Introduction to Contracts
The Agreement: Offer
The Agreement: Acceptance
Reality of Consent
McGraw-Hill/Irwin Business Law, 13/e
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Capacity to Contract
Rights of Third Parties
Performance & Remedies
McGraw-Hill/Irwin Business Law, 13/e
© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Agreement: Acceptance
“Make your bargain before beginning to plow.”
Arab proverb
Learning Objectives
 Basics
of Acceptance
 Intent
 Communication
 Special Problems
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Requirements for Acceptance
Acceptance must be by clear expression by
offeree of intent to be bound by terms of
offer and communicated to offeror
Only offeree may accept offer
If offer calls for performance, then performance
is acceptance
Offeror may specify manner of accepting offer
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Example: “notify of your acceptance in writing”
Specht v. Netscape
Communications Corp.
Facts & Procedural History:
Plaintiffs offered or downloaded Netscape
 Netscape included a licensing agreement in its
“SmartDownload” process
 Plaintiffs sued Netscape, alleging that download
process transmitted private information
 Netscape moved to compel arbitration per their
online licensing agreement
Specht v. Netscape
Communications Corp.
Issue: Under what circumstances does the act of
downloading create a contract?
Reasoning and Holding:
Promises become binding when there is a meeting
of the minds and consideration is exchanged
Netscape’s “browse-wrap” license merely invited
plaintiffs to agree to the license
Plaintiffs did not assent to the license, thus are not
subject to arbitration clause in the contract
Requirements for Acceptance
Silence may be acceptance
General rule is that an offeree’s silence, without
more, is not an acceptance
Circumstances may impose a duty on offeree to
reject the offer affirmatively or be bound
 Includes cases in which offeree’s silence
objectively indicates an intent to accept
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Example: McGurn v. Bell Microproducts, Inc.
McGurn v. Bell Microproducts
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Bell extended offer of employment to plaintiff
Plaintiff altered written offer to include severance
package, signed and returned
Bell silent regarding alteration and plaintiff
worked for more than a year
Bell fired plaintiff and refused to pay severance
Plaintiff won summary judgment for breach of
McGurn v. Bell Microproducts
Reasoning & Ruling:
Silence in response to an offer does not constitute
acceptance unless offeree takes benefit of offered
services with reasonable opportunity to reject
them and reason to know that they were offered
with the expectation of compensation
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Restatement (Second) of Contracts §69
Whether Bell accepted plaintiff’s alteration of the
contract by its silence and conduct is a matter of
fact, thus a matter for the jury; case remanded
Mirror Image Rule
Traditional contract law rule required
acceptance to be the mirror image of the offer
 Currently, judges hold that only material
variances between an offer and an alleged
acceptance result in an implied rejection of
the offer
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Mirror Image Rule & The UCC
UCC 2–207 allows contract formation even
when there is some variance between terms
of offer and terms of the acceptance
A definite and timely expression of acceptance
creates a contract, even if it includes terms that
are different from those stated in the offer or
even if it states additional terms that the offer
did not address [2–207(1)]
Example: Standard Bent Glass Corporation v.
Glassrobots Oy
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Communicating Acceptance
With instantaneous forms of communication,
knowing when acceptance occurs is easy
Complicated by non-instantanesous forms (e.g., mail)
Mailbox rule makes acceptance effective upon
dispatch when the offeree used a manner of
communication expressly or impliedly authorized
(invited) by the offeror
Courts today allow communication by any reasonable
means of communication
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See Ellefson v. Megadeth, Inc.
Effect of Acceptance
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Test Your Knowledge
True=A, False = B
 Silence may never indicate acceptance
 Offeror may specify manner of acceptance
 Only material variances between an offer and
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an alleged acceptance result in an implied
rejection of the offer
UCC 2–207 does not allow contract formation
if there is some variance between terms of
offer and terms of the acceptance
Test Your Knowledge
Multiple Choice
The effect of offer plus acceptance is:
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an agreement
the mirror image rule
none of the above
Thought Question
Do you read shrink-wrap and browsewrap license agreements?
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