Course: ESL READING 5 Essential Question: What influences a person’s choices? Unit Title: CHOICES Unit Objective / CC Standards: 1a. Analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama Language and Content Objectives: S/L. Students will introduce themselves to the class and get to know their peers. Students will become aware of class expectations. Students will take a personality test for selfdiscovery. Students will discuss opinions with peers and support their ideas with reasons and evidence from their own personal experiences. Bell Work: Copy Objectives I Do Teacher/class introduction Tuesday, Aug 20 Students will take a personality OR learning styles test for self-discovery purposes. Students will discuss opinions with peers and support their ideas with reasons and evidence from their own experiences. Copy Objectives Model, establish, and discuss Class Rules, Expectations, & Rewards Wednesday, Aug 21 Students will discuss opinions with peers and support their ideas with reasons and evidence from their own experiences. Students will learn class procedures, routines, and expectations Thur, Aug 22 Students will discuss opinions with peers and support their ideas with reasons and evidence from their own experiences. Students will learn class procedures, routines, and expectations Copy Objectives Discuss upcoming UNIT and UNIT Pre-test. Model class routines, expectations, and procedures prior to practicing with students. Copy Objectives Model, establish, and discuss Class Rules, Expectations, & Rewards Model Learning Styles Inventory and Score Sheet for scoring We Do Model Drawing a pig for personality test. 9th graders draw pig to determine validity of pig personality test. Class discusses results of pig personality test; evaluates accuracy of test based on their knowledge of peers only. Assessment Exit Ticket: Written personal reflection: How accurate/true was test for them personally? Explain what was most accurate and why. Practice class routines and expectations. Practice class routines and expectations: Routines: Cooperative learning & sharing out routine: numbered heads Rules and Expectations distribution Procedure: Preparing for Class Establishing team leaders +team leader responsibilities. Daily Exit Tickets Expectation: Exit Ticket Rubric/Score Criteria Teambuilding Activity: Human Knot They Do Learning styles inventory Peer Discussion of findings Exit Ticket: Written personal reflection regarding what students 1) learned about themselves that they didn’t know before; 2) explain how they’ve used previous knowledge of their learning style to help them in academics in past. Friday, Aug 23 Exit Ticket: Written personal reflection: Evaluate personal performance as a team member. Choose 1 of the following & respond: 1) Effective: How effective were they as a team member with specific examples 2) Ineffective: Specifically what could they have done to improve their performance as a team member. Practice class routines and expectations. Three-way Interview Think-Pair-Share Jig Saw Fishbowl UNIT ASSESSMENT Unit Assessment: Unit 1 Literary Analysis Test Monday, Aug 19 Course: ESL READING 5 Essential Question: What influences a person’s choices? Unit Title: CHOICES Unit Objective / CC Standards: 1a. Analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama Bell Work: Attendance 10 min. I Do 10 min. We Do They Do Assessment UNIT ASSESSMENT (CONT.) Language and Content Objectives: Distribute Binders & Paper/Mini Notebooks/Assign Cubicles /Distribute Lexile/RIT Data Unit Assessment: Unit 1 Literary Analysis Test Mon. Tuesday, Aug 27 Aug 26 Wednesday, Aug 28 Thur., Aug 29 Students will: Students will: Be introduced to Unit/Essential Question R. read and interpret a table to analyze and Learn and practice class routines & procedures evaluate the effect of family, friends, R. Analyze and evaluate two speakers’ messages circumstances, and society on choices. about the influence of choices on the direction that W. develop main ideas and content that fully one’s life may take focuses on a prompt with relevant, thorough, and W. Take notes on peer points of view. Respond to effective support. prompt. S/L. discuss opinions with peers and support their S/L. Participate effectively in discussions or ideas with evidence from table data and from their debates with peers, building on others’ ideas and own experience. expressing their own clearly and persuasively. Routines: Four Corners, Expert Group Copy Objectives Hand out sticky notes for students to stick on 1st binder page + draw B. Map. 7 min. Instruct team captains to collect these at end of period. 