Using Consumer
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Learning Goals
Know when to use consumer loans and be able to differentiate
between the major types
Identify the various sources of consumer loans
Choose the best loans by comparing finance charges, maturity,
collateral, and other loan terms
Describe the features of, and calculate the finance charges on, singlepayment loans
Evaluate the benefits of an installment loan
Determine the costs of installment loans and analyze whether it is
better to pay cash or to takeout a loan
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Using Consumer Loans
Formal, negotiated contracts
One-time transaction - usually for big-ticket items
No more credit is available once repaid
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Different Types of Loans
Auto loans
Other durable goods loans
Education loans
Personal loans
Consolidation loans
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Student Loans
Stafford Loans (Direct & Federal
Family Education Loans—FEEL)
Perkins Loans
Parent Loans (PLUS)
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Exhibit 7.1 Federal Government
Student Loans
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Consumer Loans
Single Payment
• Specified period
• Lump sum
payment due
• Interest rate and
payments remain the
• Fixed, scheduled
Variable Interest Rate
• Interest rate and
payments change
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Where Can You Get
Consumer Loans?
Commercial Banks
Consumer Finance Companies
Credit Unions
Savings and Loan Associations
Sales Finance Companies
Life Insurance Companies
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Managing Your Credit
Compare loan features
Finance charges
Loan maturity
Total cost of transaction
Shop carefully
before borrowing!
Other considerations such as
payment date, prepayment penalties, late fees
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Keep Track of Your Credit
Keep inventory sheet of debt
Know total monthly payments
Know total debt outstanding
Check your debt safety ratio:
Total monthly consumer debt pmts
Monthly take-home pay
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Single-Payment Loans
Loan collateral
Chattel mortgage
Collateral note
Loan maturity
Loan repayment
Prepayment penalty
Loan rollover
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Finance Charges and the APR
Simple Interest Method –
Calculated on outstanding balance
Discount Method - Interest (calculated on
principal) is subtracted from loan
amount and remainder goes to borrower
– Finance charges paid in advance
– APR will be higher than stated interest rate
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Simple Interest Method
FS = P x r x t
FS = finance charge using
simple interest method
P = principal loan amount
r = stated annual interest
t = term of loan
ExampleCalculate finance
charges and APR
on a $1000 loan for
2 years at 8%
interest rate
(Assume interest is the
only finance charge)
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Using the Simple Interest Method
Interest = Principal x Rate x Time
= $1000 x .08 x 2
Finance Charge = $160
• Receive full loan amount ($1000) but pay
back $1600 (loan amount + finance charge)
• Most consumer friendly method
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Simple Interest Method
Annual Percentage Rate =
Average annual finance charge
Average loan balance outstanding
APR = ($160 2)
= 8%
APR is same
as stated rate
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Discount Method
Interest = Principal x Rate x Time
= $1000 x .08 x 2
Finance Charges = $160
Calculate same as simple interest method but
subtract finance charges from loan amount
($1000 – $160)
Borrower receives $840 now, pays back $1000
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Discount Method
Annual Percentage Rate =
Average annual finance charge
Average loan balance outstanding
($160  2) =
($1000 – $160) = $840
= 9.52%
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Installment Loans
Repay debt in a series of equal payments
Payments includes principal and interest
Wide maturity range -- 6 months to 10 years or longer
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Calculating Finance Charges on
Installment Loans
Simple Interest
• Calculated on
balance each
Add-On Method
• Finance charges
calculated on
original loan
balance added to
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Calculating Finance Charges on
Installment Loans
Calculate the finance charges and APR
on a $1000 loan to be repaid in 12
monthly installments at an annual interest
rate of 8%
(Assume interest is the only finance charge)
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Calculating Finance Charges
on Installment Loans
Use Exhibit 7.4
(Table calculated
using $1000 loan)
Find payment for
12 months at 8%
(Set on 12 P/YR and
END mode)
1000 +/- PV
PM = $86.99
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Simple Interest Method
Simple interest calculated on outstanding loan
balance each period
Each payment decreases outstanding loan
Subsequent payments incur a lower finance
charge -- More of next payment goes towards
repaying principal
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Simple Interest Method
Total amount paid over 12 months
$86.99 x 12
= $1,043.88
Loan amount = – 1,000.00
Interest paid
= $
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Add-On Method
• Calculate finance charges on the original
loan amount
$1000 x .08 x 1 = $80
• Add these charges to principal
$80 + $1000 = $1,080
• Divide this amount by the number of periods
to arrive at payment
$1,080  12 = $90.00
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Add-On Method
• Use financial
calculator to
figure APR for
the Add-On
Method using
payment just
determined and
solve for interest
Set on 12 P/YR
and END mode:
1000 +/- PV
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Other Loan Considerations
Prepayment penalties
Rule of 78s = sum-ofthe-digits method
Buy on time or pay cash?
May be better to pay
cash — If you have it
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Comparative Finance Charges
and APRs ($1000, 8%, 12 mo)
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