Create “The History of DNA” Timeline Look up dates of significant

Create “The History of DNA” Timeline
Look up dates of significant events in DNA history.
Figure out your starting and ending date so you can have a relative time frame to begin and end at.
Decide on your increment values (are you going to block the years off by centuries, decades…?) and label your line.
Remember, a timeline is like a graph and your increments must stay even to represent the accurate passing of time.
Add the below events and their date of discovery/significance.
Give your timeline a title. Put your name, date, period and class # on it and turn it in.
Timeline Eventsa. DNA was first isolated by Swiss physician Friedrich Miescher.
b. Hershey and Chase confirmed DNA’s role as genetic material.
c. “DNA fingerprinting” was first described by English geneticist, Alec Jefferys.
d. Phoebus Levene identified the sugar, phosphate base components of a nucleotide.
e. DNA polymerase was first isolated in T.aquaticus
f. William Astbury produced the first X-ray diffraction patterns that showed the regular structure of DNA.
g. Frederick Griffith’s experiments with mice showed the first signs that DNA carried genetic information.
h. Frederick Sanger reported a method to determine the sequence of DNA.
i. Rosalind Franklin takes her famous “Photo 51” image that shows the double helix nature of DNA.
j. DNA fingerprinting becomes commercially available.
k. Watson and Crick suggest the first correct double-helix molecular model of DNA.
l. Kary Mullis completed the first successful PCR experiments (although other scientists were not yet convinced of his
m. Gel electrophoresis enables separation of large DNA molecules.
n. DNA fingerprinting was used in its first criminal investigation to free Richard Buckland.
Create “The History of DNA” Timeline
Look up dates of significant events in DNA history.
Figure out your starting and ending date so you can have a relative time frame to begin and end at.
Decide on your increment values (are you going to block the years off by centuries, decades…?) and label your line.
Remember, a timeline is like a graph and your increments must stay even to represent the accurate passing of time.
Add the below events and their date of discovery/significance.
Give your timeline a title. Put your name, date, period and class # on it and turn it in.
Timeline Eventsa. DNA was first isolated by Swiss physician Friedrich Miescher.
b. Hershey and Chase confirmed DNA’s role as genetic material.
c. “DNA fingerprinting” was first described by English geneticist, Alec Jefferys.
d. Phoebus Levene identified the sugar, phosphate base components of a nucleotide.
e. DNA polymerase was first isolated in T.aquaticus
f. William Astbury produced the first X-ray diffraction patterns that showed the regular structure of DNA.
g. Frederick Griffith’s experiments with mice showed the first signs that DNA carried genetic information.
h. Frederick Sanger reported a method to determine the sequence of DNA.
i. Rosalind Franklin takes her famous “Photo 51” image that shows the double helix nature of DNA.
j. DNA fingerprinting becomes commercially available.
k. Watson and Crick suggest the first correct double-helix molecular model of DNA.
l. Kary Mullis completed the first successful PCR experiments (although other scientists were not yet convinced of his
m. Gel electrophoresis enables separation of large DNA molecules.
n. DNA fingerprinting was used in its first criminal investigation to free Richard Buckland.