101 - Practice Evolution

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Arthritis & Spinal Degeneration – cont’d:
The process of Spinal Degeneration can be broken down into four
very distinct stages or phases that tend to blend together into a
continuous progressive condition.
Let me illustrate what I mean:
I am going to use the cervical spine, or neck, as an example only because
it is much easier to see on x-ray than any other part of the spine (That
same process, however, takes place in all other areas of the spine). There
are a number of characteristics of a normal neck or cervical spine that one
can see on a side-view x-ray (lateral view). There are seven vertebrae all
arranged in a beautiful synchronized curvature. If I draw a line across the
front of each vertebra with a normal radius of 17cm, each vertebra should
touch this normal cervical arc. The spaces between each vertebra,
indicating the disc, are even, and the edges of the vertebrae are likewise.
The corners of the vertebrae are round and smooth and there are no
calcium deposits. The openings between the vertebrae where the nerves
exit from the spinal cord are also very smooth, round, and regular in shape.
This is an example of normal. There are no exceptions!
Phase one is seen as the earliest evidence of Osteoarthritis and
Degeneration. It is characterized mainly by instability of some of the
vertebrae, which then causes weakness throughout the whole area.
There is also evidence that there are obvious Vertebral Subluxations
present. As well, the curvature of the spine in that area is either lost or
actually reversed. The latter is the result of the body trying to adapt to
something that has no business being there.
In other words, the spine begins to change in order to best handle and put
up with a Chronic Subluxation – one that is slowly becoming a habit.
This phase is characterized by x-ray evidence that the discs between the
vertebrae are actually smaller than they should be.
In other words, the discs are beginning to deteriorate. Similar to having
poorly aligned wheels on your car – the tires wear out.
The edges of the vertebrae are now roughened and we actually begin to see
the beginnings of calcium deposits. As well, there is also evidence that the
vertebral subluxations have increased in severity.
The openings that allow the nerves to pass through from the spinal cord are
beginning to be roughened and smaller than they normally should be. This
is a problem.
But what I want you to notice is that it is usually localized to one area of the
spine – only a select number of vertebrae are involved. The rest of the spine
looks normal. Why would that be?
I will conclude my discussion on Arthritis & Spinal Degeneration in the next issue.
Please stay tuned!
MIT shows study linking Roundup to Autism
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, is the most popular herbicide used worldwide. Monsanto asserts
it is not toxic to humans, but a new study proves otherwise.
Residue of Roundup are found in the main foods of the Western diet, composed primarily of sugar, corn,
soy and wheat. Glyphosate inhibits necessary key enzymes in our bodies which create a toxic effect on
beneficial insects, animals and people. These enzymes play crucial roles in biology, one of which is to detoxify
xenobiotics, a chemical which is found in an organism but is not normally produced or expected to be present.
Stephanie Seneff , a Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
Laboratory who uncovered the results of this study, explains the documented effects of glyphosate and its
ability to induce disease. And it also shows that glyphosate is the “textbook example” of the disruption of
homeostasis (the imbalance of cell regulation which can lead to the cause of many diseases) by environmental
toxin such as found with Roundup.
This new study shows that Roundup enhances the damaging effects of other food borne chemical residues
and environmental toxins. Far-reaching health implications of this toxic chemical significantly impact the body
due to its use in farming and other areas where food may grow. And what this new study has uncovered is the
effects of Roundup are insidiously manifesting slowly over time - inflammation damages many different cellular
systems throughout the body.
Consequences with most of the diseases and conditions associated with a Western diet include
gastrointestinal disorders, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, autism, infertility, cancer and
Alzheimer’s disease all stem from even the smallest trace amounts of Roundup that is found in the foods we
eat. And the FDA allows trace amounts of glyphosate in the foods that we buy and eat.
Monsanto has argued that glyphosate is harmless to humans because we don’t have the shikimate
pathway, which is necessary for amino acid biosynthesis. However, our gut bacteria do have this pathway. We
depend upon them to supply us with essential amino acids (among many other things like Tryptophan,
serotonin, melatonin, Tyrosine, dopamine, adrenaline and melanin. When these amino acids are out of
balance, as have been found when amounts of Roundup are discovered in the blood of Autistic children, a
direct correlation begins to unfold.
Source: Anti-Aging lady.com
The Minister’s Own Words:
A minister was completing a sermon on
With great emphasis and strength he said,
“If I had all the beer in the world, I'd take it
and pour it into the river.”
And with even greater emphasis he said,
“And if I had all the wine in the world, I'd take
it and pour it into the river.”
