Orientation to the Human Body (Ch. 1)

Orientation to the Human Body (Ch. 1)
Define Anatomy. Define Physiology
Relationship between Anatomy and Physiology (pg 2)
Be familiar with at least one function of each body system (pg 5 & 6):
 Integumentary
 Skeletal
 Muscular
 Nervous
 Endocrine
 Cardiovascular
 Respiratory
 Digestive
 Urinary
 Reproductive
Define Homeostasis. Be familiar with the homeostatic control system on page 10 in the textbook.
 Stimulus
 Receptor
 Control center
 Effector
 Negative and Positive Feedback Loops
Regional terms, be able to identify on a diagram and describe according to the definitions on pg 12
in your text
Directional terms:
 Describe the anatomical position
 Superior
 Inferior
 Anterior (ventral)
 Posterior (dorsal)
 Medial
 Lateral
 Intermediate
 Proximal
 Distal
 Superficial
 Deep
Body Planes and Sections:
 Sagittal Plane
 Midsagittal Plane
 Frontal (Coronal) Plane
 Transverse Plane
Body Cavitites:
 Dorsal Body Cavity
o Cranial Cavity
o Spinal Cavity
 Ventral Body Cavity
o Thoracic Cavity
o Abdominopelvic Cavity
 Abdominal Cavity (Contains the stomach, liver, intestines, and other
 Pelvic Cavity (Reproductive organs, bladder, and rectum)
Name the four abdominal quadrants AND provide the organs that can be found in each of the 9
regions (pg. 19):
 Right/Left Upper quadrant
 Right/Left Lower quadrant
 Right/Left Hypochondriac Region
 Right/Left Lumbar Region
 Right/Left Iliac Region
 Epigastric Region
 Umbilical Region
 Hypogastric Region
Tissues (Ch. 3):
Define Tissue
What is the basement membrane? Why is it important?
Define Epithelium. Where do you typically find Epithelial tissue?
What is simple epithelium?
What is stratified epithelium?
Classify cells based on shape?
 Squamous
 Cubodial
 Columnar
Define Connective Tissue. What are its primary functions?
What are the four types of connective tissue?
 Bone
 Cartilage
 Dense Connective Tissue
 Loose Connective Tissue
Muscle Tissue
 Skeletal
 Cardiac
 Smooth
Understand what muscle tissues are voluntary vs. involuntary
What is the function of muscle tissue?
What is the function of Nervous Tissue?
Skin (Ch. 4):
Describe the two major layers of the skin
 Epidermis
 Dermis
What are the three types of glands in your body?
 Sebaceous glands
 Sudoriferous glands
 Ceruminous glands
What is the function of glands in your body?
The Skeletal System (Ch. 5):
What are the 5 major functions of bones (pg. 130/131)
 Support
 Protection
 Movement
 Storage
 Blood Cell Formation
Describe the appearance and location of the two main types of bone tissue.
 Compact
 Spongy
Classify bones based on their shape and provide an example:
 Long bone
 Short bones
 Flat bone
 Irregular bone
Gross Anatomy of a Long Bone
 Diaphysis
 Epiphysis
Understand and be able to identify the major structures of a long bone.
 Periosteum
 Sharpey’s fibers
 Arteries
 Articular Cartilage
 Osteon
 Haversian Canal
 Lacuna
 Lamella
 Medullary Cavity
 Volkmann’s Canal
What are the three major parts of the axial skeleton?
 Skull
 Vertebral Column
 Rib Cage
Be able to identify the following bones on the Skull:
 Parietal
 Temporal
 Occipital
 Frontal
 Zygomatic Bone
 Nasal Bone
 Maxilla
Mental Foramen
Foramen Magnum
Be able to identify the function and location of the four major sinuses
 Frontal Sinus
 Ethmoid Sinus
 Sphenoid Sinus
 Maxillary Sinus
Be able to identify these parts of the Vertebral Column:
 Atlas
 Axis
 Cervical Vertebrae
 Thoracic Vertebrae
 Lumbar Vertebrae
 Sacrum
 Coccyx
Be able to identify these parts of the rib cage:
 Sternum
 True Ribs
 False Ribs
 Floating Ribs
What do the terms true ribs, false ribs, and floating ribs refer to?
