Axial Skeleton

Materials List for Midterm Practical: Fall 2013
Axial Skeleton
Know all bones and bone markings discussed in lab; be able to determine on which side of the body
the bone is located
1. Skeleton and bones
a. Ribs
b. Vertebrae
c. Cranial bones
d. Facial bones
e. Hyoid
f. Sternum
Appendicular Skeleton
Know all bones and bone markings discussed in lab; be able to determine on which side of the body
the bone is located
1. Skeleton and bones
a. Pectoral girdle
b. Pelvis girdle
c. Upper appendage
i. Bones of arm, forearm, wrist and hand
d. Lower appendage
i. Bones of thigh, leg, ankle and foot
Cell Division
Know how identify interphase and all sub-phases of mitosis; know any unique feature identified in
lab (e.g., term that describes the genetic material in each phase, etc.);
1. Microscope slides
a. Mitosis
Epithelial Tissue
Know any unique feature identified in lab (e.g., cilia, microvilli, etc.); Know location for each
Microscope slides
a. Simple squamous
i. Lung alveoli
b. Stratified squamous
i. Tongue
ii. Skin
c. Simple cuboidal
i. Glandular tissue
d. Stratified cuboidal
i. Ureter
e. Simple columnar
i. Intestinal tract
f. Stratified columnar
i. Male urethra
g. Psedostratified columnar
i. Trachea
h. Transitional
i. Bladder
Connective Tissue
Know any unique feature identified in lab (e.g., lacunae, Etc.); Know predominant fiber,
composition of matrix, and location for each
1. Microscope Slides
a. Ground bone
i. Bone c.s
c. Cartilage
i. Hyaline
ii. Fibrocartilage
iii. Elastic cartilage
d. Areolar tissue
e. Adipose
f. Blood
g. Loose connective tissue
i. Dermis
h. Dense connective tissue
i. Tendon
i. Reticular tissue
i. Lymph node
j. Dense elastic connective tissue
i. Aorta
Muscle Tissue
1. Microscope Slides
a. Smooth muscle
b. Cardiac muscle
i. Intercalated discs
c. Skeletal muscle
Nervous Tissue
Know the parts of a neuron
1. Microscope slides
a. Motor nerve cells
Integumentary System
Know any unique feature identified in lab (e.g., lamellated granules, etc.); Know all layers of the
epidermis and dermis; know cell types in each;
1. Microscope slide
a. Skin