
A. 5.
B. 6.
C. 7.
D. 8.
Question 20
How many Amendments are there in the
A. 24.
B. 25.
C. 26.
D. 27.
Question 21
Who demanded that the Bill of Rights be
added to the Constitution?
A. Federalists.
B. Antifederalists.
C. Ben Franklin.
D. Antigovernmentarians.
Question 22
What does the Bill of Rights give to
A. It protects our rights and liberties.
B. It protects the rights of the accused.
C. Gives us due process.
D. All of the above.
Question 23
The US Constitution…
A. The Constitution gives some power to the national government and
some power to the states.
B. The Constitution divides the government into three branches – the
Legislative Branch (Congress); the Executive Branch (the President),
and the Judicial Branch (the Supreme Court).
C. The Constitution has a system of checks and balances.
D. All of the above.
Question 24
What are the three branches of
A. Judicial, Executive, State.
B. Judicial, Legislative, Parliamentarian
C. Judicial, Executive, Legislative
D. Judicial, Legislative, Local
Question 25
What is the Preamble?
A. It outlines and describes the purpose of the US
Constitution and government.
B. It establishes how the government is structured and
how the Constitution can be changed
C. It describes changes to the Constitution
D. It describes the Bill of Rights.
Question 26
What are the three levels of government?
A. Federal, State & Local.
B. Federal, Local & Executive.
C. Federal, Executive & Legislative.
D. Federal, State & Executive.
Question 27
What are the goals of the Preamble?
A. To establish justice, to ensure peace and defend the
B. To establish justice, to ensure peace and have 55
C. To ensure peace, defend the nation and create the
US Constitution.
D. To have 5th graders recite it in class.
Question 28
What are the three sections of the US
A. The Articles, Amendments and Sections.
B. The Preamble, Articles and Alterations.
C. The Preamble, Articles and Amendments.
D. The Preamble, Articles and Adjustments.
Question 29
How many state senators are there in
Congress today?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 50
D. 100
Question 30
What is a right?
A. A job, duty, or obligation.
B. Opposite of left.
C. A just, legal or moral claim.
D. None of the above.