What are the three major parts of the appendicular skeleton?
 Limbs
 Pectoral Girdle
 Pelvic Girdle
Be able to identify the following bones on the appendicular skeleton:
 Clavicle
 Scapula
 Humerus
 Ulna
 Radius
 Carpals
 Metacarpals
 Phalanges (fingers)
 Ilium
 Ischium
 Pubic Bone
 Sacrum
 Coccyx
Pubic Symphysis
Phalanges (toes)
What are the functions of the Pelvic Girdle?
 Weight of upper body rests here
 Protects several organs
What are three differences between the male and female pelvis? What is the purpose of these
Bone Growth
What type of cartilage do embryos develop from?
 Hyaline
Describe the process of bone growth:
 Epiphyseal plates allow for growth of long bone during childhood
 New cartilage is continuously formed
 Older cartilage becomes ossified
Bone Repair
What are the main types of bone fractures?
 Simple (Closed)
 Compound (Open)
 Displaced
 Non-Displaced
Be able to describe the timeline and what happens in the four main stages of bone repair:
 Hematoma forms
 Break is splinted by fibrocartilage to form a callus
 Fibrocartilage callus is replaced by a bony callus
 Bony callus is remodeled to form a permanent patch
What are the two functions of joints?
 Hold bones together
 Give the rigid skeleton mobility
Classify joints based on the amount of movement allowed:
 Synarthroses
 Amphiarthroses
 Diarthroses
Describe and provide examples of the types of joints (pg. 164):
 Fibrous Joints
 Cartilaginous Joints
 Synovial Joints
o Plane
o Hinge
o Pivot
o Condyloid
o Saddle
o Ball-and-Socket
What type of connects muscle to bone?
 Tendon
The Muscular System (Ch. 6):
Be able to identify the three types of muscular tissue:
 Skeletal
 Cardiac
 Smooth
What are the four important roles of the muscular system (pg. 181):
 Produce movement
 Maintain posture
 Stabilize joints
 Generate heat
Be able to identify parts of skeletal muscle:
 Skeletal Muscle
 Muscle fasicle
 Muscle Fiber
 Myofibril
 Sarcomere
Be able to identify the steps of muscle contraction:
 The brain or spinal cord sends an impulse to the muscle
 The impulse travels down the motor neuron and reaches a neuromuscular junction where it
releases acetylcholine, which triggers the impulse in a muscle
 The impulse travels through the plasma membrane and down T-tubules surrounding the
 As the impulse passes through the T-tubules, it causes the SR surrounding the T-tubule to
release Calcium ions into the sarcoplasm, eventually reaching the sarcomere
 The Calcium binds to troponin located on the actin filament, causing tropomyosin to move
and expose binding sites for myosin
 The myosin head now binds to actin and forms a crossbridge
 ADP and Pi are released from myosin, which causes the myosin to move. This movement is
called the PowerStroke
The ATP binds to myosin causing it to release the actin and reverting ATP into ADP and Pi.
The myosin is now read to form another crossbridge and the cycle of contraction will
continue until the impulse stops.
Once the impulse stops, Calcium is released from troponin causing tropomyosin to cover the
binding sites and prevent contraction. Calcium returns to the SR and waits for another
impulse. This is RELAXATION.
Body Movements:
Be able to identify and describe the various body movements (pg. 193)
 Flexion
 Extension
 Rotation
 Abduction
 Adduction
 Circumduction
Be able to identify the following muscles on the HUMAN body:
Facial/Neck Muscles
 Zygomatic
 Buccinator
 Orbicularis Oculi
 Frontalis
 Messeter
 Sternocleidomastoid
Chest and Arm Muscles
 Pectoralis major
 Pectoralis minor
 Deltoid
 Biceps brachii
 Triceps brachii
Abdominal Muscles
 Rectus abdominus
 External oblique
 Internal oblique
 Transverse abdominis
Back Muscles
 Trapezius
 Latissimus dorsi
 Rhomboideus
 Erector spinae
Leg Muscles
 Sartorius
Gluteus medius
Gluteus maximus
Bicep femoris
Rectus femoris
Vastus lateralis
Vastus medialis