
Someone who invests in a risky business venture in the hopes of making a profit:
Stirring up a rebellion against the government: SEDITION
An action or decision that sets an example for others to follow in the future: PRECEDENT
A certificate that promises to repay the money loaned, plus interes, on a certain date: BOND
Not taking sides in a conflict; staying out of an argument: NEUTRAL
The actions that a nation takes towards other nations: FOREIGN POLICY
A tax on imports meant to make foreign products cost more: TARIFF
An official agreement between two countries over a foreign policy: TREATY
The ceremony in which the president officially takes the oath of office and begins leading the
1. Which of the following was NOT a precedent set by President Washington for future
presidents to follow?
2. Which of the following is NOT true about the Judiciary Act of 1789?
3. How did Alexander Hamilton plan to reduce the national debt?
4. Which statement BEST expresses President Washington's beliefs about foreign policy?
5. Which of the following was NOT part of Alexander Hamilton'e economic plan as Secretary of
6. Which of the following BEST describes the purpose of the Bank of the United States?
7. Which of the following BEST describes the cause of the Whiskey Rebellion?
8. Which of the following BEST describes the outcome of the Whiskey Rebellion?
9. Which of the following BEST explains why George Washington asked Congress to create a
10. Why did sourther states dislike the idea of a high protective tariff?
11. Explain Hamilton's plan to reduce the natinon's debt and build the economy (3 points)
His plan was to have the government buy up all the bonds that were issued during the
Revolution. Then he planned to issue new bonds to pay off the old debts. As the economy
improved, the government would be able to pay off the new bonds.
12. A.) What happened during the Whiskey Rebellion?
Congress approved a tax on all liquour made and sold in the United States. This upset the
backcountry farmers that crew corn, which was converted into whiskey. Many farmers hated the
tax and refused to pay it. When officials came to collect the tax money, farmers rebelled. They
marched in protest, sang Revolutionary songs, and tarred and feathered the tax collectors.
B.) What was the lesson learned by the coutcome of the Whiskey Rebellion?
The Whiskey Rebellion texted the will of the new government. Washington's quick response
proved that the new government would act firmly in times of crisis and showed that violence
would not be tolerated.
Section 2: Creating a Foreign Policy
13. Why did the French Revolution eventually lose most of its support in the United States?
14. Which of the following was NOT part of Jay's Treaty with Britain?
15. *****WILL NOT BE ON THE TEST ******
16. What did Washington say in the Neutrality Proclamation of 1793?
17. What was the main message given in Washington's Farewell Address?
18. Why did people want to go to war with Britain? (2 points)
Britain captured American ships trading in the West Indies.
Why did George Washington send John Jay to Britain?
He knew that the United States was too weak to fight in a war.
19. A.) What were three main agreements between the U.S. and Britain found in Jay's Treaty?
(3 points)
1. Britain had to pay damages for the seized American ships
2. Brtain agreed to give up the forts it still held in the West
3. Americans had to pay debts that were owed to British merchants.
B.) XXXXXX (Part B will Not be on the Test)
Section 3: Political Parties Emerge: Democratic Republicans (DR) or Federalists (F)
DR - favored strong state governments
DR - emphasized the importance of farming for the economy
F - were pro-British for trading
F - favored creating the national bank
DR - wanted to strictly interpret the Constitution
20. Which of the following statements would Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists be MOST
likely to agree with?
C - keep strong ties with Britain
21. Which of the following statements would Thomas Jefferson and the Democratic-Republicans
be MOST likely to agree with?
B - keep strong ties with France
22. Which of the following BEST explains why political parties began in America?
23. The results of the election of 1796 were unexpected because:
C - president and vice president were from two different parties (this never happend before
because there were no political parties)
24. Explain the difference between a "strict" interpretation of the Constitution and a "loose"
interpretation of the Constitution?
"strict" interpretation, can not change the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson believed that any
power not specifically given to the federal government belonged to the states.
"loose" interpretatio, can change the Constitution. Alexander Hamilton believed that the
Constitution gave Congress the power to make all laws "necessary and proper" to carry out its
25. Explain how newspapers helped political parties develop.
As rivalry grew between the parties, newspapers took sides. The newspapers had great
influence on public opinion. The writers could get votes for the candidate they supported by
mixing rumors and opinions with facts.
26. Which of the following was an outcome of a disagreemtn between President Adams and
Alexander Hamilton about going to war with France?
27. Which of the followng groups decided who won the presidential election of 1800?
B - The House of Representatives (The votes in this election were tied)
28. Which of the following BEST explains why Napoleon Bonaparte signed a treaty agreeing
not to capture any more American ships?
B - because hwas was in a war with many European countries already
29. The Federalist party split MOSTLY because:
A - Hamilton deisagreed with Adams about how strong a national government should be and
about going to war
30. ***** WILL NOT BE ON THE TEST******
31. ***** WILL NOT BE ON THE TEST******
32. What were the Alien Acts?
A.) A law that said the President could remove (expel) any foreigner that was thought to be
dangerous to the country. Another law made it harder for immigrants to become citizens. They
would have to wait 14 years instead of five years
B.) Because immigrants would now have to wait 14 years to become citizens, they would not
be allowed to vote. This act was passed by the Federalists becuse many foreigners supported
AJefferson and the Republicans.
33.) What were the Sedition Acts?
A.) A law that stated citizens could be fined or jailed if they criticized the government or its
B.) Many argued that it violated the First Amendment and the right to freedom of speech and
the press.
Matching - Important People
George Washington - was respected by most Americans, elected unanimously, and set many
precedents for the country
John Adams - was short tempered and outspoken, but honorable. Part of the Federalist party.
Was a vice president and a president John Jay - was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Mad a treaty with Britain to help avoid a war
Napoleon Bonaparte - leader of the French Revolution. Was a friend of America and helped
during the Revolutionary War.
Marquis de Lafayette - French leader with a plan to conquer all of Europe. He backed downto
America so he could fight in Europe
Alexander Hamilton - was never a president. Helped create the Bank of America. Leader of the
Federalists and was killed in a duel.
Thomas Jefferson - leader of the Democratic Republicans. He was tall and easy-going. He was
the main author of the Declaration of Independence
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand - French foreign minister who would not negotiate with America
to stop capturing our ships without first receiving a bribe of $250,000.