Endocrine System 2011 Summary Body conditions are controlled by which systems? 1. The nervous system 2. The endocrine system What are glands? • Glands are structures that secrete substances Name the 2 types of glands? • Exocrine • Endocrine What is the difference between an exocrine and endocrine gland? • Exocrine – release their products into ducts • Endocrine – release their products (hormones) directly into the bloodstream Which gland is both exocrine and endocrine? • Pancreas Give 2 examples of exocrine glands? • • • • Salivary glands Mammary glands Gastric glands Sweat glands What is a hormone? • • • • • Chemical messenger Made of protein or steroid Produced by endocrine gland Carried in the bloodstream To where is has a specific effect Compare the Nervous system and the Endocrine system? Feature Speed of Response Method by which message is carried Speed of message Duration of response Location affected Nervous System Endocrine System Can you name the 10 major endocrine glands A C D E G H I J K B Can you name a hormone secreted from each gland ADH FSH, LH, GH Parathormone Thyroxine Thymosin Adrenaline Insulin Oestrogen Testosterone Melatonin For a named hormone describe: (i) Deficiency symptoms (ii) Excess symptoms (iii) Corrective measures? • Thyroxine – from thyroid, controls metabolism • Deficiency symptoms – reduced metabolism, lack of energy, weight gain, myxoedemia & goitre Corrected by – Thyroxine tablets or iodine • • • Excess symptoms – increased metabolic rate, weight loss, bulging eyes, anxiety, Graves’ disease Corrected by – surgery removing part of thyriod How are Thyroxine levels controlled in the body? • • • • • Negative feedback Low Thyroxine levels stimulate the pituitary to release TSH Thyroid produces Thyroxine Normal Thyroxine levels inhibit TSH Thyroid wont produce Thyroxine What are anabolic steroids? What is the danger with using them? • • Drugs that build up muscle Can lead to liver & adrenal disorders