Detente to Second Cold War

3/25 & 3/26
Fluctuating Relations Exam!!!!
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Compare and contrast the significance of the Berlin
crises and also of Czechoslovakia’s ‘Prague Spring’ in
the development of the Cold War in Europe during the
period 1953 – 1968.
2) In what ways did developments in Vietnam affect the
Cold War between 1954 – 1968?
3) Analyze the part played by Cuba in the development of
the Cold War in the period 1959 – 1968.
4) Assess the impact of the Cold War on two regions
excluding the United States and Soviet Union.
Weapons of the Cold War
 ICBM’s: Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
(range of 3,400 miles)
 SLBM’s: submarine-launched ballistic missile
(SLBM) is a ballistic missile capable of being
launched from some submarines
 Long-range bombers
Did détente mark the end of the First Cold War?
 Détente, 1969 – 1979
(relaxation of tensions)
 By late 1960s both sides
desired improved Cold
War relations
 Détente was just an
easing, not the end, of
the main underlying Cold
War tensions
Détente and the US
 Richard Nixon won presidential election in 1968
 US support for Vietnam called for a withdrawal
 Was prepared to limit the US policy of containing
communism if the overall consequences benefited the US
= American withdrawal from Vietnam
 Vietnam had a negative impact on ability to keep military
and economic advantage over SU
 Henry Kissinger (National Security Advisor) thought US
placed to much emphasis on Vietnam
 Nixon flew to China to meet with Mao in 1972 ~ caused
concerns from SU
Détente & the USSR
 Three factors
Economic Reasons ~ Soviet economy showing signs of being
stagnate ~ Brezhnev advocated to increase trade with the
2) Fear ~ genuine fear of a nuclear war
3) Foreign Relation Issues ~ Sino – Soviet Split
SU feared anti-soviet alliance between US & China
SALT I ~ Strategic Arms Limitations Talks
 1969 series of negotiations ~ Relations between US,
SU, & China improve with the signing of SALT I –
Anti – Ballistic Missile Treaty
ARMS CONTROL – Not reduction
Freeze was put in place on the advancement of some weapons
East – West trade was on the rise and agreed to SALT II 1972 1979
Agreed to reduction of Nuclear Weapons & both sides agree to
contact each other if any crisis seemed likely to threaten nuclear
Helsinki Conference & Accords
 1971 Warsaw Pact proposed a conference on European
 Signed the declaration in an attempt to improve relations
between the Communist bloc and the West. The Helsinki
Accords, however, were not binding as they did not have
treaty status.
Three Agreements
Recognize current borders
 Called for closer ties & collaboration across economic, science, and
culture issues
 Human Rights
1972 Final Quadripartite Protocol ~ saw the SU accept West
German links with West Berlin
 December 1972 ~ signed Basic Treaty accepting two German states
Soooo….Why does the Second Cold War begin in
 Soviet Union wanted to extend its influence in the
Developing World = limited in comparison to US
 SU wanted to acquire allies with naval bases…only
had 6 operational bases….USSR could only operate 6
aircraft carriers compared to NATO’s 20 due to allies
around the world
 Leaders of détente fall
Nixon resignation over Watergate
Brezhnev’s health deteriorated
Exit Card
 Why did the US advocate for détente?
 Why did the SU advocate for détente?
 What were the goals of SALT I & SALT II?
 Why did the period of détente end?