
AP Psychology
Chapter 10, Intelligence Assignment
I. Definitions:
1. Singe Factor Intelligence Theory: __________________________________________________________
2. Factor analysis:_________________________________________________________________________
3. Savant syndrome: ______________________________________________________________________
4. Creative Intelligence: ___________________________________________________________________
5. Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale: _________________________________________________________
6. Intellectual Disability: ___________________________________________________________________
7. Constructs:___________________________________________________________________________
8. Re-standardization : ___________________________________________________________________
9. The Flynn Effect:_______________________________________________________________________
10. Split-half method of testing: _____________________________________________________________
11. Interrater Reliability: __________________________________________________________________
12. Observational Tests: ___________________________________________________________________
13. Culture-relevant tests: _________________________________________________________________
14. Phenylketonuria: _____________________________________________________________________
15. Cultural-Familial Retardation: ___________________________________________________________
16. Stereotype Threat:_____________________________________________________________________
II. Short Answer
1. Why do we find that many successful authors and philosophers are in their 50s & 60s when complete
their most impressive works?
2. How did Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences change how some schools classify gifted and talented
children for special programs?
3. Explain Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence with respect to the overarching concept that
multiple abilities can contribute to life success.
4. Describe the four components of emotional intelligence (Salovey & Mayer).
5. Discuss the relationships between intelligence and brain size.
6. Describe how you would calculate the IQ of a child with a MA of 12 and a CA of 8. What is this child’s
7. Differentiate between aptitude and achievement tests. Provide an example of each.
8. Discuss David’s Wechsler’s contributions to intelligence testing - including his intelligence scale and
the bell curve (be specific!)
9. Differentiate among mildly, moderately, severely, & profoundly cognitively impaired with respect to IQ
and their functional capabilities.
10. Define and discuss the three criteria that must be met for a test to widely accepted.
11. Differentiate among content, face, and construct validity – prove an example for each!
12. Discuss what twin and adoption studies tell us about nurture vs nature with respect to intelligence.
III. Vocabulary
1. ________________general ability to think abstractly, reason, solve problems, & identify patterns
2. ________________ compare, contrast, analyze & figure our cause & effect relationships.
3. ________________ driven more by interest, satisfaction, & challenge, rather than by external factors.
4. ________________ measured psychomotor tasks in order to gauge intelligence.
5. ________________ the measurement of abilities, mental traits, and processes
6. ________________scores established from the test results of the representative sample and used as a
standard to compare scores of other test takers.
7. ________________the same exam is administered to the same group on two different occasions & the
results are compared
8. ________________provides the test taker with enough time to complete items of varying difficulty.
9. ________________cognitive impairment of a child due to prenatal exposure to alcohol
10. _________________genetic makeup determines the upper limit for a person’s IQ; the lower limit
results from an impoverished environment.
IV: Multiple Choice: Please read each question carefully and write the CAPITAL letter of the correct choice
in the blank to the left of each question.
________1. Aptitude tests are designed to measure
A) Previously learned facts
B) Future performance
C) Previously learned skills
D) Current competence
E) Your IQ score
________2. A standardization sample for developing a test
A) Should be representative of all the types of people for whom the test is designed
B) Is an early version of the test to determine questions that differentiate individuals
C) Is a set of norms that will determine what score should be considered passing
D) Should include people from all different age groups, ethnic groups, and genders
E) Must include a standard set of directions for administering the test that all students will receive
________3. If Ms. Hattspa compared the scores of students on the odd-numbered questions on the test
with their scores for the even-numbered questions, she would be attempting to determine if the test had
A) Content Validity
D) Test-Retest Reliability
B) Split-Half Reliability
E) Concurrent Validity
C) Predictive Validity
_________4. Which of the following best describes Charles Spearman's g of intelligence?
A) There are many factors that determine intelligence, but genetics is the most important one.
B) The internal validity of an intelligence test is g.
C) A general intelligence that underlies success on a wide variety of tasks is g.
D)Giftedness is determined by both innate ability to perform and experiences one has in life.
E) The g is measured by the speed with which one can process information.
__________5. According to Sternberg, which of the following types of intelligence in his triarchic theory
are measured by standard IQ tests?