And then finally, shaking his fist in the air, he
said, “And if I had all the whiskey in the
world, I'd take it and pour it into the river.”
Sermon complete, he sat down...
Hospitals agree – don’t get sick on a
The chances of dying in hospital are slightly
higher on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
The song leader stood very cautiously and
announced with a sly smile, “For our closing
song let us sing Hymn #365, 'Shall We
Gather at the River.'”
Nearly 12 years after two Toronto
researchers established the phenomenon of
“the weekend effect,” doctors acknowledge
patients admitted between Friday and
Sunday face a slightly higher risk of death
than those admitted in the week.
Physicians are still at odds over how to
address this grim statistic.
Hot chocolate can improve brain function in come
elderly but it won’t help solve crossword puzzles,
researchers find in a new study.
Older people with impaired blood flow to their brains
saw improvements in thinking skills after drinking two
cups of cocoa every day for a month in a new study.
The study’s researchers caution, however that people
shouldn’t start stocking up on hot chocolate mix to
help solve their crossword puzzles based on the new
We’re steps removed from that recommendation,”
said Dr. Farzaneh Sorond, the study’s lead author
from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.
Instead, Sorond said the result helps focus future
research that may turn up which component or
components of hot chocolate are linked to better
thinking skills.
There were no differences in blood flow or in scores
on thinking tests between the two hot chocolate
groups at the start of the study or after one month.
So the researchers combined both cocoa groups and
There is no “burning platform” for change
because there are too many variables for
what might cause the effect, said Dr Chaim
Bell, a general internist at Mount Sinai
Hospital who co-authored the landmark
paper with Dr. Donald Redelmeier of
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.
Redelmeier worried his patients were not
getting the same quality of care seven days
a week, so he analyzed 10 years of data
from Ontario hospitals to see if his hunch
was correct.
Studies in the US and Australia have since
replicated their findings.
And a few have disputed them:
In June, an article in the British Medical
Journal found the “weekend effect” applies
not just in emergency care but also to
elective surgeries as well! Nice to know!
Source: Toronto Star
compared people with poor blood flow to the brain at the start of the study to
those who had adequate blood flow. They found more people with poor blood
flow at the start saw their circulation improve by the end, compared to people
who had adequate blood flow initially. Among those people, the time it took to
connect sequential dots on pieces of paper or recognize certain characters on
the computer screens fell from 167 seconds at the start of the study to 116
seconds at the end.
It’s possible that even small amounts of flavanols make a difference for
people with impaired blood flow, Sorond said, or that the caffeine in cocoa
played a role in their improvement. She warned, however, that the new study
cannot prove drinking hot chocolate boosted thinking or blood flow.
“The next step is that we need a larger sample and we need more people with
impairment at baseline…(to) see if we can demonstrate the same finding in a
larger group,” Sorond said.
Source: Reuters
"A slip on the snowy sidewalk, in winter, is a small thing. It happens to millions. A fall from
a ladder, in summer, is a small thing. That also happens to millions. The slip or fall
produces a subluxation. The subluxation is a small think. The subluxation produces
pressure on a nerve. That is a small thing. The pressure cuts off the flow of mental
impulses. That decreased flowing is a small thing. That decreased flowing produces a
dis-eased body and brain. That is a BIG thing to that man. Multiply that sick man by a
thousand, and you control the physical and mental welfare of a city. Multiply that sick man
by a million, and you shape that physical and mental destiny of a state. Multiply that man
by two hundred million and you forecast and can prophesy the physical and mental status
of a nation.
So the slip or fall, the subluxation, pressure, flow of mental impulses, and dis-ease are big
Now comes a man. Any one man is a small thing. This man gives an adjustment. The
adjustment is a small thing. The adjustment replaces the subluxation. That is a small thing.
The adjusted subluxation releases pressure upon nerves, a small thing. The released
pressure restores health to that man. That is a BIG thing to that man. Multiply that well man
by a thousand, and you step up the physical and mental welfare of a city. Multiply that man
by a thousand and you increase the efficiency of a state. Multiply that well man by two
hundred million, and you have produced a healthy, wealthy, and better race for posterity.
So that adjustment of the subluxation, to release pressure upon nerves, to restore mental
impulse flow, to restore health, IS BIG enough TO REBUILD THE THOTS AND ACTIONS OF
THE IDEA that knows the cause, that can correct the cause of disease, IS ONE OF THE
BIGGEST IDEAS KNOWN: Without it, nations FALL; with it, nations RISE.
B.J. Palmer. D.C., Ph.C.
(Dr. Palmer is the Developer of Chiropractic)