Session 1 Skeletal st ninians

Human Physiology in the
Development of Performance
D681 12
Session 1
Learning Outcomes for unit
• LO1- Explain the structure and function of
the skeletal and muscular systems
• LO2 - Explain the structure and functions of
the cardio-respiratory and energy systems
• LO3 - Explain the adaptations that take place
within the skeletal, muscular, cardiorespiratory and energy systems as a result of
sporting or dance related training
• LO4 - Design an extended performance
related physical training programme for a
Learning Outcome 1
(a) The anatomical names of the main bones which
make up the skeletal system are correctly
(b) The structure of a long bone is accurately
(c) The anatomical names of the main muscles
which make up the muscular system are correctly
(d) The structure of a skeletal muscle is
accurately described
(e) The structure of synovial joint is accurately
Learning Outcome 2
(a) The structure of the main components of
the cardio-respiratory system is correctly
(b) The functions of the main components of
the cardio-respiratory system is accurately
(c) The functions of the three energy
systems is correctly outlined
(d) The relationship between the cardiorespiratory system and the three energy
systems is accurately explained
Learning Outcome 3
(a) The adaptations that take place within the
skeletal system as a result of sporting or dance
related training are correctly explained
(b) The adaptations that take place within the
muscular system as a result of sporting or dance
related training are correctly explained
(c) The adaptations that take place within the
cardio-respiratory system as a result of sporting
or dance related training are correctly explained
(d) The adaptations that take place within the
energy systems as a result of sporting or dance
related training are correctly explained
Learning Outcome 4
(a) The methods used to evaluate fitness is
relevant to the participant and the sporting
or dance related activity
(b) The principles of specificity and
progressive overload are applied with due
consideration to the participant and the
training and competition demands of the
sport or dance related activity
By the end of today’s lesson you should:
• Have identified the learning outcomes and
performance criteria for this unit
• Be able to correctly identify the five
functions of the skeleton
• Be able to correctly identify the anatomical
names of the bones in the upper and lower
• Be able to correctly identify the five types
of bones
Human Physiology: Quiz
Let’s see how much
you know already
Outcome 1 Explain the structure and
function of the skeletal and muscular systems
• The human skeleton is made up of more
than 200 bones, which vary considerably in
size and shape
• These bones form the framework of the
• The skeleton has 5 basic functions
1. Functions of the Skeleton: Support
 Framework for the body
 Keeps body sturdy and upright
 Works alongside the muscles
2. Functions of the Skeleton Movement
 When muscles contract
they pull on bones to
create movement
 The movements which
take place are
governed by the type
of joint
3. Functions of the Skeleton Protection
 Skeleton protects vital organs
• Examples;
 Skull protects Brain
 Spine protects Central Nervous System
 Rib cage protects Heart and Lungs
4. Functions of the Skeleton – Blood
Cell Production
 Blood cells are produced within bone
 White blood cells produced in yellow bone
marrow fight infections
 Red blood cells produced in red bone
marrow carry oxygen
5. Functions of the Skeleton – Calcium
 Mineral which strengthens bones, nails &
 Benefits are they wont break as easily
 Prevent diseases in later life eg.
Worksheet Task
• We will now learn the anatomical names
of the bones in the lower body
Anatomical Names of the Bones
in the Lower Body
Common Name
Hip Bones
Knee Cap
Lower Leg
Anatomical Name
Arch of Foot
Label Your Skeleton
Pelvic Girdle
Types of Bones
• The human skeleton is devised in the form of a
framework that is extremely strong yet light
• Bones feel solid however are about 50% water
• The remainder is made up of mineral material
• Bones are classified according to their shape
The Five Types of Bones
1. Long Bones
• Main Function; Movement
• Examples;
 Femur (thigh bone)
 Tibia/Fibula (lower leg bones)
 Humerus (upper arm)
 Radius/Ulna (forearm)
 Phalanges/Metacarpals (fingers/hand)
The Five Types of Bones
2. Short Bones
• Main Function; Strength and Weight
• Examples;
 Carpals (wrist)
 Tarsals (ankle)
The Five Types of Bones
3. Flat Bones
• Main Function; Protection
• Cranium (skull) protects Brain
• Sternum (breast bone) protects Heart
• Pelvic Girdle protects Reproductive Organs
• Thorax (ribs) protects the Heart and
The Five Types of Bones
4. Irregular Bones
• Mixed Function
• Examples;
 Vertebrae
 Facial Bones
5. Sesamoid Bones
• Main Function; sit close to bones and are
associated with generating force
• Example;
 Patella (knee cap) assists in leg power
Classifying the Skeleton
Axial Skeleton:
•Basic structure by which the rest of the
skeleton is supported
•Includes the; Skull, Spine, Rib Cage
Appendicular Skeleton:
•Includes the; limbs (arms, hands, legs and
feet) joined together by the pelvic girdle and
the shoulder girdle
Colour the Axial & Appendicular
Worksheet Task
• We will now learn the names of the bones
in the upper body
Anatomical Names of Upper
Body Bones
Common Name
• Neck
• Rib Cage
• Lower Back
• Pelvis
• Tail Bone
Anatomical Name
Anatomical Names of Upper
Body Bones
Common Name
Collar Bone
Shoulder Blades
Breast Bone
Rib Cage
Upper Arm
Forearms ( 2)
Anatomical Name
Label Your Skeleton
• For next week you are required to try and
remember the names of the anatomical
bones in the upper and lower body
• Next week you will be tested on arrival in
the class
• Please do not leave this until the night
• Try and learn a few pieces of information
each night, this will make it much easier
You should now be able to:
• Correctly identify the learning outcomes and
performance criteria for the unit
• Correctly identify the five functions of the
• Correctly identify the anatomical names of the
bones in the upper and lower body
• Correctly identify the five types of bones
Next Week
• Test on anatomical names of bones
• Structure of a long bone
• Joints and movement patterns