I. Analytic
II. Practical
III. Creative
A) I only
B) II only
C) III only
D) I and II only
E) I, II, and III
_________6. When an intelligence test measures what it is supposed to, the test is considered to be:
A) Reliable
D) Standardized
B) Valid
E) Comparative
C) Accurate
_________7.Freddie is a 10-year-old boy with a mental age of 12. According to the scoring of the
Stanford-Binet test, Freddie's intelligence quotient score is
A) 12
D) 120
B) 83
E) 140
C) 95
_________8. A comparison of the scores of African-American test takers to the scores of EuropeanAmerican test takers on current popular intelligence tests such as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
and the Stanford-Binet indicates that
A) Black students outperform white students on creative and practical intelligence scores
B) The difference between the means of scores between groups is larger than the range of scores within
C) Adopted black children score higher than their biological siblings
D) There is no difference between the scores of whites and blacks
E) The mean of black students is lower than the mean of white students
_________9. Izzie, who is 75, takes longer to solve problems that require abstract reasoning than she did
when she was 35. This tendency indicates
A) A decrease in her overall intelligence level
B) An increase in her crystallized ability
C) A decline in her fluid intelligence
D) Failing eyesight, which can be compensated for by large print being used on the test
E) A problem in her concrete operational thought
________10. When an intelligence test measures what it is supposed to, the test is considered to be:
A) Reliable
D) Standardized
B) Valid
E) Comparative
C) Accurate
________11. Which of the following psychologists added a performance scale in an attempt to measure
nonverbal skills and rule out other cultural or educational biases?
A) Wechsler
D) Sternberg
B) Binet
E) Terman
C) Gardner
_________12. During development of standardized tests, questions that are answered correctly by almost
all students and those that are missed by almost all students are eliminated. Why?
A) Only questions that are moderately difficult should be included on a test.
B) These questions fail to show individual differences in abilities.
C) These questions are poorly written.
D) The questions may be valid, but they are not reliable.
E) This eliminates bias in administering the test.
_________13. Which of the following psychologists believed that intelligence was a collection of mental
A) Wechsler
D) Terman
B) Broca
E) Galton
C) Binet
_________14. Mental age can best be defined as:
A) A method of estimating a child's intellectual ability by comparing the
child's score on intelligence tests and his or her age
B) A method of estimating a child's intellectual ability based on raw
scores on intelligence tests
C) Comparing a child's actual age with his or her computed age
D) Basing a child's age level on his or her scores on a standardized test
E) Charting a child's age based on the level of correct responses on an
intelligence test
__________15. The extent to which traits, abilities, or IQ scores may increase or decrease as a result of
environmental factors is called:
A) Nature-Nurture Question
D) Reaction Range
B) Heritability
E) Ecological Testing
C) Independent Variables
_________16. If a four-year-old girl correctly answered questions on an intelligence exam similar to a
five-year-old girl, she would be said to have a mental age of five. In this case her intelligence quotient (IQ)
would be:
A) 100
D) 125
B) 95
E) 110
C) 150
_________17. Which of the following psychologists added a performance scale in an attempt to measure
nonverbal skills and rule out other cultural or educational biases?
A) Wechsler
D) Sternberg
B) Binet
E) Terman
C) Gardner
_________18. An architect would likely have good spatial intelligence, a gymnast or
dancer would likely have good body-kinesthetic intelligence, and a
psychologist would probably have good intrapersonal skills. Which of the following psychologists would
agree with this statement?
A) Gardner
D) Guilford
B) Spearman
E) Terman
C) Thurstone
_________19. The American Psychiatric Association established IQ ranges for various levels of retardation.
Below 25 is considered to be:
A) Profound Retardation
D) Moderate Retardation
B) Severe Retardation
E) Extreme Retardation
C) Mild Retardation
_________20. The WAIS and the WISC are credited for:
A) Creating early intervention programs for the mentally ill
B) Creating intelligence tests specific to different age groups
C) Creating one standardized test equal for all cultures and races
D) Creating a new understanding of the term mental age
E) Creating intelligence tests that only test verbal skills
__________21. Because Lela did not want to raise her child in poverty, she put her baby up for adoption.
A middle-class family, in a good home, is now raising Lela's baby. What effect could this have on the
child's IQ?
A) It will probably be lower than the IQs of children who stay with their
biological parents.
B) It will not be significantly different from the IQs of children who stay in a disadvantaged setting.
C) It will be higher than the IQs of children who stay in disadvantaged
settings only if adoptive parents have above-average IQs.
D) It may be as much as 10 to 15 points higher than the IQs of children who stay in disadvantaged
E) It will make no difference because an individual's IQ is based solely on genetic factors.
_________22. In a normal distribution of IQ scores, what percentage of people has a score between 85
and 115?
A) 35 percent
D) 79.32 percent
B) 54 percent
E) 95.44 percent
C) 68.26 percent