End of Detente - presentation

 starter activity
Watch this extract from a recent documentary on the Soviet invasion of
Afghanistan (1979). List reasons why it is sometimes described as the USSR’s
USSR’s Vietnam
Soviet military lost the media war
Became embroiled in a civil war
Conscript army
Clash of cultures
Guerrilla warfare
Brutalising & demoralising effect of the war on
High levels of desertions
Why did Détente come
to an end in 1979?
 Aims
To identify & evaluate the reasons why
Détente ended
To study the impact of the Soviet Invasion
of Afghanistan
 Your task
Read p.151 and note down the reasons why neoconservatism grew in influence in the late 1970s
 Read the biography of Jimmy Carter. Identify
achievements in his presidency. How fair is the
neo-conservative interpretation of his
Growth of neo-conservatism
Naiveté of Carter – lacked foreign policy experience,
over-emphasis on human rights
Aftershock of Vietnam War
Technological and economic superiority of USA
Divisions within Carter administration
Rise of neo-conservative leaders, esp. Reagan
 Your task
Read p.153 and list the reasons for the end of
Détente. Highlight and explain which you feel
was the most important.
Reasons for end of Détente
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
Soviet influence in Third World
US anti-communist support
Soviet violations of human rights
Failure to ratify SALT II
Ill-health of Brezhnev
US hostage crisis in Iran
Growth of neo-conservatism in USA
Strengthening of Soviet military influence over
 Your task
Sort the cards your teacher gives into a diamond
9 format.
Be prepared to explain your decisions.
 Extension. How similar are the reasons for
the end of Détente to those of the start of Cold
 Your task
Read p. 154 on the Soviet Invasion of
Afghanistan and note the causes and
consequences of the conflict.
Causes of the conflict
US supported deposed Shah of Iran
USSR feared spread of Muslim Fundamentalism
Brezhnev feared covert support of anti-Soviet
rebels in
Shah of Iran
 Your task
Study sources N, P & O on p.155 and complete
the evidence table your teacher provides.
 To what extent was Afghanistan the true
cause of the ending of Détente?
 Extension
Read p.379-403 in Isaacs and take notes on the
positive and negative impacts of Reagan’s
contribution to Cold War politics
 Homework
Essay question: ‘How advantageous was the
policy of Détente to the management of the
USA’s Cold War diplomacy with the USSR in the
 Plenary
Reasons for growth of neo-conservatism
Reasons for end of Détente
How significant was the war in Afghanistan?
Who would you blame more for ending of
Détente Carter or Reagan?