1. READ OBJECTIVES 10 min - One volunteer shares his/her story -Facilitate discussion on Quotations p.1, --clarify vocab --Ask what is difference between them? 1. PPT. Demonstration: Four Corners 2. Conduct Four Corners Cooperative Learning Activity 17 min Report Out: Volunteer from each Expert Group debriefs class on most important points shared by group using academic sentence frames. 10 min 1. Hand in B. Map sticky note. 2. Mini notebook notes of Expert Group bullet points. 3. Choose and answer 1 of 2 prompts. 5 min Students will: R. Be introduced to short story elements (parts): characterization, setting, and plot. and explore how story elements are connected and influence characters’ actions and choices. make predictions based on their analyses of characters and setting. W. write complete sentences using academic vocabulary in correct context. S/L. Discuss or debate opinions with peers, supporting opinions & ideas with reasons and evidence. Copy Objectives Copy Objectives & Make a Prediction Analyze data in a table: Model interpretation of first fact with students. What influences choices? Guided Practice: -Class analyzes and debates question (#1) p.2: factors in choices typically made by men/women using sentence frame #1 TG-left margin -Groups analyze &debate question (#2) p.2: the greatest influence on a person’s choices. (i.e. family, friends, culture, money or wealth) Use sentence frame for (#2) in Teacher Bk left margin Exit Ticket: Short response: Write minimum of 1 paragraph with a topic sentence, reflecting on impact of influences. (T2, A.) Choices can be influenced by_________ Friday, Aug 30 Build background on short storiesfavorite stories/movie Clarifying word meanings, fill out Word Map for term: predict Absent Substitute Teacher Class reads demo text #1 and makes predictions based on analyses of characters, setting, & plot. Respond to one question in writing to prompt connecting the reading to life. (#B p.T5) Complete academic Word Map for monitor. Exit Ticket:(T6-7: Unpack Think) Pairs-- Students will make predictions based on analyses of characters and setting and information from their own personal experience. Course: ESL ENGLISH 5 Essential Question: What influences a person’s choices? Unit Title: CHOICES Unit Objective / CC Standards: 1a. Analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama I Do We Do They Do Assessment ASSESSMENT DAY Bellwork LABOR DAY Language & Content Objectives : Thursday Sept. 5 Friday Sept.6 Students will: Students will: R. Be introduced to short story elements: characterization, setting, and plot. and explore how story elements are connected Recognize characterization clues within a story. W. take notes on S/L. Discuss opinions with peers and support their ideas with evidence from table data and from their own experience. Copy Character Chart R. recognize and analyze characterization clues within a story. W. identify text evidence for characterization clue and write a brief explanation to support text evidence. S/L. Discuss opinions with peers and support their ideas with evidence from table data and from their own experience. Demonstrate recognizing characterization in short stories. Demonstrate connection between setting and plot. Practice recognizing characterization using character Catherine Demonstrate recognizing characterization in short stories. Find parts within text that relate to characterization Exit Ticket: Define/Explain: What is characterization? Name at least four characterization clues authors use in story. Copy Objectives Practice recognizing characterization using character James Find parts within text that relate to characterization Exit Ticket: Using the information on page 6, create a test item about reading short stories. Exchange questions with partner and answer. ASSESSMENT Unit Assessment: Unit 1 Literary Analysis Test Monday Sept. Tuesday Wednesday Sept. 4 2 Sept. 3 Unit Title: CHOICES Course: ESL ENGLISH 5 Essential Question: What influences a person’s choices? Focus on Family and Friends Unit Objective / CC Standards: 1a. Analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama Monday Sept. 9 Tuesday Sept. 10 Wednesday Sept.11 Students will: Language & Students will Students will Content Analyze the impact author’s choices have on Determine the meaning of words and phrases as Analyze and evaluate the effect of family, friends, circumstances, and society on Objectives the relationship and development of they are used in the text, including figurative choices. and connotative meanings elements in a short story. Begin working in collaborative teams to Discuss or debate opinions with peers, Compare and contrast between original research the styles/formats, mood and tone of and revised texts to predict how changes supporting opinions & ideas with reasons a variety of talk shows, and then compose a and evidence. in setting and plot can determine, a TV talk show script with dialogue, debate, and character’s actions and choices in a short concluding remarks focused on this unit’s essential question. story. Work with peers, engaging in democratic Discuss or debate opinions with peers, discussions and decision-making, set clear supporting opinions & ideas with reasons goals and deadlines, and establish individual and evidence. roles as needed.. Copy Objectives Bellwork Copy Objectives Copy Objectives Rate Knowledge of Vocabulary Build background: Why might a young person Read: Plan a Project, TV Talk Show (T3) Think-Alouds while leading discussion I Do choose to help an older neighbor? Demonstrate one or two prime-time Talk of short story elements and their Read directions for completing ranking chart Shows—format, tone and mood. interrelationships. on p.8. Handout: Modeling Talk Show Script. Modeling: Prediction chart Students complete chart. Class DISCUSSION: highest and lowest on chart, and how they ranked friends/family Academic vocabulary. Handout Project Rubric: Discuss expectations We Do Students highlight definitions within text and for TV Talk Show. synonyms. Team choice: 1 of 2 internet articles on TV talk Explain cognates, how are a good strategy for show formats and hosting. Report out to class. remembering words. Student pairs look up/write cognates next to word. They Do Plan and Monitor: team collaboration on prediction chart with new scenarios Assessment Exit Ticket: Homework: Try an experiment: 2nd demo text: On the Bus. p.7, #1 Think Pair Share: Prediction chart with new scenario * Students choose two words to write CLOZE sentences with key word missing Exit Ticket/Homework: * Sticky Notes: Students choose two words to write CLOZE sentences with key word missing. Pairs exchange and initial each other’s papers and write in the word that fits. Homework: pp. 6-7 Interactive Pract. Bk Student teams use technology to research/investigate a variety of possible formats for their Unit Project and collaborate democratically to share findings & opinions, establish roles, set goals and deadlines. Exit: Self- and Peer Assessments: Oral Expression and Listening Rubric. Thursday Sept. 12 Students will: Plan their reading by using a Prediction Chart & pre-reading strategies to make, monitor, and confirm complex predictions. Analyze how an author draws on and transforms source material in a specific work Discuss or debate opinions with peers, supporting opinions & ideas with reasons and evidence. Copy Objectives 5 min Copy Prediction Chart p.6 (full page) Build background by sharing traditional biblical story of Good Samaritan. (Ref1; Ref 2) and its timeless reference. (Explain we’ll come back to that story a little later.) 10 min Friday Sept. 13 Students will: Learn the elements of plot: exposition, conflict, complication, climax, and resolution, and how each element is connected to the others Copy Objectives p.9D Teach PLOT Elements: . Follow teacher book READ OBJECTIVES HANDOUT: p.8 from Interactive Book Practice Book Pg.9: TEACHER READS “How To Make and Confirm Predictions” TEACHER DEMOS Prediction Chart (graph organiz.) using OWN EXAMPLES from yellow sticky note PAIRS work on page 9 together PAIRS then browse through rest of story 10-23 to generate predictions in chart 20 min Coop LS: Groups predict & discuss similarities or differences that might occur between Saldana’s version & the biblical version of The Good Samaritan. 5 min TEACH/READ Look Into the Text – FOLLOWING TEACHER GUIDE while students follow on Interactive p.8 Exit Ticket: 5 min Answer: What parts of a text can you use to make predictions? What do good readers do after making predictions? COMPLETE PLOT graphic organizer Completed PLOT graphic organizer: Unit Title: CHOICES Course: ESL ENGLISH 5 Essential Question: What influences a person’s choices? Focus on Family and Friends Unit Objective / CC Standards: 1a. Analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama Monday Sept. 16 Tuesday Sept. 17 Students will: Language & Students will: Use text elements to make inferences and confirm Content Use text elements to make inferences and confirm or or revise predictions. revise predictions. Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with Objectives: Wed Sept. 18 Bellwork I Do We Do They Do Plot Event Timeline with focus on flashback occurring p.12 Assessment --Was your prediction about Rey’s feelings for his neighbors confirmed? -- ANSWER “MONITOR comprehension” p15 How have Rey’s feelings about Mr. Sanchez changed over time? Response to “Monitor Comprehension” using sentence frame: Before Rey thought______, but now he thinks _________. UNIT PROJECT- TV TALK SHOW :CHOICES TEAM COLLABORATION Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme. multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme. Discuss or debate opinions with peers, supporting opinions & ideas with reasons and evidence. Copy Objectives Copy Objectives Predict Answer to Set a Purpose TEAM LEADERS KEEP TRACK of who reports partial summary of prior day’s reading, new person each top page 12 day. (A ) Class DISCUSSION: TG (A) p13 Top of page. READ OBJECTIVES ASK: Why is it important to have a good relationship ASSIGNED STUDENTS SUMMARIZE story from day prior with your neighbors? PROBE students for DEMONSTRATE TEAM READING ROUTINES: questions they generated for next pages DAILY PRIOR TO READING,TEAM LEADER: FRONTLOADS VOCABULARY both pages Chunk predictions that wereSTconfirmed/revised p. T14 (A) READ 1 PARAGRAPH up reading so ALL members read p. T14 (A-3) READ MARGIN TEXT and ASSIGNS READING ORDER of team memb. ASK: What can you infer/ TRACKS team member’s contributions guess about their community? TEACHER FRONTLOADS ALL VOCAB pp.12+13 pp.14-15: TEAMS READ, discuss, and write answers to questions in MARGINS TEACHER+CLASS READ pp. 12-13 using PREPARE TO REPORT answers to cooperative learning strategies to discuss and margin questions, observations, report out MARGIN questions. TEACHER MODELS how team leaders are to fill confirmed/revised predictions, questions, observations/interpretations out contribution tracking sheets. of visuals, imagery T13 (C2) Thursday Sept. 19 Students will: Use text elements to make inferences and confirm or revise predictions. Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme. Discuss or debate opinions with peers, supporting opinions & ideas with reasons and evidence. Copy Objectives TEAM LEADERS ASSIGN different person to report partial summary of prior day’s reading. READ OBJECTIVES ASSIGNED STUDENTS SUMMARIZE story from day prior PROBE students for questions they generated for next pages predictions that were confirmed/revised pp.16-18: TEAMS READ, and discuss questions in MARGINS PREPARE TO REPORT answers, observations, confirmed/revised predictions, questions, observations Friday Sept. 20 Course: ESL ENGLISH 5 Essential Question: What influences a person’s choices? Unit Title: CHOICES Unit Objective / CC Standards: 1a. Analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama Monday Sept. 23 Unit Assessment: Unit 1 Literary Analysis Test Tuesday Sept. 24 Wed Sept. 25 Language & Students will: Use text elements to make inferences and confirm Content or revise predictions. Objectives: Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with Bellwork multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme. Discuss or debate opinions with peers, supporting opinions & ideas with reasons and evidence. Copy Objectives TEAM LEADERS ASSIGN different person to report partial summary of prior day’s reading. I Do We Do They Do Assessment pp.19-23: TEAMS READ, and discuss questions in MARGINS PREPARE TO REPORT answers, observations, confirmed/revised predictions, questions, observations UNIT PROJECT-TV TALK SHOW: CHOICES TEAM COLLABORATION Thursday Sept. 26 Friday Sept. 27 Course: ESL ENGLISH 5 Essential Question: What influences a person’s choices? Unit Title: CHOICES Unit Objective / CC Standards: 1a. Analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama Monday Sept. 30 Unit Assessment: Unit 1 Literary Analysis Test Tuesday Oct. 1 Wed Oct. 2 Language & Content Objectives: Bellwork I Do We Do They Do Assessment UNIT PROJECT-TV TALK SHOW: CHOICES TEAM COLLABORATION Thursday Oct. 3 Friday Oct. 4 Students will: Continue working in collaborative teams to compose a TV talk show script with dialogue, debate, and concluding remarks focused on this unit’s essential question. Discuss or debate opinions with peers, supporting opinions & ideas with reasons and evidence. UNIT PROJECT TV TALK SHOW: CHOICES TEAM COLLABORATION Demonstrate additional formats/styles of talk shows. Groups share out progress of group’s project, successes, and obstacles. Class offers suggestions. Groups continue working on Talk Show Unit project. nn Exit: *Turn in script for a progress check.